The Anti-Pumpkin Patch Idea Guide & Fabulous Give-Away!

Sometimes I wonder if it seems to others like my children are being raised by wolves. Why do I wonder this, you ask? Well, it’s hard not too when the subject of the etiquette teas with the famous Mrs. B come up randomly in conversations with other mothers, without prompting them, and with a variety of women. The truth is, however, that I’ve always heard such great things about Mrs. B’s teas that I’ve been meaning to try one out, regardless of my kids’ need for cotillion prep, or not.  So imagine my surprise and delight when I heard from the elegant Grille at Morrison House in Alexandria that they are continuting their monthly Saturday children’s teas and the next three are fall/winter themes featuring Mrs B.

Enjoying Tea with Mrs. B. Photo Credit: Beth Blinstrub Photography

How does this fit into the Anti-Pumpkin Patch Idea Guide, you wonder, and where’s the give-away, you greedily ask? The first tea, this Saturday October 15, is Halloween themed and you’ll have to read all the way to the end to learn about the fabulous give-away chance. Here are the details about the teas, which I haven’t yet had a chance to try, but between the yummy food, fabulous chance for kids to dress up in theme (I am a sucker for a good theme) and the creative activities and story-time, I will definitely make the rare beltway trek from Silver Spring to Alexandria to enjoy this with my girls!

What:  The Grille at Morrison House’s popular Story Time Tea program will continue this fall with a new and exciting addition, Rebecca Czarniecki, better known as Mrs. B.  Mrs. B has taught and offered guidance to children in everyday etiquette and manners since 2006, incorporating these lessons into fun activities and tea time celebrations. Mrs. B has planned the next three months of Story Time Tea to feature educational themes composed of activities, dress-up, and books along with underlying etiquette lessons. While Story Time Tea with Mrs. B takes place once a month, The Grille also offers Royal Tea ($44), Traditional Tea ($38), and Children’s Tea ($28) each Saturday from 2 p.m. – 5 p.m.  See below for further details on upcoming Story Time Teas, which are tied to seasonal themes throughout the fall:
October 15:  “Spooky” Tea (WM Sidebar: anti-pumpkin patch idea here)
o   Dress-up: Black and orange, spider webs or come in your own costume
o   Reading: “On a Windy Night” by Nancy Raines Day

November 19: “Giving Thanks” Tea (WM sidebar: chance to brush up on your kids’ etiquette before the family meal-event of the year)
o   Dress-up: Antique aprons
o   Reading: “Thanks for Thanksgiving” by Julie Marks

December 17:  “A Very Merry Christmas Tea” (WM sidebar: we will be sick of visiting with Santa by this date)
o   Dress-up: Furs and shawls
o   Reading: “A Very Marley Christmas” by John Grogan
Kids are invited to dress-up in the suggested attire and Mrs. B will provide additional props and all activity materials (WM sidebar: they had me at dress-up mixed with food).
The culinary team at The Grille creates grown-up tea fare to include: House-Made Scones and Biscuits with Devonshire Cream and Jams, Cucumber and Tomato on Brioche with Chive Cream Cheese, Curried Chicken Salad on Wheat Bread, Smoked Salmon with Chive Créme Fraîche on Marble Rye, Crab Salad Profiteroles, Silver Tray Sweet Display, Mighty Leaf Organic and Herbal Teas.           
The Children’s Tea includes a Pot of Hot Chocolate, Ham & Cheese, Peanut Butter & Jelly and Egg Salad Sandwiches, Scones and Biscuits with Jams, and a Sweets Plate.
For the weekly Saturday Tea, guests have the option of the Royal Tea ($44) which includes a Morrison House Champagne Cocktail, House-Made Scones and Biscuits with Devonshire Cream and Jams, Cucumber and Tomato on Brioche with Chive Cream Cheese, Curried Chicken Salad on Wheat Bread, Smoked Salmon with Chive Créme Fraîche on Marble Rye, Crab Salad Profiteroles, Silver Tray Sweet Display, Mighty Leaf Organic and Herbal Teas; Traditional Tea ($38) House Made Scones and Biscuits with Devonshire Cream and Jams          
Cucumber and Tomato on Brioche with Chive Cream Cheese, Curried Chicken Salad on Wheat Bread, Smoked Salmon with Chive Créme Fraîche on Marble Rye, Silver Tray Sweet Display, Mighty Leaf Organic and Herbal Teas and the Children’s Tea, for which the menu is the same.
When: Story Time Tea typically takes place on the third Saturday of every month at 2:00 p.m.
The schedule for the tea is as follows:
·         2:00 p.m.-2:30 p.m.: Dress up/tea table craft
·         2:30 p.m.-2:40 p.m.: Book reading
·         2:40 p.m.-3:00 p.m.: Craft (20 minutes)
·         3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.: Tea time
Reservation Details: Reservations are required. The cost for the tea is $38 for adults and $28 for children. To book, guests can call 703-838-8000 or email
Where: 116 S. Alfred Street, Alexandria, VA 22314. TEL: 703-838-8000 or

Give-Away Alert: So about that give-away, all you greedy friends want to know….the Grille at Morrison House is generously offering free admission to one adult and one child to one of the upcoming 3 teas. They realize that we all have really busy schedules, especially this time of year, so the winner can pick which of the three dates works best for his/her schedule. In the event that someone wants to go to this Saturday’s Halloween themed tea (and I applaud you for avoiding pumpkin patches if you do), then you better hurry up and enroll in this give-away immediately because I will announce the winner on Wednesday Oct 12. How do you win? Just “Like” the ever-riveting and always-ground-breaking Wired Momma FB page or subscribe to my RSS feed and then send me an email at And stay tuned on Wednesday for the announcement of the winner of the give-away.

Distracted Driving: Hypocrisy Anyone?

Think about the first ice or snow storm we will get here this winter. What is the inevitable conversation that happens, beyond mocking all the school systems for closing for the day before a drop of snow even falls from the sky? You got it, we mock this town for all the “people who can’t drive in the snow.” We love to laugh about those buffoons. We talk about  how we grew up in Minneapolis or Buffalo and a real storm isn’t until you’ve gotten over a foot and we are such pansies around here. We all do this. But see, if we all mock these people, then some of us must also BE these people that we are mocking, otherwise we wouldn’t have such traffic disasters each and every time it snows. (Need I remind you of the day last winter where it took many people, my husband included, something like 6 hours to get home?).  So look, I will be the first to admit that much as I love to mock, I am totally one of those PEOPLE WE MOCK. I’ve officially never really driven in bad snowy weather, I never owned a car in my life until I was 30 years old and we moved away from our apartment on Connecticut Avenue and well, it only snows a few times a year here (usually), so I just rely on 4WD while happily tossing my head back in uproarious laughter with everyone as we mercilessly mock “those people who can’t drive in the snow.”

Hypocritical much?

I think the same can be said for texting and driving. Ashley Halsey III of The Washington Post ran a story on Wednesday about how 35% of drivers said they’ve read or sent a text while driving in the past month and 67% said they talked on the phone while driving in the past month.  Interestingly, a deeper review of the survey data reveals that the majority of people believe OTHERS are more dangerous when they text and drive or chat and drive, than they are and so they overwhelmingly support laws against texting and driving. My state of Maryland just this weekend enacted the law banning texting and driving – we can now get ticketed as a primary offense for this behavior.

Back to the hypocrisy:  First of all, I don’t believe that only 35% of drivers have read or sent a text while driving (does this include stopped at a red light) because look around the Beltway or any major road in DC and I see it happening every time I drive. But more to the point, we are a culture of totally agreeing with the socially responsible answer when polled but we are quick to say everyone else should do it. Just like we mock “Washingtonians” for being terrible drivers in one inch of snow…are we a nation of hypocrites? It can’t just be symptomatic of people living in DC.

Here’s why we as parents should care DEEPLY about this issue of texting and driving – because our teens are doing it and our teens are dying. According to Allstate and The Hill, from an event they hosted last week on this important issue, more than 4,000 teens are dying on our roads and highways every year. Accidents on the road are the number one cause of teenage deaths. And 4,000 teens losing their lives equates to 155 lost lives a week. Why aren’t we calling this a crisis? Why aren’t our networks spending more time on such important issues like this, instead of the guilt or innocence of Casey Anthony or Amanda Knox?

This about sums it friend shot this outside a Church on 16th St

Part of the impetus for The Hill and Allstate’s event last week was to support new legislation in the Senate that will require graduated licensing laws (GDL) for teens. Provisions of the Safe Teen and Novice Driver Uniform Protection (STANDUP) Act were recently added to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Reauthorization bill in the Senate. The STANDUP Act requires minimum standards of graduated driver licensing (GDL) laws. According to Allstate, state and national evaluations of GDL programs have found crash reductions for 16- and 17-year-old drivers in the 20 percent to 40 percent range. I think if you were to ask a parent who is mourning the loss of their child from a car crash, they would support a law that would reduce crashes by even one percent.

So, why does this matter if you don’t have a child old enough to drive? I think it matters to people whose children are too young to drive because the little ones are watching and learning and repeating what we do. I regularly am surprised by what my girls, who are 3 and 6, pick up from me when it was something I’d said or done days or even weeks prior to that date. Clearly our kids are watching and noticing when we chat on our cellphones and drive or when we check our emails at red lights or respond to one quickly. And in the vein of not mocking people and then being guilty, I will admit, I do that. I tell myself it’s okay if I’m stopped at a red light. But it’s not okay because do I really think my girls are going to make that distinction when they are teens learning to drive? Do I really want to be guilty of do as I say, not as I do, when it comes to their safety? Not to mention, I take the time to purchase the safest car seat, learn how to install it properly and load them into their car seats for every trip, so why would I risk their safety by being a distracted driver?

Again, hypocritical, anyone?

I absolutely love  the idea another blogger, Meghan Leahy, proposed recently on this very same issue: she suggests we make it a family pledge to not check email, respond to email or talk on the phone in the car.  Here’s why I love this idea – because if my kids are holding me to it and they know the rules – then I am going to hold myself to it. Look, I know it was one of Oprah’s big missions last year but I don’t answer to Oprah. Continuing my confessional theme today, even the new law isn’t as likely to change my behavior as my word to my kids and their ability to call out  my infraction. And seeing as how I seem to be inadvertently raising two snitches, they will GLADLY call it to my attention.

What do you think? Care to join me in the family pledge? Finally, you can get involved by visiting for information and resources on contacting  lawmakers, inviting family and friends to take action, and lending your voice to this vital movement. Even a few minutes on that Facebook page will send goosebumps up your body because the words from parents who have lost a teenager are chilling and sobering. I really am certain that no email or phone call is worth it.  At least none that I am receiving are….

To follow along the never-ending fun and hotly debated topics on Wired Momma, “like” the Wired Momma FB page and follow me on Twitter @Wired_Momma

Gifts Galore

We seem to be approaching that time of year in my world and I’m not just talking Christmas. Both my girls are November birthdays and because they are tracked specifically by seasonal birthdays in the early years at their preschool, it seems with the fall come endless weekends of birthday parties. The inevitable question of – what do I get Child X for their birthday arises – and I struggle. Surely I can’t be alone – it’s often especially difficult to pick out gifts for kids who are a different gender or age than your own. The other thing I struggle with is how much to spend – is it really  necessary to spend more than $10 or $15 for another kid’s birthday gift – but you don’t want to show up with a flimsy looking cheap gift.  And if you live anywhere near one of those discount stores, like Tuesday Morning, you run the risk of being one of 4 people who show up to the party with the same $4.99 game that looks like it cost more money.  Right?

 So, again, today, I bring you another sweet deal idea from Plum District DC because well, I couldn’t resist. This week’s deal  is from a site I hadn’t previously heard of, Creative Kidstuff, and by spending $15, you get a coupon worth $30 for the site. As with any of these deals, I always hop onto the vendor’s web site first to poke around, see what they offer and if any of it will appeal to my kids or their friends. After checking out the Creative Kidstuff site, I knew this deal was gold – I could either score a fantastic bday party gift reserved for one of my kids’ super close friends, for $15 or I can purchase something for one of the girls for their birthdays. The SmartMax Magnetic Discovery Building Set specifically caught my eye because normally I wouldn’t spend $60 on it, but if I could essentially get it for $30, then I feel like that is a real deal for a smart, educational and fun looking toy that will appeal to both kids.

If you are on the hunt for a great bargain for any occasion for boys and girls alike, then I’d swoop up this deal from Plum – and hurry up – it expires in one more day.

Disclosure: Through my partnership with Plum District DC, they gifted this deal to me – but you  know me – I wouldn’t be telling you about it if I didn’t think it was awesome. My thoughts here are my own.

The Buck Naked Roaming Ninja

Can someone please add “Buck Naked Roaming Ninja Child” to the list of things no one warns you about before you have mobile children? Cause right now, that one is going to top the list in my house, winning the prize as most unexpected…and most hilarious…and also most annoying. This label didn’t just emerge over night, however, so let’s start at the beginning.

My youngest has devoted herself to defying the odds and surprising me with her physical stunts from a very early age. She started walking just after her 10 month birthday and within days, opted for scaling fences. Fast forward to stronger motor skills in the 2s and why wait for mommy to score a snack, why not just quickly scale the counter top when mommy walks away?

Sure…help yourself, kid

So eventually it became ridiculous that we were still imprisoning her in a crib, which she obviously would just climb out of wheneve she wanted too, and we moved her into a regular bed about 6 weeks ago. Everything was fine at first. Then maybe the total freedom and liberation that comes with a bed finally registered in her little ninja brain but she’s adopted some unsavory habits. Her morning wake time has shifted backwards, much to my chagrin, to more like a 5:20am-ish timeframe. My oldest woke at that time for years – like probably well over 4 years – and even now we have to strong arm her into staying in her room until 6:30am. She can often be found in our room asking why it’s “taking so long to get to 6:30” as we unpeel each eyelid and wonder who we tortured in a past life.

Since the early-wake times have started with the youngest, our days can begin in one of two ways: Jarring and Punishment or Creepy and Stalker. With Jarring and Punishment she deploys this technique: With her ninja like skills she creeps down the stairs unheard despite the old hardwood floors, flips on the overhead light, loudly declares “WAKE UP  NOW” and then starts  yanking our covers off the bed.

It’s so pleasant.

When opting for Creepy and Stalker technique, again her stealth ability to soundlessly navigate through the house, gives me no warning as I emerge from the bathroom ready to head to the gym, only to discover a shadowy creature lurking in the doorframe of my bedroom, making no sound, as if she is stalking her prey. Let me tell you, before coffee and fresh air, even a petite 3 foot creature unexpectedly waiting for you in shadows can scare the crap out of you.

Eventually, beaten down and exhausted, I resorted to purchasing one of these “Tot Clocks” based on the recommendations from some friends and WM readers on the super awesome, totally amazing if you are missing it, Wired Momma Facebook page. By the time I purchased the Tot Clock, money was no object. I was willing to pay anything if it could stop the madness. Tot Clock arrived on Friday and we activated it before bedtime, mercilessly repeating to her that if she wakes and sees the bunny still sleeping, it means she needs to go back to sleep, and we optimistically set it for 6:30am before the bunny could switch over to awake time. True, it has been only 4 days, so it is too soon for me to declare #failure because the sleeping bunny in no way is luring her back to sleep yet. But a change has occured.

Dear bunny...can you try a little harder to get her back to sleep?

Instead of employing one of her cruel techniques to immediately wake us up once she’s awake, she instead roams the house like a night stalker. Usually buck naked. Often in search for her beloved and filthy pirate shirt that’s been worn for 4-5 consecutive days. One morning we found her quietly sitting in the living room reading Halloween books. It’s anyone’s guess how long she’d been sitting there.

Could any of us have imagined how strange children are before we had them? Anyone care to bet whether my little ninja returns to sleeping to at least 6:30AM before thorn-in-my-side-why-do-we-still-have-to-do-this DAYLIGHT SAVINGS arrives?