Babble’s Parenting Brags: What They Missed

Recently, I stumbled on a pretty hilarious post on Babble – they created the top 10 list of online parenting brags that basically incite rage in all of us. I felt like they hit on some of the most egregious offenses but not all of them. Am I alone – have you ever logged onto Facebook and seen what someone has posted about their kid or parenting and found yourself about ready to hurl electronics or dishes, at the wall?

Maybe I have issues. But sometimes, get me when I am cranky and sleep deprived enough, say just the wrong thing – and forget it – all bets are off. I don’t think the offenders are just on Facebook, I’ve seen it also on mom forums or listservs. So, here are WM’s very own list of parenting brags that I think Babble totally missed:

yeah..just like my house...i always have to wake my kids...

1. Why can’t my kids ever sleep until 8AM?

Ummm..really….THAT is what you are complaining about? Cause I’ve been trying to get my 3-year-old to sleep past 4:30am since September 1. When parents complain about how long their kid sleeps…hopefully they realize that if their kid gets to 6am, then that is a miracle and there’s nothing to complain about. EVER. Right? Am I alone here?

2. I can’t believe it, she just totally potty trained herself!

Uh huh.

3. I lost weight in the first half of my pregnancy.


4. I’m giving away all my maternity clothes, they’re all extra-small.

Vomit again.

5. I just couldn’t keep the weight on when I was nursing him. It was so hard.

Really? It was so hard to be super skinny weeks after giving birth? #firstworldobnoxiousproblem

6. I couldn’t believe Frannie wouldn’t eat the salmon I made for dinner! I was so surprised!

Yep..all smiles at my dinner table as they eagerly eat whatever I make

Why don’t you come over. Some days my children look at me like a plate of pasta is a dish of boiled brains I’ve just whipped up.

7. I’d like to think my attentive parenting is the reason Annie never throws a tantrum.

Sure. Of course it is.

8.  Little Sarah is just so advanced. Of course, we read to her every night, play puzzles and never let her watch TV.

Right. Good for you. I use the TV as a co-parent when my husband travels.

What did I miss friends? I mean – parents complaining about children waking “too early” really tops my list.  On Thursday, I will be giving thanks if my kids let me sleep past 5:30AM and will eat a few things on the Thanksgiving table without complaining about it. You?

For more fun and frolic, don’t forget to “Like” the Wired Momma Facebook Page!

‘Twas the Night Before Christmas: Adventure Theatre’s Modern Twist

Sitting down, waiting in anticipation, for Adventure Theatre’s production of Ken Ludwig’s ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas, in my wildest imagination, I never would have anticipated the surprising modern twist on this classic poem. Adventure Theatre productions have yet to disappoint me or my kids, each one is top-notch and creative in its own way, but ‘Twas the  Night Before Christmas is easily my favorite one yet. Following in a close second, in my book, is their version of Go Dog Go! from a few years ago.

Hurry up and purchase your tickets before it sells out!

The play opens how you expect, the stage designed as a living room on Christmas Eve, with trustworthy Uncle Brierly starting the opening lines of the poem (and imagine our surprise, Uncle Brierly is played by Gary Sloan, a neighbor of ours; my girls stalk his dogs). With the entrance of young Emily and Amos the mouse, you know the kids are enraptured and excited to see what surprises are in store – but never would I have guessed a visit from the Elf-B-I, let alone a few Christmas raps and a Jewish elf named Calliope. The creativity, imagination and humor that went into writing this play is top-notch and appeals to the children and the parents in the audience, much like a Pixar movie.

It’s hard for me to say too much without giving it away because this is anything but a staid reproduction of this classic Christmas poem. But how can I not mention the fallen elf’s sword fight with Amos the mouse’s twin brother? Right? I mean – aren’t you intrigued? It’s hilarious. And unexpected. And the set design of Santa’s workshop in the North Pole leaves no detail behind; the shelves are glittery and the toys are brightly colored, plentiful and look beautiful in contrast to his white workshop.

Beyond the creative script-writing that modernizes this tale is the brilliant work of the five actors who keep everyone’s attention for the 60-minute production (including my typically wiggly 3-year-old). First, I’ve always loved the way Adventure Theatre costume designers dress the actors who are performing as animals in their productions. I would think it’s easy to go overboard when dressing someone to be a sheep, a spider or in this case, a mouse. Yet each time their costumes are simple and minimal yet the actor is accessorized just enough (in this case mouse ears, a hat and a tail) for the kids and adults to fall into the story and find Rex Daugherty entirely believable as Amos the adventure-averse mouse.

Despite his reservations, Amos and his best friend Emily, played by Emily Levey, head off on quite an adventure with Calliope, one of Santa’s five Jewish elves, played by Rachel Zampelli. Their trip to the North Pole becomes a mission to thwart Sir Guy, the fallen elf whose costume resembles Robin Hood meets a sword-fight loving Musketeer, from stealing Santa’s toy list and selling it to Bloomie’s. Sir Guy’s hilarious and totally dense side kick, Multch, is played by Alex Perez, who is also Santa.

This hour-long production delivers exciting chase scenes, a Mouse-Elf sword fight, singing, rapping and plenty of physical comedy, along with an exceptionally written script. Topping everyone’s Christmas list this year should be a trip to  Adventure Theatre for this play! After the production, my girls happily met the actors in the show and took pictures. It was a real treat!

The show runs through January 2 and I understand tickets in December are already selling out quickly. They advise it is age appropriate for kids 4 and up but I will say my 3-year-old was totally enthralled the entire time. Tickets are $18 each.

Disclosure: The Adventure Theatre gifted these tickets to me. My opinions here are all my own.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…so dress the part!

Like it or not, the holidays are officially here. Frankly I can hardly believe Thanksgiving is a week away. What better time, than now – to get some tips on great holiday looks from my newest advertiser and local women’s boutique owner, Susan Gerock of Zoe Boutique in Alexandria. Last week we chatted on the phone and she offered up some fabulous tips on how to plan for holiday outfits, what colors are hot now and which designer jeans to splurge on.

When Susan approached me about placing an ad on my site – I was delighted because all my avid fans know that I absolutely love supporting locally owned female businesses around the beltway, like Zoe Boutique – but it was also my quick research on her and her story that appealed to me. I think many of us face career changes at some point in adult hood, sometimes because of children and sometimes because we need too. Susan worked in IT for  most of her career and it was at the urging of her husband that she eventually came to open Zoe Boutique. Realizing she didn’t want to face another 10-15 years in the IT field, with the voice of her husband reminding her she loves fashion, people and business echoing through her head, she finally took the plunge and opened her doors in April 2011.

Like other business owners I’ve interviewed for WM, however, Susan didn’t just jump in uniformed. She took the approach of interviewing boutique owners she’s admired, both for how they’ve decorated their stores and how they’ve selected their clothing – and she deliberately focused on boutique owners outside the beltway area.  She resigned in the spring of 2010 and a year later, opened her doors to Zoe.

Over the last 6 months, Susan has discovered one of the most satisfying parts of owning your own clothing boutique is the thrill of repeat customers, the ones who circle back after selecting a fabulous dress for a wedding and come back to tell her about it.  She also really enjoys chatting with her customers and helping them assess their needs and how best to find the right piece they are looking for.  I’m sure most of us saw Thursday’s Washington Post Style section piece on Ann  Taylor, the rarely challenged uniform of working women in Washington. From talking with Susan, I’ve learned she’s opened a boutique for women who want unique pieces, pieces that are going to garner the attention of others rather than the standard office look for DC. I think we can all agree we need more of this in DC.

As we talked, the subject of jeans came up, which, though a staple in everyone’s wardrobe, are a chronic challenge for me. I hover between not wanting to drop $200 on jeans but recognize they are a staple of casual and evening wear and having the right pair that compliments the figure is essential to style today. Susan tipped me off to a brand I haven’t yet heard of, and that she carries in her store, Red Engine. She said they “fit like a dream.” I was sold already. She owned a pair before she opened her store and knew she had to carry them because they flatter women who have hips and they don’t gape; she, like the rest of us, “can’t stand the gaping.”

Which inevitably is what stops me from spending $200 on jeans. No one needs to see my exposed rear – and I hardly want to drop $200 just so I can reveal it every time I sit or bend. She says she sells several pairs of Red Engine jeans a week, and they retail for $160-$170. The other popular line of jeans she sells is called Mother, which is a collaboration of Citizen and Seven. She labeled these the “cashmere of jeans” and noted these are better for slimmer women, retailing about $200.

Fabulous lace dress

Now, moving on to holiday outfits, we talked about trends and colors. Susan noted she is seeing “a lot of lace” – which I think we all can attest too – but what Susan aims to do is help her customers select pieces that they can use for more than one season, which I totally appreciate about her. Inevitably I splurge on something for a holiday party, justify it by telling myself I’ll wear it for subsequent holiday seasons and consistently fail to do that because by the next season, I’ve fallen in love with another trend or another color. So purchasing a piece that can be incorporated into outfits throughout the year, not just the holidays, really is so smart. Susan said most of the holiday tops she’s offering have pretty lace overlays, so they can work well under a jacket at work or in the evening with a cropped cardigan.

Susan also shared a tip – she said she and her friends shop each other’s closets. I love this idea. They trade holiday outfits – what  a fun recession proof tip and excuse to get together!

As for hot colors, she’s seeing a lot of jewel tones, which really do compliment everyone. Right now she’s especially fond of some Rebecca Taylor tops in beautiful  jewel tones and lace that “look good on almost everyone.” I want one!!!

So – about promoting our local small-owned businesses, Susan let me know that on Black Friday there is free parking throughout Old Town all day – which anyone who goes to Old Town realizes is a real perk – and most stores are opening at 6am. In Zoe Boutique, Susan is offering discounts all day: 30% off from 6-8am, 20% off from 8-10am and 10% off the rest of the day.  Here’s a link to more information on what other Alexandria boutiques are offering that day. Also, the shop owners in Alexandria are all starting to decorate their windows for Christmas and Old Town holds a contest for people to vote on their favorite windows…so just taking a casual stroll through the streets sounds like a lot of fun for everyone!

Additionally, Small Business Saturday is November 26. If you haven’t heard of it, American Express started this program last year and really saw an uptick in charges on AmEx cards that day. If you register your card at Shop Small Business Saturday and spend $25 in a small business, you get a $25 credit on your statement back from AmEx. Zoe Boutique like many other small shops in our area, is a participator in this program.

Two more things about the fabulous Zoe Boutique: On Friday December 10, Susan is hosting an ADMK Jewelry Trunk Show from 1-5pm. Beginning today, November 18, Susan is supporting  local food bank, ALIVE!  and a program called Donations for Discounts. For each canned food item that someone brings in,  she will offer 1% off any regularly priced item that day (up to 30 items).  Bring in 10 cans of food, get 10% off!  This promotion begins today and runs through January 6, 2012.  If you’re anything like me, you will talk yourself into purchasing a super fab holiday party top by justifying how you’re donating to a great cause and scoring a discount at the same time….and in the interest of full disclosure, somehow fabulous items for myself tend to land in my shopping basket when I’m out doing Christmas shopping for my family….

Thank you to Susan for giving us some great shopping scoops – happy holiday party dressing everyone!

Growing up Girl: Societal Pressure, Messages & Parents

This week, MomsRising started a campaign against Gymboree’s new onesies bragging about baby being smart thanks to daddy…without any similar onesies noting baby’s smarts from mommy. MomsRising rightfully questions the harm of these kinds of negative gender stereotypes and starting them so young in life. Conicidentally, this week, my piece posted on HuffPost DC is about raising girls and the role of culture, friends, and parents in influencing how our girls come to understand their place in the world. I was horrified by the things I found in my research for this week’s piece: did you know parents buy thong underwear for 9-year-olds? Or that 4-year-olds think  they are fat?

What the?

Great that Barbie is a doctor but why is she dressed like a slut?

How the?

I hope you’ll read my piece…and share..or comment…or like on Facebook…or just read….oh…and in case you are wondering what my conclusion is: I think parents are insane if they buy their little girls thongs. And also, this all started because my 6-year-old one day informed me only boys are funny, not girls….and a few days later informed me only boys have muscles, not girls.
