Santa, Sleighs, Reindeer, Frosty…DC Holiday Activities with the Kids

Festivus for the rest of us...

Honestly, I find it overwhelming to parse through all the activities to do with the kids this time of year. And true, you know I had that tortured love-hate relationship with pumpkin patches – so you better believe the same can be said for my feelings towards Christmas sanctioned events. The crowds, the lines, the tears in line waiting to see Santa – it can all be too much for even the most Christmas-obsessed among us (which on some days, I might be, minus the Christmas sweater). So, if you are feeling overwhelmed, then I suggest you turn to the amazing resources and work of some of my favorite area bloggers who do everyone else’s homework for them.

Probably best to leave this particular one at home

For the  can’t- miss anything – comprehensive list of what is happening around the beltway, don’t miss this amazing list compiled by Our-Kids. For keeping up-to-date on what’s happening in Northern Virginia specifically, then head on over to the lovely SuperNOVAMommy – I particularly like her list of ideas for indoor activities as these cold days creep up on us and stick around. And for what’s happening in Montgomery County, check out A Parent in Silver Spring’s fabulous ideas.

And then remember the pumpkin patch fight club rules – they apply across all holidays and major event activities- the pitfalls of all parents when we are eager to celebrate the joy of a new season or holiday event:

Fantasy vs. Reality:  you will get there and realize it was a good idea on paper

Staging the Photo-Op vs. Losing Your Mind: the children won’t cooperate and look at the camera at the same time or smile at the same time, so just pack your patience

Hungry Like A Wolf: Do you starve your child?  Inevitably they will need snacks and act like you haven’t fed them in weeks, so pack accordingly.

And with that, enjoy these amazing lists and ideas compiled by the lovely area bloggers! Happy Festivus!

For more holiday cheer and jeer and snark….be sure to “Like” Wired Momma on Facebook! The fun  never stops on there….

Twitterizing the News, Secrets & Brattle

I don’t  know about you but I am in love with this new page that’s appeared recently in the Sunday NYT Magazine…in the first few pages of the magazine. I think of it as the Twitterizing of the News of the week.  They crammed over a dozen snippets of news onto one page along with some excellent visual aides and in one page, I can learn a little bit about a lot. It’s like Twitter for a fancy news magazine. Sure, some wonky types might object to the Twitterization of the news but for a gal like me, who tends to fall asleep about 1.786 pages into anything, no matter how riveting the topic, it’s perfect.

So as I was perusing Sunday’s magazine last night, before falling asleep, I stumbled upon two news blurbs on this page that I LOVED. Frankly,  if the exhaustion from a 3-year-old who balks at sleeping past 4am weren’t crushing down on my brilliant mind and totally telegenic night-time face, I would  have rushed to the computer to update you all immediately on this important news.

Secrets don't make friends...unless your nails look this amazing when telling them

First up, in case you didn’t know this, us women LOVE to tell secrets.

Who moi? she asks innocently…..

C’est vrai.

I’m going to venture to guess that really anyone who blogs pretty much sucks at keeping a secret. But it’s not just bloggers. According to a survey of 3,000 women on the average time of betrayal before sharing someone’s closely guarded and important secret – you tell me what it is. Is the average skin care betrayal time (I am taking this from the NYT Magazine):

a. Never

b. 32 years

c. 32 minutes

Come on smarty-pants loud mouths…..this is way easier than the SATs…..we all know the answer is…drumroll….C. Isn’t it ALWAYS C?

Frankly, I wondered why 32 seconds isn’t on there because that might be about right depending on just how juicy the gossip  secret is. Bottom line, the amount of time Dora pauses after asking which path to take is too much time wasted before blabbing a secret in most people’s books.

Don’t you love it? Isn’t the NYT Twitterization of news just grand?

Next up, I learned a new word: BRATTLE. It is a verb. I am guilty of “Brattling” all the damn time. To Brattle is to “discuss one’s children, often at length. So as you head into the hectic holiday cocktail party season, I suppose we’re all supposed to check our Brattling at the door and stick with just looking super fly in our cocktail outfits? Other new suggested words: spamily – Facebook or Twitter updates about kids – ahem – also guilty. And finally, spawntourage: a group of approaching strollers.

Typically I struggle with tone but even I can guess that others don’t view a “spawntourage” lovingly.

I suppose I don’t care but I am bratty enough to love these new totally anti-parents words.

Go off and brattle, spew your spamily but just don’t do it while power walking with your spawntourage. Instead, be sure to tell your spawntourage all those cool secrets you just learned and vowed you’d take to the grave……

Kids Birthday Party: Bear Bus Style

Regarding kids birthday parties, I’ve made the following statements in the past:
  • You can only invite as many friends as you are old – and that’s it
  • I am keeping it really small this year
  • There will be no goodie bags
  • We aren’t going overboard

I would say these things meanwhile, come the day of the “small” party, somehow two dozen small children and an entire petting zoo found its way to my front yard:

Does a guinea pig dressed in a cowboy hat signal small party?

So this year, I wasn’t going overboard. And I meant it. I struggled with the guest list. I struggled the entire time. Down to the day of the party, guilt pains still ricocheted through my body for not inviting siblings of friends we are particularly close with, neighborhood kids we played with all summer long or whose parties we’ve attended in the past. But I had to draw the line. It seemed perfectly reasonable for 12 kids to attend the party, including my two girls whose birthdays we were celebrating. I couldn’t waver. And this year, I was taking the advice of experts and keeping the party to 90 minutes and not feeding the kids a meal. A few games and birthday cake were good enough when I was a kid, why did I need to do more than that, I reasoned.

But, I am a sucker for entertainment (as if the cowboy guinea pig didn’t give that one away). And when I was researching the top area birthday party vendors for my piece in Washingtonian Magazine’s “Best of Washington” July issue, I found The Bear Bus through word-of-mouth. After interviewing Kelly, who owns and operates the beltway-area franchise of The Bear Bus, I booked her back in July for the November party.

What is a Bear Bus, you might be wondering? It’s kid-heaven on wheels is the short answer. But the longer answer is this: think Build-A-Bear workshop on wheels. Kelly has converted a small school bus into a bear workshop. She pulls up in front of your house and for about 45-minutes, the kids board the heated bus, to choose their animal, stuff it, name it and dress it. Interestingly, I don’t think one kid picked a bear – a unicorn, a pink kitty, penguin and poodles were the top choices for this crowd. Except for my 3-year-old daughter, who picked a green dragon. My mom also noted that each kid came away with a totally different looking stuffed animal – even if they picked the same pink poodle – they all picked entirely different outfits. It was remarkable. And really sweet, actually.

Hanging out inside the Bear Bus...waiting to stuff their new friends

The Bear Bus is equally as appealing to little girls as it is boys because of the variety of animal choices and outfits. My nephew happily stuffed his penguin and then dressed him as a fire fighter. Kelly also said that slumber parties are a popular party theme she books. The teens will pile out of the house and onto the bus to stuff their animal of choice, to then have for the night. What a fantastic idea!

Not only did my kids love having the chance to pick and stuff their own animals, me and the adults loved having the kids entertained on the bus (versus inside my house), so we could hang out, enjoy each other’s company, and even sip some coffee. One dad wondered if the bus could just drive away with them for a while…I sort of loved that thought.

After helping each child individually stuff their own animal, Kelly gathers them around in a circle, they name their new friends and are given a name tag. It was such a sweet and personal experience for each kid and their happy smiles told the story as they exited the bus and headed for…my front door…

But with my 90 minute party half consumed by the Bear Bus, there was little time left but for a game of Pin the Tail on the Donkey, some song and cake. It only took me six years but I’ve finally successfully cracked the secret to hosting a low stress and totally enjoyable kids birthday party – one that didn’t break the bank and that I could soak in and enjoy. And for the record – the goodie bags were the stuffed animals – so I really wasn’t full of hot air this year in my threats and bold statements.

Now that I’ve experienced it first-hand with my kids, I can say that Kelly’s Bear Bus is absolutely worthy of its inclusion in the Washingtonian “Best of Washington” issue last July. She charges $19.95 per animal/kid or $24.95 per kid/animal if they also choose an outfit for the stuffed friend. That’s it – no other overhead – and remember – she keeps them out of your house but parked out front. There was plenty of room for the 12 kids on the bus and for several adults (many of whom not-so-secretly also wanted to stuff a friend – the monkey led the charge in the adult favorite friend).

Kelly is based out of Northern Virginia but she travels all around the DC-area (I’m in Montgomery County) and she noted a new franchise is opening soon for families in Prince William County.  She was so personable and patient with each of the kids, who ranged in age from 3-to-7 at our party. I really can’t recommend this party theme enough. She does book up in advance, so I’d recommend calling her at least six weeks before the party to make sure you can book this fabulous treat for your kids!

Happy kids with their new stuffed animals..who doesn't want this parked in front of their house?

It’s a Tablet Holiday

“Mommy” whispered my 6-year-old in my ear last night at dinner, “I want an iPad for Christmas.-  A PINK ONE” her voice then rose above a whisper.

“Can you tell Santa?” she wistfully added.

All I want for Christmas is a Tablet....

Umm…no, I thought but decided I’d divert it to her dad so I could get back to the yummy Thanksgiving dinner left-overs I was way more interested in. I  mean, do we really need to think about our Christmas wish list when Thanksgiving dinner is still digesting?

As a matter of fact, YES, we do – and here’s why – because our friends at PlumDistrict DC are offering pretty much the most amazing discount on a 7” Tablet with Android OS. I dare you to find a better deal. The tablet retails for $399 and today’s deal is offered at $129, and then just today, Saturday, they are offering an additional 40% off a purchase (use the code Saturday40 when checking out on the PlumDistrict site – plug it into the “Promo” area – to receive this discount good ONLY TODAY). Okay, so maybe I am totally happy to oblige her Christmas wish this year because it could come at a price that I can stomach.

Because I’d already had tablets on the brain, not just drumstick legs, and because I’d wondered if I should pull the trigger on a tablet, or some variation of the iPad, to see how my girls use the technology, how they share it, and how they treat it, I really was eager to seize on this deal. I don’t know about you but I wasn’t willing to drop $600 on an educational tool only to watch my kids treat it like a game of tug-of-war or waste too much time on mindless apps instead of educational ones. Well now, I am prepared to find out, because it’s all about the benjamins, right? And in this case, this is a deal worth springing on. I hear they are going fast so if you, too, have tablet on the brain, I wouldn’t waste any time.

In the end, it seemed like a good reason to put the pause button on day 3 of Thanksgiving left-overs.

From the Plum site about this deal:

Tablet specs include: A/C adapter/charger, stylus, manual, and external RJ-45 USB hub for adding additional devices. Slim and Lightweight Black Mini Laptop Android 2.2 FLASH 10.1, WiFi and external 3G 7.2″ digital touch screen, 800X480 pixels 3.0 megapixel camera / webcam.

Bottom line: this is a Christmas gift that might be for a lucky little kid or a lucky spouse but also doubles as a gift for moi. It’s a win-win.

Disclosure: Through my partnership with PlumDistrict DC, they gifted me a $50 credit to use towards this deal today. The rest, I purchased myself. I can’t wait to receive it!