Daycare? Preschool? Does searching spiral you over the edge?

Nothing like a #PolarVortex closing school or what feels like almost weekly snow days to bring the stress and worry over child care to the forefront to most parent’s minds. Today seems like the perfect day, then, to share with you the inaugural guest post for WM in 2014, written by one of my favorite area bloggers, Laura Harders from Beltway Bargain Mom. There are a few things I particularly like about Laura’s post. First, it’s practical – Laura is sharing with us a service that almost every single one of us might need. Second, the service was founded and started by a local DC area mom. Those of you who read me regularly know that I particularly love supporting small locally owned female businesses. And finally, even if you don’t need these services, you might be inspired because this is also the story of a local area mom who saw a need, in part because she is a mom, had her “aha” moment and then seized it by starting a new business.

Read on friends and thank you Laura, for this invaluable information!


29 CLWhen it comes to your kids, you want the best. As a parent, it’s okay to be picky and want to research everything down to a “T”. Admit it. You’re the parent who always needs to know. You research the type of food your kids eat, the toys they play with, the activities and places you go. You read through all the online reviews of kid gear before you buy it. It’s in your nature — and really a part of your job description as a parent — to make sure your kids are safe, learning and thriving.

When local mom Evgeniya “Jen” Usmanova decided to return to work after having her second child, she embarked on the journey to find a quality day care provider. Jen and her husband Patrick Matos have two small girls and had a long list of criteria that the perfect-for-their-family childcare provider should have. And not just the standard requirements that all parents want, like a licensed caregiver, clean facility, safe, responsible and happy staff. But also more specific items that were important to them: Close proximity to their home or workplace, longer hours of operation due to the demands of their jobs, specific programs introducing foreign language and culture at a young age — crucial for their trilingual family, which speaks English, Russian and French — and so on. Jen ended up spending months researching, calling, compiling key info and personally vetting day care options here in the greater DC area. It was a lengthy and labor-intensive process, and she ended up visiting 16 different child care centers before deciding on one that was the best fit for her family.

Jen had her “aha” moment when talking with other parents about their journey of selecting a day care provider and preschool. She realized she wasn’t alone; researching and finding all the important information on day care and preschools is a painstaking process. There’s a lack of information online: few websites share tuition rates, hours of operation and specific information on program and curriculum. Parents feel the pressure of finding a nurturing and healthy environment for their child that meets their family’s unique needs and criteria, while juggling everything else in their normal, busy life. They need a resource to help organize and streamline the research process, which is honestly a daunting task for most moms and dads. Unless you’re a parent who loves spending hours scouring the internet, making calls and physically visiting numerous facilities… I’m guessing you have other ways you’d rather spend your time. And in this digital age, Jen was surprised that there wasn’t already a website that was catered toward parents searching specifically for day care and preschool options, which provided accurate and thorough information.

And so the idea for CareLuLu was born. Jen and Patrick teamed together with IT guru Gabriel Marques earlier this year to launch a web-based CareLuLu Logoplatform to help simplify the child care search for other parents. Those months of research and frustration in their own day care search, fueled their new company’s mission to create a solution for parents. currently covers the Washington, DC market with plans to expand in the near future. It is an innovative idea: a free online resource to help parents find the perfect day care or preschool for them. The site is perfect for parents returning to work after a new baby, as well as families new to the area seeking day care providers, parents looking to switch child care facilities, or really any parent looking for local, real-life reviews of preschools and day care providers. CareLuLu aims to help alleviate the stress and simplify the child care research/interview process, by doing all the research for you and collecting all the data, along with real-life reviews, into one user-friendly platform. You can find all the important information and compare services among local providers matching criteria that matters to you. Some of the 30+ unique search factors that can help narrow down your search include: tuition prices, distance from your home or workplace, hours of operation, languages spoken, amenities, programs offered, age groups, special needs, peanut-free facilities, tree-nut free facilities, part-time of full-time, meals included, transportation offered, extra curricular activities, and more. Plus, you can use CareLuLu’s convenient online booking tool to schedule a tour of your top day care facilities.

Considering the theme of Wired Momma for 2013 was the importance of “me time”, I’m thrilled to share a free, online resource that helps parents perform a customized search and cut down on the amount of time researching day care and preschool options. Here in the tech-savvy DC area, I have a feeling moms will love this new online tool.

It can be used for the treatment of open-angle glaucoma. However, it is prohibited for use in the patients suffering from closed-angle glaucoma.

Any site that makes life easier for moms and enables more “me time” is winning in my book!

To connect with CareLuLu and find or review a day care or preshool, join their growing community:






About the Author: Laura Harders is a part-time working mom of two who blogs at Beltway Bargain Mom. She enjoys sharing her family’s frugal adventures, free resources, and ways to save money while having fun here in our nation’s Capital.


2014: The Official WM Resolution Guide

Happy New Year dear readers! Those of you who have been loyal readers for a few years know that each year, I dedicate a central theme for the WM blog for that year. It’s the annual WM resolution. The first year’s theme was Moi Loves Moi. Taking a page out of moi’s hero’s playbook, Miss Piggy, we all spent less time disparaging and criticizing ourselves in our heads that year and instead focused on what was fabulous about ourselves.

Hopefully moi still loves moi, yes?

No one does Moi loves Moi better than Piggy

No one does Moi loves Moi better than Piggy

2013 brought a theme of moi-time. The hope or aspiration was to recognize that we each need moi time in order to remain sane and nice – not to mention we deserve moi-time – and hopefully we set out carving out some much-needed time for ourselves. Sometimes moi-time for moi came in the form of running an errand solo. It wasn’t all about bubble baths, spa time and vacation without children (dream the impossible dream!!).

With that, I bring you the new theme for 2014. Pray tell, how can we possibly improve ourselves any more, you are surely asking, after all, moi loves moi and moi spent a year giving herself moi-time…. Or rather, if you’re anything like me, you’re barely picking yourself up off the ground in a frazzled state of exhaustion, thanking the heavens that we don’t have another holiday season to contend with for another 12 months. Now that is a gift, isn’t it?

Seriously – what could be next in WM-land.
First hint, it’s always about ourselves – not the children.

Second hint, it’s always about confidence.

Final hint, it’s about owning things. In the abstract….meta…..not literally owning crap.

okay, okay, let’s give you one more hint…..does any of the below sound familiar:

“I’m so sorry it took me so long to email you back….but…..”

“I’m so sorry, I just don’t think we can make it to Junior’s party because we have 4,323 other activities booked at the exact same time.”

“Thanks for coming over for dinner, I’m so sorry I didn’t have time to make the pasta myself, I just had to stop at Trader Joe’s and get this”

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t have time to…”

“I’m so sorry I didn’t call you back yet…”

See her. She's why we all need Moi-Time

See her. She’s why we all need Moi-Time

Do you know her? Does she sound familiar to you?

That right there is the 2014 WM Theme. STOP with the “I’m sorry.”

Enough already.

Did your best friend walk in and find you in bed with her husband?

Okay, maybe you should apologize, though that won’t help.

Did you run over your neighbor’s cat?

You should apologize.

Did it take you 2 weeks to respond to your friend’s email?

Did you buy pre-made food at the grocery store instead of making it from scratch?

Did you cancel plans at the last-minute because your kid got horribly sick and kept you up the last 3 nights?

Quit with the apologies. No one thinks we’re all lounging around on beach chairs sipping Mai Tai’s in Miami.

Our girl Meryl in A Devil Wears Prada is the #SorryNotSorry inspiration. That's a woman who doesn't apologize for nonsense. Photo Credit:

Our girl Meryl in A Devil Wears Prada is the #SorryNotSorry inspiration. That’s a woman who doesn’t apologize for nonsense. Photo Credit:

Though if you are, good for you, no need to apologize for that either.


Just stop saying it. I dare you to just email someone back without apologizing for it. I dare you to just buy the food you need for dinner or just turn down the 10,000th bday party invitation for next Saturday because instead you need a day in your PJs with your family. Because chronic apology lady is chronic stressed out about her life lady. And that’s not awesome. Honestly, it’s somewhat pathetic. We are better than that.

I then walked for another hour or two Buy Zolpidem about the apartment and did not feel like sleeping at all.

Take it from the Ice Queen, our beloved Meryl, in A Devil Wears Prada. She wasn’t walking around pathetically apologizing to anyone. Just own it, sister.


Note: I officially started deploying this resolution by not doing what my good friend Vanessa noted I always do when it’s been a while since I last blogged. She said I start off with an apology for my absence. She noted it’s jarring because it’s not necessary. I never knew this. She is totally right. You guys were busy. I was busy. Why am I apologizing? So I won’t. Neither should you.


Can you take on this resolution with moi? I’d especially love to know when you actually go out of your way to NOT apologize because we all know when we do it. We know when we’re about to let those dumb words come out of our mouth. Save it for when you need to actually say it.

With that, Happy New Year! Oh, and be sure to hit “Like” on the WM Facebook page or find me on Twitter @wired_momma or Instagram @wiredmomma – otherwise you probably will be sorry.






WM Favorite Things: Holiday Gift Guide & Favorite Charities

Is anyone else wondering how it’s already Christmas time?  Is anyone else feeling like this lady below? Talk-Early-Holiday_Final

Fret not kittens, we can each find our #HolidayZen and today’s third annual WM Favorite Things Guide should hopefully help someone with an idea or two! I faced a new challenge this year – to find things that boys or husband would like. This is definitely a challenge, one that I was most definitely up for.  Because I’m sure you’re in the throes of shopping and if you’re anything like moi, that shopping includes a date with your laptop and wallet, let’s get started.

For the accessory lover: SimplyOm Jewelry. Each piece of jewelry is made by a woman in a developing country and part of the proceeds go

I bought this necklace but in blue. Photo Credit: SimplyOm

I bought this necklace but in blue. Photo Credit: SimplyOm

back to training  and empowering women in these countries to help them overcome poverty. How’s that for a double whammie of goodness? You can sport some really beautiful and fashionable pieces and contribute towards supporting the work of women in developing countries. I purchased a necklace from the founder at a conference in October and wear it all the time.  This is the kind of gift you can get for a sister, cousin, aunt, mother-in-law, you name it, and everyone’s happy.


Photo Credit: LittleHouseKids on Etsy

Photo Credit: LittleHouseKids on Etsy

For the water bug: This is one of my favorite things of the year: personalized towels on Etsy by LittleHouse Kids.  I purchased these towels in the spring for my girls, with each wash they get even softer, and we had no troubles during summer camp – they always got the right towel. I can’t tell you how many compliments we’ve received on them and how many times I’ve since purchased them as a gift for others.  Earlier this fall, I ordered them in bulk for some of my daughter’s best friends, by now of course we know when their birthdays will roll around – and the gifts are already in my closet upstairs. How uniquely and unusually organized of moi. Note: this gift is great for boys too! They take a while to ship — so plan to order these well in advance but I can’t sing the praises loud enough!

For the science kid: A new gift idea: science projects from Appleseed Lane, it’s a great for girls and boys ages 4-10. In fact, my little one is asking only for science experiments and detective kits this Christmas, so I was thrilled when my friend Kate from The Big Piece of Cake emailed around this suggestion the other day. Started by two DC-area moms, building off the STEM concept, these monthly science kits arrive on your doorstep and if you have siblings in the house, they will add in extra supplies for the sibling. Even better, Certifikid is running a deal on these right now.   Themes for 2014 boxes include: Magnets, Sports, Space Exploration, Underwater Adventure/Sea Creatures, Amusement Park Physics and Green Energy (Solar, human kinetic energy, etc).

For the new mom: Motherhood is the necessity of invention, as we all know. No better example than this fabulous new swaddling blanket my neighbor introduced me too, started by her friend: The Sweet Roll Swaddle. Give the new mom in your life the gift of precious sleep with this beautiful and soft swaddling blanket, made here in the USA, invented by a mom herself. You know it’s good.  Here’s a sweet video to watch to get a sense of how the baby responds to these swaddling blankets.

For the pet lover: Now that we have a 3 month old puppy in the house, I’m focusing more on gifts for animal lovers than I have in previous years. Again, another find on Etsy, this time I learned of the shop from my good friend and former next door neighbor. You can order a customized print of the dog and change the city, the background, the year to note the year the family purchased the dog. Also, another perk, these are made right here in the USA for those true patriots out there.

Photo Credit: Native Vermont on

Photo Credit: Native Vermont on

For the husband, uncle, cousin: Just yesterday, I read what is quite possibly the most hilarious Gift Guide I have stumbled upon this season. The guide hails from the site Divine Secrets of the Domestic Diva and she pulled together a list of gift ideas for the man in your life. There’s something for everyone on here. To you Jocelyn, who charged me with finding gifts for men, I say, You Are Welcome.

For the Gal on the Go: This would be all of us. Recently, I discovered this treasure in Target: the wallet/iphone case combo with a wristlet loop.  If memory serves, it ran me $10. I went with the faux coral leather option with the pink interior and it’s perfect for running out the door to pick up the kids. It fits just my phone, my license and my debit card – basically all I need – and I love not lugging a purse.  All you need is a pair of texting gloves and you’re all set. You deserve this gift for you along with an easy stocking stuffer for others in your life.

Now we transition to the WM Fav Charities Guide.  ‘Tis absolutely the season for giving and now that my oldest is 8 years old, I find it especially important to really teach her the importance of giving to others this season and talking more about what that actually means. Every year I like to feature local DC based charities but this year, I’m going to include one beyond our borders as well. Let’s get started.

Give An Hour: A non-profit that provides mental health services to service members and their families. This is such an important organization and one that deserves our attention.  DC being a government town, I challenge one local reader to not know someone who hasn’t served in Iraq or Afghanistan or who doesn’t work for one of the branches of the military. Give An Hour is not just based in DC, however, they are a national non-profit with branches across the country. Just $17 provides one hour of free counseling for service members of these two wars and their loved ones. I don’t know about you, but I often find myself thinking about the spouses who are left behind and often with young kids, as I think about service members. If you don’t want to donate money, you can give the gift of time. 

Only Make Believe: Regular readers of my blog know that I am an avid children’s theater fan and absolutely relish taking my girls to the theater. I recently learned of a local non-profit whose mission is to bring the joy of theater to children in hospitals.  With branches in NYC and DC, this organization is truly doing remarkable work. I’d urge you to consider a donation as you think about where you might give this year.

HAS Haiti: Some people like to give to others outside our borders, which obviously I am also a big supporter of as well, particularly because I grew up in a few developing countries. This year I worked with a hospital based in Haiti but that was founded by the Mellon family, Hospital Albert Schweitzer. It is a hospital that provides critical healthcare services to the people living in the Artibonite Valley in Haiti, outside of Port-Au-Prince. If you’ve followed media coverage of Haiti, you’ll know that there is a reluctance to donate to Haiti because of rampant corruption. This is not something to worry about when giving to HAS because it is an organization founded by the Mellons, with offices based in Pittsburgh, therefore you can be confident that all the money you give is going straight to those in need in the hospital. Additionally, the majority of the hospital’s patients are women and children. Much of their work at HAS focuses on maternal healthcare, breast-feeding education and vaccines for infants and children. I can’t say enough positive things about the profoundly important work of HAS to the people of the Artibonite Valley in Haiti.

Happy Holidays to my readers, family and friends! As always, I am thankful to you for reading WM throughout the year and hope you have a wonderful holiday season!  Be sure to hit “Like” on the WM Facebook page because even if I don’t post again here in 2013, I’ll be posting fun things on FB.

Flash Give-Away: 4 Tickets to Gaylord National ICE!

It seems like a great day for a flash give-away – so later tonight my girls will select one winner to receive a family 4-pack of tickets to Gaylord ICE! Twas the NightNational’s ICE! ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas. These tickets are valid for 4 non-peak admissions. Non-peak dates include:

  • December 2-5, 9-12, 16-19, 31
  • January 1-3

The winner will need to bring the original letter I have (and will mail to you) and a photo ID to Will Call and you will receive the 4 non-peak ICE! tickets for the next available time slot on that same day.

Next available time slot, you fret? Trust moi, there is TONS to do at the Gaylord National hotel to keep the kids busy if you have to wait a bit before gaining admission to ICE! If you’re unfamiliar with all there is, check out their web site or read my really thorough review of our experience last year. We literally spent the entire day at the hotel doing tons of holiday related activities. Decorating cookies and the scavenger hunt were our favs, beyond ICE! of course.

How do you enter this amazing flash give-away.

Christmas - Nighty Tree Lighting ShowFirst step – clearly you have already hit “Like” on the Wired Momma Facebook page.

Second Step – leave a comment that you’re entering to win under my post on Facebook.

Step Three – be sure to CHECK BACK on Facebook after 8pm tonight. I will announce the winner there. If I don’t hear from the winner by tomorrow morning, I will pick another winner because this is a FLASH give-away.