Fun New Children’s Book & Give Away: 1 2 3 Washington D.C.

Did you know Henry is the name of the elephant who welcomes you to Smithsonian’s Natural History Museum?

Going on 15 years of living here and honestly, I had no idea. Is it because, at least in my family, we zoom past poor Henry so quickly to check out the dinosaurs, when we enter the Museum? I don’t know. But our kids should probably know this because they live here.

How about the Statue of Freedom on top of the Capitol building? Do you spend much time looking at it or discussing it with your kids, or are you like moi, zooming past, focusing on perhaps reaching Eastern Market or a destination on the Mall?

Might be time to stop with all the zooming….

Lucky for us, newly out this week from Duopress Books , a publisher of high quality children’s books, is 1 2 3 Washington D.C., a colorful counting book starring the landmarks and notable parts of DC, for babies through preschoolers. Duopress sent me an advance copy of the book and both my girls pounced at the chance to sit down with it (including my Kindergartener). What I like about the book is not just its simplicity but the conversation questions at the end of the book to help guide kids through learning about each of the landmarks featured throughout the book, including the Zoo’s beloved pandas. (Obviously here is where I learned about poor Henry, who we give the shaft too, and where I realized I just don’t bring the Statue of Freedom to my girls’ attention when we are zipping around the Capitol. #ParentingFail).

Bottom line: Raising kids in DC, it’s easy to take advantage of what this town offers our kids, and using the 1 2 3 book as a launch point, my girls had a lively discussion about which monuments they’ve seen, what we’ve noticed around town, how many cherry blossoms they’ve counted along the Tidal Basin and if they could name the airplanes and rockets at the Air & Space Museum (note to self – get back there after Spring Break). Also fun, on the Duopress web site, you can print out coloring pages for the kids from the  DC book or from other books in this same series, featuring cities like Baltimore, Philadelphia or New York.

What I specifically like about the 1 2 3 Washington D.C. book is this: It makes for a great shower gift or gift for friends traveling to town with little ones. I always love to give gifts that have something to do with Washington and this is a perfect gift to have on hand for such an occasion. Today happens to be your lucky day because Duopress is giving away one copy of the book, to enter all you have to do is “Like” their Facebook page and leave a comment on their page that you’ve entered. This give-away ends on Wednesday April 11 – so don’t miss this great giveaway your kids will love it or you’ll be thrilled to have the book on hand when the next shower invite comes through or next friend asks to come visit with her family!

Disclosure: Duopress gifted the book to me but my opinions here are my own.

New Chapter in Parenting Lows: Let’s Publicly Shame our Kids and Profit from It

Photo Credit: Christopher Katke/Vogue

Last week, most of us read, and rolled our eyes, at the news of the article in the Shape issue of Vogue about Dara-Lynn Weiss who forced her 7-year-old onto a diet to lose 16 pounds. Like most of you, I cared enough to post a scathing statement and link to it and then moved on. Apparently that’s not how the publishing world viewed it. With horror I read the NYT style section on Sunday only to learn Weiss  inked a book deal with a major publisher to tell her story.


I read on.

Mouth gaping open.

Reading Julie Bosman’s piece, I was lucky enough to learn that apparently the publishing world is falling over themselves to publish books about over-achieving mothers who shame their children. They do this because we buy them. This is the new hot trend. Hop aboard….

Do you buy these kinds of books? If you do,  stop reading my blog.  Seriously.

Why would ANYONE buy a book written by a mother who shamed her young daughter into losing 16 pounds? Isn’t the story here that the mother was too lazy to set boundaries on what her child was eating? We aren’t talking about an obsese child, we’re talking about a privileged white girl  lounging with her equally as coiffed mother for a Vogue photo shoot in Manhattan. We aren’t learning from a medical expert how, as parents, it is our responsibility to offer our kids healthy foods and guide them towards making the right decisions and learning boundaries without putting shame and guilt on them.

Why would we buy a book from a woman who just bought her kid a one-way ticket  to  eating disorder-ville and a life of insecurity? Would we buy it because it makes us feel better about our own parenting skills?

This news says as much about the parenting-consuming public as it does about this publisher and this mother. I’m sorry. And it disturbs me. Personally, I never had any intention of purchasing the Tiger Mom book because I thought she was horrid as well, but I sure had fun making Tiger Mom references on my blog. #NotaTigerMom

 I was a little surprised to learn it’s sold 150,000 copies. Who are you, people who bought that book? I also thought the latest tome on American parenting in contrast to the French was a joke but apparently people are buying that one. So now we have this disgrace of a topic written by a privileged woman who  is living her own public shaming of her young daughter out loud – and being rewarded for it with a book deal. Is this as much a narrative about mothers and daughters, and our own obsession with women’s bodies, as it is about profiting off our kids? Would anyone be interested if this was a story about a little boy who needed to lose weight? Isn’t the audience here really women – not parents – and isn’t our job as mothers to raise confident, strong, self-assured little girls?

Plastering an 8-year-old across magazines and the internet, and writing a book about her calorie consumption and excluding her from Pizza Night on Fridays strikes me as abusive.

Again, do stop reading moi if you plan to buy this book.

I can’t help but wonder this: Are we a schizophrenic culture, especially when it comes to eating? Recall two months ago the mommy blogging rage that swept the country in response to a Georgia hospital’s campaign to fight childhood

The Georgia Anti-Obesity Campaign dismantled by Mommy Bloggers. Photo Credit: Strong4Life

 obesity because their tactic was shame. The Strong4Life campaign featured obese kids with tag lines like “WARNING: It’s hard to be a little girl if you’re not.” The mommy bloggers generated 23 million impressions on Twitter in one hour – lambasting this campaign – because it was effectively shaming obese children. Medical expert after expert  was quoted stating that publicly shaming children never works. Ultimately, the social media grassroots effort, all in the name of defending children, was successful and the hospital took down their campaign ads.

How does this fit against this current news? Apparently, when you write a piece as a mother for Vogue, the publishing industry is salivating over you as the next hot book turned best-seller but a hospital is taken to town by public outcry? Ultimately, what is different about the approaches?   One features visibly obese children and is shocking while the other features a thin privileged white girl with her mother.

Ultimately, are we left to conclude that it is okay for a MOTHER to shame her own child, because apparently we’ll pay to read about that, while we Tweet about the Georgia hospital?

Can we resume our Twitter rage and this time direct it at the publishing industry? #EnoughWithTheCrap

I can’t figure it out. I’d like to believe the publishing world has it all wrong and we, the general public, really don’t want a book like that and we don’t want to continue to encourage more parenting books in this vein. But for an industry that doesn’t make money easily, clearly they must believe there is a huge appetite for this sort of hypocrisy.

 “If it’s not a little countercultural, then what’s the point of doing the book?” said editor Cassie Jones in Sunday’s NYT piece. “There’s something about these books on parenting that gets people angry,” continued Jones in Sunday’s article. 

But again, I am left wondering, what is the purpose in getting people angry? Is the purpose just making money? So then back to the general parenting-consuming public – why do we buy it? Is it for the same reason we watch Supernanny, because it strokes our own egos that we aren’t this horrible? What about the kids?

And from the publishing house who inked the deal with Weiss: “Asked about the book deal, Libby McGuire, the publisher of Ballantine Bantam Dell, the division of Random House that acquired Ms. Weiss’s book, wrote in an e-mail: “Indeed there is a new and important category of parenting narratives that examines all aspects of raising children today, which is why we were early on so interested in talking with Dara-Lynn Weiss about her perspective, and ultimately acquired her memoir. Clearly her story and the issues she’s exploring have resonated with so many people, and we look forward to publishing Weiss’s book.”

Code for: the audience for parenting books are hungry wolves whose appetites are only satiated by over-achieving privileged women who shame their children, ridicule American parenting styles and produce successful outcomes by their own personal definitions – not by the definitions of their children. Is this really an “important category of parenting narratives?”

True, I like to trash it on my blog but I will not buy it. I hope you’ll join me in this ban.


Unless it’s an April Fools Joke……

For more rants, deep thoughts & hilarity, be sure to “Like” my Wired Momma page..or you’re totally missing out. Especially if you’re on the hunt for some spring break ideas this week for kids…

WM Reading: Train Wreck Edition

Busy week….spring break officially started for my younger one…so instead of a full post from moi today, you get link love.  Don’t you love getting a glimpse into the mind of  moi and what piques my interest on the vast inter web?

C’est vrai. I know you do. So without further a due……

Reality Star/Train Wreck Michelle Duggar….sees no problem with having 19 children and believes the population of the world could all fit shoulder-to- shoulder in Jacksonville, Florida.

I can’t make this shit up.

Overpopulation Anyone?

My issue with her isn’t about population control, it’s about pretending like you have the time to raise each kid. Who is she kidding? You have that many kids, it means the older kids are raising the younger kids. I can’t be convinced otherwise. But I’d love for someone to try to convince me.

January Jones ate her placenta. And despite what you might think, placenta eating in the United States, while common in other cultures, is not a new trend with today’s hippie yuppie or attention-seeking celebrity…in fact, a quick search of Al Gore’s vast inter web revealed this really helpful list of recipes, which dates back to Mothering Magazine in 1983, should you choose to nosh on your own placenta.

And just when you thought it had been made clear to mothers everywhere, ad nauseum, that we are role models and influencers for our young girls on how they view their own bodies and develop healthy relationships with food, Vogue published this article about an insane and horrible woman who put her 7-year-old daughter on a Weight Watchers Diet.

I judge. Oh, clearly, I love to judge this week.

Final thing – by now you probably know that I am thrilled to be part of the debut of Listen To Your Mother DC on May 6. Last night we had the first cast read through and I was blown away by the talent, the stories and the other women in the show. It will absolutely be a lovely afternoon and I hope you come – men and women – not just mothers! DC is a town of talented writers and they will be on display on May 6. Don’t miss it!!!

To keep up with the other news of the weird and irrelevant that I love to read, be sure to Like the Wired Momma FB page because I post everything there…and more…

Rapunzel: Fabulous Spring Break Activity with the Kids

Nothing suits a rainy day better than heading off to Glen Echo Park to see the latest production at The Puppet Co. On Sunday, we loaded into the car to enjoy an afternoon of Rapunzel. Little did I know, before settling into our seats, that Rapunzel is more than just a girl who lets down her hair…it’s a radish.


Prince, Witch Wartsmith and Rapunzel in the Puppet Co.’s production of “Rapunzel.” Photo by Christopher Piper.

Am I an idiot? Seemingly I am.  Either that or I’ve put too much time into the Disney version of Rapunzel and not enough focus on the  Grimm fairy tale version, which is what the Puppet Co’s version is styled after. The puppet styles reminded me of the old Punch and Judy puppets from England and Eric Brooks single-handedly performs the entire 45-minute production, seamlessly and convincingly as each of the characters. A feat that should not go unnoticed because I found it remarkable.

The stage is designed brightly with a purple set and varying backgrounds to suit the scenes. Witch Wartsmith quickly became my favorite character for her cunning in getting what she wanted: a baby – and her quick wit. At one point she quips “Yay for motherhood,” much to the delight of most of the parents in the audience. Noteworthy, old Witch Wartsmith also quickly won over the heart of my three-year-old because she “talked a lot.”

Reason enough, in my book.

With enough physical comedy throughout the production to keep the attention of shiftless youngsters, even the youngest theater-goers were able to hold their attention for the delightful 45 minutes Brooks guided us through the tale. Both my girls especially enjoyed the chase scene when the old witch tries to cut Rapunzel’s hair upon learning the Prince had discovered her and planned to return for her the next day. I think the adults in the room appreciated Witch Wartsmith’s questionable magic skills as she struggled to make Rapunzel vanish from the castle tower.

Billed by the Puppet Co. as the “un-Tangled” version of Rapunzel, you can catch this great show only through April 7. It would top my list as a spring break activity, if your days aren’t already booked.

Show times:  Thursdays & Fridays at 10 & 11:30 a.m.  Saturdays & Sundays at 11:30am & 1pm.

Running Time: 45 minutes

Recommended: PreK – Grade 4. Noteworthy: Puppet Co does not recommend this show for children under the age of 3.5 and I would agree with their assessment.

Tickets:  $10

Contact: Box Office, 301.634.5380.  Tickets can also be purchased online at

Disclosure: The Puppet Co. gifted our tickets to me. My opinions here are all my own.