Summer Fun 2012: Beauty & The Beast at National Theatre

The Beast roared into town this week and he’s only here for two short weeks until June 24, so I’m adding him to the list of Summer Fun 2012. As a special way to celebrate the end of the school year, I took my rising first grader to see Disney’s Beauty & The Beast, produced by NETworks Presentations, at National Theatre on Tuesday night. Little delights a 6-year-old more than a favorite Disney movie coming to life in a musical production and I figured, what better way to treat her to a special night in honor of how hard she worked all school year-long.

The stellar supporting cast of Beauty & The Beast. Photo Credit: Joan Marcus

The production did not disappoint. Coming down from the high of Arena Stage’s Music Man, I am beginning to think we are very spoiled in DC due to the breath of musical theatre productions at our disposal. What I most looked forward too were the costumes – how would they display Mrs Potts, Lumiere, Cogsworth and the Beast? Having taken a sneak peek at the video montage of the show in advance, mainly to make sure my daughter wouldn’t be afraid of the Beast, I knew the costumes would be first-rate and they really were. Lumiere quickly became the favorite character among our little group of friends (the moms, that is). His quick wit, charm, fantastic French accent and effortless desire to flirt added humor and pizzazz to every scene he was in. We marveled over Mrs Potts and how much her arm must have hurt to hold it out as the sprout on the tea-pot for the duration of the show. Beasts’ voice was disarmingly similar to Beast’s voice in the Disney movie production and his costume and posture walked the line between being intimidating and beast-like but stopped short of scaring the little kids. I applaud his ability to so realistically portray the Beast we’ve all come to know and love from the Disney movie. Gaston came in a close second on my list of favorites; his ego, obnoxious personality, fantastic black velour pants and fake chest hair livened up every scene he was in. My daughter adored Gaston’s side kick because she’s entered that age where nothing beats physical comedy. And last but certainly not least, was Belle, played by Emily Behny. Belle’s strong personality, sass and Behny’s beautiful singing voice make her an excellent and totally believable Belle.

The supporting cast in the production is so strong that there were times I wished for more scenes with a fuller stage of the broader cast singing and dancing,

Be Our favorite scene in the show. Photo Credit: Joan Marcus

probably because we were completely spoiled by “Be Our Guest.” I wished for a chance to watch that scene on repeat about 10 more times for fear I was missing details, mainly because I was mesmerized by the gold spoons and forks. Not to mention the skill of the dancer inside the dancing carpet – how did he do THAT? During the “Be Our Guest” scene, which nears the end of the first act, is when you are given an artful and beautiful reminder that any musical associated with Disney is going to knock your socks off at least once during the show.

I would be remiss in failing to mention the beautiful music that accompanied the production. As you would expect, the orchestra performed exceptionally all night long and acted as an important part of the cast. This production actually features the animated film’s Academy Award®-winning score with music by Alan Menken and lyrics by the late Howard Ashman, and true Belle fans will quickly notice the additional songs, with music by Alan Menken and lyrics by Tim Rice.

So at this point – you’re wondering- should you go and what is an appropriate age for your kids if you’re going to take them? Yes, you should go, especially if you have a child who deserves a really special night out. Here’s where I differ from the marketing of the show, however, because it is billed as appropriate for ages 3 and up. First, there are several times when a younger child could easily be scared. My daughter’s friend, who just turned 5 last week, was clinging to her mom a few times. My advice for anyone going with younger ones would be to show them the 3 minute video montage in advance so the kids know what to expect with the Beast. My rationale for thinking the youngest I would pay to bring a child – is five years old – is really based on the length of the show. On Tuesday, it started around 7:30pm and ended at 10:15pm. It is a long show with a brief 15 minute intermission. Even a matinée doesn’t change the reality that, at least in my experience, getting a 3 or 4-year-old to sit for almost three hours is near impossible but of course, every kid is different, so I am happy to be challenged on this one. I just know that I wouldn’t bring one of my kids until they are 5.


Belle & the Beast. Photo Credit: Joan Marcus

Tickets for Disney’s Beauty and the Beast begin at $39 (plus applicable service charges) and are currently on sale now through Telecharge only at (800) 447-7400 or online. The show is only here for two weeks – here’s the schedule:

Tuesday, June 12 – Thursday, June 14 at 7:30p

Friday, June 15 at 8:00p

Saturday, June 16 at 2:00p and 8:00p

Sunday, June 17 at 1:00p and 6:30p

Tuesday, June 19 – Thursday, June 21 at 7:30p

Friday, June 22 at 8:00p

Saturday, June 23 at 2:00p and 8:00p

Sunday, June 24 at 1:00p and 6:30p

Before I headed out to the National Theatre on Tuesday, I perused their web site and was reminded that they offer a fabulous and free Saturday morning program for kids. Here’s a link to the Summer 2012 program if you’re looking to fill in a Saturday this summer, especially if it’s a rainy one.  In the meantime, enjoy this show while it’s still here. I’d love to be Lumiere’s and Cogsworth’s guest anytime.

Disclosure: I was gifted tickets for the press performance but my opinions here are my own.



Summer Fun 2012: Amazing Concert Ticket Give-Away

Moi Loves Moi and Moi Loves Vous….so today I bring you a super fabulous give-away opportunity to enjoy a lovely summer evening in July. Tickets to see Sarah McLachlan at Merriweather Post Pavilion anyone???

Don't miss this fantastic show

Cause I’ve got two to give away to a lucky WM reader. Here are the details – turns out it’s also a family-friendly evening if you want to bring the kids…for free….

On July 5th, Sarah McLachlan will be playing Merriweather Post Pavilion with accompaniment by The National Philharmonic.  Due to the family friendly nature of this show, kids 14 years old and younger get free lawn admission with each paid lawn ticket! Come right to the gate on show day for the free lawn entry. The doors open at 6pm and ticket prices range from $41-$96.

Personally, I am bummed about the timing of the concert because we might be away for the 4th but this just might be reason enough to stick around.

About those tickets…as I said….I have two tickets to give-away. All you have to do is “Like” the Wired  Momma Facebook page and either like the link about this post or post a comment on the FB page and you are entered in the give-away. My eldest loves picking the give-away winner’s name…so I’ll have her do that next weekend…Saturday June 16.

Moi loves music outdoors in the summer time……


Driving VW along the California Coast

In March, I was invited to join Volkswagen for a media trip to test out their line of vehicles. They invited an assortment of traditional media and bloggers to join them in Half Moon Bay, California, and we were given a day to drive a variety of their cars along the beautiful mountains surrounding Palo Alto. The trip ended with a tour of their R&D facilities.

As someone who actually worked for the auto industry for many years, I was eager to be a part of this trip.  I learned more about autos and all the research that goes into building these computers on wheels than I ever imagined possible during my time working for the industry and I still find it endlessly fascinating to learn more, particularly about the research involved in building the next generation of vehicles. Also, despite having worked for the industry for so many years, I’d never actually had the chance to participate in a company press junket, so I couldn’t wait.

We were like bees on honey with that sporty red Golf. My partners in crime: Leticia & Jyl

I was part of the first of two waves of media and in my wave, there were only a small handful of women. This didn’t surprise me and I hope the tide is changing on that front. Some of the communications folks at VW noted that they did adopt a different strategy for the spring’s ride and drive and strategically decided to invite some parenting bloggers – realizing that women do yield an enormous influence over all purchasing decisions at home – including cars. I was lucky enough to partner up with two other fabulous bloggers, Leticia who writes Tech Savvy Mama and Jyl who founded Mom It Forward. We were trouble from the start. After defecting from my original group, I hopped into the back seat of our first ride with Thelma Leticia and Louise Jyl. Our marching orders were to enjoy the car, and find our way to the top of the mountain to trade in the CC for the next vehicle of our choosing.

Let me tell you, we took our time. We quickly found the 80s station of our choosing on the satellite radio, I marveled over

The CC we drove up the mountain..when plenty of stops along the way

how much room there is in the back seat of this beautiful car, and we might have trespassed detoured into an artichoke field and stumbled upon an adorable country store on our way up the mountain. The current CC model now offers seating for five, including 3 kids in the back, which is real plus for larger families who still want a sedan instead of a minivan or SUV. As we weaved our way up the narrow mountainous roads, I soon realized that I was feeling incredibly car sick, at which point Jyl helpfully noted this would be the ideal way to test out the car’s durability if transporting children… would vomit wipe up in the back seat?

The men might have been pulled over to the side, peeking under the hood of the car, but not us. We were instead engrossed in the practical realities of driving kids around. Turns out I didn’t toss my crackers but one of us spilled some tea and it wiped up easily without staining or drama. Check one for durability for VW.

Next we took out a bright red Beetle. The VW team explained to us earlier in the morning during the formal presentation part of the day that they’ve taken customer feedback seriously and changed the shape and size of the Beetle….to appeal to men…but we still loved it. They’ve given the Beetle a “wider stance with a more balanced appeal” but the bottom line is – a Beetle is a Beetle – a completely fun car to drive that always catches the eyes of other drivers on the road. This is the ideal car for anyone who likes to park easily and feel sporty. I loved driving it. And there was no puking happening from the back seat partner in crime during this route. We had fun checking out the fancy and sporty dashboard, stylish interior detailing and naturally took full advantage of the heated seats – something I use even on warm summer days – much to the total confusion of my husband.

Fabulous family vehicle...the Touareg

The third and final car we took out is one of VW’s best cars for families…the Touareg. We loved driving it, one of the largest vehicles VW makes, complete with tons of cargo room in the back for strollers, groceries and beach and pool gear. The Touareg will also be offered as a super charged hybrid…which on some level feels like a contradiction – but who says you can’t love efficiency and speed? As a hybrid, it boasts 28mpg, which is pretty impressive for a bigger SUV. This particular vehicle is also equipped with all the safety technology that is particularly important to parents (well, really, who doesn’t care about safety?), specifically what VW calls an Intelligent Crash Response, meaning in the event of a collision, the doors automatically unlock, the fuel pump shuts off and the hazards immediately go on. As someone who was in a horrific accident on the beltway in February – I would have appreciated even some of these things.

As gas prices flirted with $4/gallon all spring, however, what really draws me to VW as the ideal manufacturer for my next purchase is the diesel option. Personally, I have my eye on the diesel Jetta wagon. Diesel is 20-40% more fuel-efficient than gasoline and unlike the diesel of the 1970s, diesel today is clean. In fact, clean diesel engines reduce carbon emissions by 20% over gasoline engines.  In the fall, VW is rolling out the Jetta hybrid and will offer the Beetle in diesel later this summer. The other car I was lucky enough to ride in but didn’t get a chance to drive was the sporty Golf, also available in diesel and the most powerful Golf engine offered yet, along with a four door option. Suddenly I found myself wanting that car too. Can you tell I like small and sporty? Fabulous choices all around. It’s no wonder this manufacturer saw an almost 30% increase in sales in the United States last year. Though it puzzles me that the diesel options in the US only account for 20% of their fleet sales – despite how popular diesel is overseas, especially in Europe. I wonder if this trend will continue to tick upwards in the US?

So what else did we do beyond drive super fun cars? Well, we ate incredibly delicious food, so clearly I suffered. But the part I was most looking forward to came at the conclusion of our day – which was a visit to their research labs out in Silicon Valley. VW concluded that so much innovation is happening in Silicon Valley – why not partner automotive research with technology research? One of the coolest things we were shown in the lab is a simulator to help learn more about distracted driving – including fatigued driving – and researching the characteristics of when eyelids are closing  to detect when a driver is drowsy. Another core competency at the VW research lab is work on renewable fuels – so hybrids and diesel are not the only solutions. In fact, VW is investing $783 million in renewable energy with their VW ThinkBlue efforts.

Again, I was an automotive policy wonk, so maybe my final fun fact for today won’t thrill you in the same way it did me – but I leave you with this to think about – if 1/3 of Americans switched from gasoline to clean diesel in their daily drives, the U.S. could send back 1.5 million barrels of foreign oil per day, according to the EPA.

Bottom line – it was a great trip and the amount of research going into safety technology, alternative fuels and emissions is truly remarkable and impressive. Now…to convince Mr. Wired Momma that I should be first in line for the Jetta Hybrid this fall…..until then, thank you to VW for a great trip and for expanding your reach into parenting bloggers.

Disclosure: VW purchased my airline ticket and provided me with my lodging and food for the duration of my trip to Half Moon Bay. I was not compensated financially for this post or my time out there. My opinions here are all my own.

Summer 2012 Oppressor List…..observations from an imprisoned parent

Many of you know I suffer from Stockholm Syndrome. My oppressor unleashes her reign of terror on my house….and as the oppressed know, we are never safe…no matter the time of day or night. I am in good company. I know this. We all suffer. I know I am not alone in my Stockholm Syndrome suffering because I see the rest of you, and you don’t leave either.

In my house, the most intimidating warden, the one we fear the most, weighs about 32 pounds.

The smaller ones are always the scrappiest. Those with battle wounds all know this. They tend to also be really cute and have fat wrists. Don’t be fooled.

My other oppressor, she is the heavy weight, weighing in at around 45 pounds but she’s less intimidating. Her patterns are more regular, her behavior less erratic and more predictable. Plus she can be reasoned with, most of the time. Her role is to feed into the erratic behavior of the smaller of my prison guards. It is still a critical role, though more discreet for the battle worn and bruised.

As I stare down summer with my oppressors, I am bedeviled by some of their behaviors. I will have nothing but time to observe this species of human for the next few months and I will continue to marvel over their odd behavior. What else does a prisoner do, of course, except observe her captors and fantasize about her escape?

Oppressor Odd Behavior Summer List 2012 Commences Immediately and will continue sporadically all summer. Please do add to the list:

Exhibit A:

why do they do this? Photo Credit:

Why not just go to the bathroom? Why insist she doesn’t have to pee? She will fight me to the death on this even though we both know the outcome. Why does my oppressor cause her own self harm in this action? Is it because she knows that a miss then causes me some pain and agony because I am left to clean it up?

It’s part of my punishment. Punishment for what, I’m never sure. Also part of the reign of terror. Learn to not ask why.


Exhibit B:

Mr. Sad Swing is the one on the left. Forgotten. Rejected. Photo Credit: Myself

Why do both oppressors fight over the SAME swing when there is an empty one right next to it? I call this mental torture. Cleaning up unnecessary potty accidents is more physical torture. Whereas negotiating with two irrational wardens while they duke it out over the same swing…inevitably someone ends up bruised and crying….while the other swing moves swiftly in the breeze, so sad that he is rejected. His rejection is no better understood by him than by me. It’s a break up we will ever understand. It is a secret understood only by the wardens. Do they collaborate alone together at night over the reasons?

Why must they make the swing sad along with moi? He is identical to his twin on the right. If he were different, that would cause an entirely different set of problems.


Exhibit C:

Can I get about 50 more of these plates?

I call this one physical and mental torture inflicted by the oppressors. Especially the light weight. If it is not served on the Spiderman plate it CANNOT BE EATEN.


Frankly, it probably shouldn’t even be trusted. Even if I had a beefeater to test her food.

She will starve first.

My poor prunish hands, so tired from the constant washing. We can replace said spiderman plate with her favorite shirt…..”Just because I wore it yesterday and then painted ALL OVER IT and then went into the SANDBOX that was WET….why can’t I WEAR IT TO BED….and then again tomorrow?”

“Why isn’t it ready to be worn clean and fresh the next day?”

Ahh yes….the perpetual laundry and washing of the exact same things…’s like they are the prisoners with the set wardrobe, instead of me. Do we dare bother trying to reason with the smallest of oppressors on these things? Is it worth the mental torture? Mr. Sad Swing wants to know too….just like all the other Mr. Sad plates and bowls and shirts that get rejected every day.

Rejection is Oppressor M.O.

What do your oppressors do that defies logic? And as a coping mechanism for the summer, I propose we project. Today, I am pretending I am Meredith Viera (minus the big hat), interviewing him in London:

The question is, would my oppressors reject him too? Like Mr. Sad Swing?

Let’s add to the list….what did I forget? Join WM on FB to keep up with observations from an imprisoned parent all summer long.