With young kids, is it a “vacation” or is it a job-relocation?

The Wired Momma family is moving next week….just a few miles down the road…but I still have to pack up my entire house and well, get us organized….so please bear with me these next few weeks and know that I’d rather be blogging than say – packing…..so until I have more time…I am bringing you my post from last year after we returned from our family “vacation” in August. In case you  haven’t taken your “vacation” yet this summer…I bring you this…and ask you a deep question: Is it vacation or is it job re-location? You tell me….


“Mommeeeee…..Mommmmeeeeeeeeeee….I can’t find lion!” whines the voice in my ear. I am dazed. I am confused. I slowly pry each eye open. They are glued shut.

3:54AM reads the time on the clock.

“Mommeeee…..Mommeeeee…..I can’t find the lion” whines the voice again, this time shaking my shoulders.

My mind is starting to wake up. Is this really vacation? I wonder. Who decided that we should have 3 time zones in this country? And did they ever have children when they decided that would be a good idea? Can I meet with them? I could convince them real fast in my exhausted, enraged, mommy maniacal moment that we’re all good with just one time zone, farmers, that includes you.

In my daughter’s defense, she technically slept 24 minutes later than she normally does, if we were still on the east coast. But we’re in California and 3:54AM as a wake-up time for the day is cruel and unusual punishment.

And then, before I have a chance to intercept the inevitable, her whining for the dumb lion awakens her little 2-year-old sister and then all bets are off.

Our vacation day #2 begins at 3:54AM.

The day before it at least didn’t start until 4AM. Why are we regressing?

I threaten and coax and beg and plead but they will not go back to sleep….and I can’t get coffee anywhere for another 2 miserable hours.


Just in case you thought that absurd start to the day was the lowest point of our day, think again, that arguably happened when my husband started projectile vomiting down the hall of our nice hotel because he couldn’t get to the bathroom fast enough.


One wonders….when children are involved….is there such thing as vacation? Does it skew our expectations and set us up for disappointment and further frustration when we even label it vacation? Is it fair to actually call it vacation? My friend says it’s not vacation, it’s just job re-location.

I can work with that. I went on a 10 day job re-location and shoved a good time down my kid’s throat while we bled money, what did you do this summer? Surely someone somewhere makes a t-shirt and postcard with that slogan.

Exhibit A...one whining, one feeling sick, one just headed in another direction

Is it worth it? The almost 6 hour plane ride solo with 2 kids should have given me some foresight into the rest of my time relocating my job.

As I lounged by the pool while sick husband and incredibly exhausted jet lagged children napped, I did soak in the beauty of the mountains around me and breathed out my anger at time changes, early wake ups, puking husbands (who constantly fail to use hand sanitizer and then wonder why they get sick) and thought of George Castanza.

Remember SERENITY NOW (I insist that you watch that clip)?

Ahh…yes…..SERENITY NOW suddenly became my vacation, oh sorry, job-relocation mantra. In those dark moments when I am threatening to call Santa if they don’t just stand for one second and smile and fake like they are having a good time so I can capture that special moment on camera for the rest of time, SERENITY NOW is what I am thinking…..

In those moments, I would look around, and swear I was trapped behind some sort of looking-glass because it seemed that all around me were sweet young children lapping up the good times with their parents, behaving perfectly, and enjoying their time away from home. While mine were grumpy and whining and wanting to just go back to the hotel and color and pout. Who were these families with such perfectly behaved children? What was I doing wrong?

So next year, as I naively and gleefully start planning next summer’s job re-location, I’ll need to think back on the reality of what traveling with young children really is….and then I guarantee I’ll convince myself that they are each a full year older and they are better suited for travel, and more adaptable, and better prepared for long plane rides and days touring around new cities because how could I not have birthed children who crave adventure and excitement?

Uh huh.


The Bad Attitude Guide to Surviving Epic Pepco Power Failures

For the occasion, I created my very own Someecard

If the claims are true, that 95% of Pepco’s customers have their power restored, then I feel the time is right for today’s post.  But first, I must confess to having survivor guilt. We moved to Montgomery County from DC in 2004 and in that time, just about every time the wind blows, our power goes out. I have battle wounds, Pepco rage coursing through my blood, my state legislator’s number practically on speed dial to immediately voice my fury, and a trail of written testimony against Pepco to show for myself. So when Derecho tore through town last week and our power remained on, I have to be honest, it felt a little strange. But not quite uncomfortable, I ain’t gonna lie.

Seeing as how it’s just early July and we have several bad tstorms likely headed our way between now and early fall, perhaps now is the time to bullet out my survival guide for the next time. You, too, likely have your own guide running through your head and if so, I’d love to hear it, let’s add to the survival tips. Here, in no particular order, is my guide:

1. Power outages are like fight club. DO NOT immediately call or text your friends to ask if they, too,  lost power. Do not jinx them. Do not speak of it. Trust me, the power loss victim will use his/her last 1% of battery power to post on Facebook and Twitter that their power is out. The powerless need to broadcast their misery. Mass power outages are to DC’ers and Facebook what the Arab Spring was to 20-somethings and Twitter. It will play out – step by step – on social media. Nothing suits misery better than social media.

2. Plan ahead. Being paranoid puts you ahead of the game. The minute the Capital Weather Gang begin tweeting and posting on Facebook that a bad storm is coming, locate your flashlights, plug your devices in to charge fully and if it’s evening, brew some coffee for the morning, that way, if it goes out, you can have iced coffee. Having morning access to coffee immediately upon waking helps tame the savage powerless beast. Briefly, of course. But it helps. Trust moi.

3. In the wise words of Ricky Bobby, If you’re not first, you’re last. Do not wait for the next threatened storm to stock up on batteries. Do it on a sunny day with no clouds in sight. Everyone else will be as paranoid as you and much like the threat of a snow storm in January, the threat of the next big t-storm in DC will lead only to ransacking of all grocery stores and stockpiling up on bottled water and batteries.

4. Two words: alcohol and crafts. When a storm hits, what you need to stock pile up on is alcohol and crafts projects from Michaels for the kids. Best to just always have these things in bulk in your home because any true DC’er knows the worst storms are the ones that don’t get forecast and discussed in grave detail for days in advance.

5. Let’s cut to the chase: People who claim power outages are fun and bring the family closer together are assholes. And they also don’t have toddlers. Not one toddler in western civilization understands why the Backyardigans won’t turn on immediately and why they can’t watch streaming Netflix on the iPad. Unfortunately they will direct their rage at you, not Pepco.

6. Covet your neighbor’s power. And the longer it lasts, the more likely your thoughts will turn dark and murderous. Reality check: There is no logic to the Pepco power grid. If you look across the street and realize your neighbor has power while you suffer for 5 days, don’t try to understand it. And you won’t be happy for them. You won’t even like them. You will curse them. You will loathe them. You will hate their connection to the modern world. Don’t pretend otherwise.

7. Power Grid 101: If you hear a transformer blow, you’re fucked. In the instance of prolonged power outages, hope for downed wires on your street. Danger moves you up further on the list. A boring old transformer that takes .02 seconds to fix, after you wait for 5 days, is your enemy in this situation.

8. Cold Hard Truth: Much like the mirage of water in the desert, the sign of utility trucks on your street does not mean you are rescued or saved. You might consider holding the crew hostage, however. This is not irrational. Noteworthy:  when they are crews from out-of-town, odds are many of them will be hot. And you will be butt because it will have been days since you’ve had access to a hairdryer.

9. Don’t be naive: Never assume Pepco knows your home lost power, never trust their outage maps and you can never call them enough.

10. Everyone’s talking about you, except you can’t hear it. When you are in the dark with no connection to the modern world, the local TV and radio stations are covering the power outages and all the things that are happening to you, incessantly. Only you don’t know what is happening to you. The rest of us do. The irony is not lost on those with power. But they only care about you or feel sorry for you, if they actually have power themselves.

11. Beyond a first world problem?  You know your kid is from Montgomery County if at the first sound of t-storms, she asks if she should find her lantern and how long you think we’ll lose power for this time. This should not make you proud, it should instead, infuriate you that we have one monopoly on our electrical grid that few of our legislators hold accountable. Ironic given we are a government town, isn’t it?

12. Watch your bill. Just because your power is out, doesn’t mean you get a break in your power bill. If this doesn’t motivate you to call your state legislator and track how they vote in the next session when the inevitable issue of Pepco’s incompetence comes up, then you forfeit your right to complain the next time you lose power.

I vote for power. Trim the trees.

13. The Environment versus Electricity. Trees are great. Power is better. Anyone who claims otherwise is also an asshole, an asshole who’s never lost power, money on groceries, and dealt with tantrum throwing toddlers. If the trees on your property are dangling over the power lines, then call the county and call Pepco to report it. Don’t wait for the next storm to tear down the tree and those wires, to call someone about it.

14. Beware the Sound of Silence – it can cause your Insanity. The incessant quiet at night that accompanies power outages can drive even the few left who haven’t lost their shit, insane. Silence sucks. Noise and the hum of the refrigerator is amazing. (again, see my thoughts on trees versus electricity).

15. Evil home-grown plots. It is normal to consider mixing the rotten dairy products together from your fridge and delivering them to the executives at Pepco.

16. The eternal question persists: is it worse to lose power in the summer or the winter? The prolonged heat wave right now will prompt every one of us to vote summer is the worst but think back to being snowed in for a week with young kids, no power, and no plowed streets. Summer might not be so bad after all.

17. The story never changes, year after year. We should all be embarrassed. Find me one other major city in the Western World that has a few t-storms and loses power, or has a few snow storms, and loses power. Or where a few wind gusts rush through town, and everyone loses power. Where is this city? The evil-doers don’t need to do much but mimic a strong wind to paralyze DC. This is the real story.

18. Last but not least: quit blaming nature, Pepco. Your job is to sustain us through nature – not feed us the bull shit that these acts of God aren’t preventable and therefore you can’t be blamed for prolonged, persistent outages – is a talking point suited only for lobbyists in Annapolis.

To add to the list and keep up with the fun, comment here and “Like” the Wired Momma Facebook page.





On Losing Power & Losing It

When the power goes out, I lose my shit. And as a Washington Post journalist once joked, if a squirrel drops a nut, the power goes out in Montgomery County. Look, I’ve even started anti-Pepco Facebook pages, submitted written testimony to public hearings on Pepco’s inadequacies, written and called my Maryland state legislators about Pepco and attended neighborhood meetings with our legislators to discuss solely…you got it….Pepco. So in honor of what misery so many people are living in right now, I bring you a post of mine from July 2010 when our power went out. And noteworthy, days after our power came back on (you know, after I’d dropped $300 on replenishing groceries, it went out AGAIN for another 4 days. Do you remember those consecutive summer storms? Can anyone ever forget it).


This is what I look like the second my power goes out

I went back in time and didn’t find love, happiness or world peace. I found the dark ages and it made me crazy. You got it, one week ago Sunday our power went out.

There I was happily napping on our sofa when I was rudely awoken by a loud BOOM. And then dead silence. I jolted up…being the only thing left in our house with enough energy to jolt….and stared at my husband. He remained calm.

I, however, immediately turned into a raving lunatic. I cannot STAND IT when our power goes out. I cannot stand it for even 5 minutes. Let alone when it’s 110 degrees outside. As does anyone who has the unfortunate experience of losing power more often than they’d like, I have our power company’s worthless outage line on speed dial and immediately began calling them. Their first estimate was 9pm.

It was 2pm.

I tried to calm myself. Lick my wounds. Assess how I could survive the next few hours in the scorching heat. I calculated how much longer I thought the kids would sleep, assessed where we could go eat dinner, then we could play til closer to night fall, put them to bed and boom – it would be 9pm.   But seriously – night fall? It’s 2010. Who the hell even considers night fall any more? Who are those people who like power outages and sit around candle light and sing Koombayah, I wondered, because I hated them.  Are they for real?

I could survive this, I told myself, as I continued to pace like a dog foaming at the mouth, and frantically unraveled the lanterns I scored from Target in the event of a power outage.

Oh yes I did, in case you are wondering. I really did drop like $100 on lanterns for serious campers (of which I am not, unless you consider renting large homes in the woods with several fire places and a hot tub on the deck, camping. Which I do, for the record).  But see- as my dad says – the 6Ps: Prior planning prevents piss poor performance. I planned (having survived much of the summer of 2005 without power and being like 7 months pregnant, I am still recovering from that) and purchased my lanterns before Memorial Day but, as it turns out, I forgot the lanterns need batteries (again, not a camper). And guess what – of course we didn’t have the proper batteries in the house. My husband mocked me as I yelled at him about how he is the battery keeper and why doesn’t he have a proper stash in the event of national emergencies of epic proportions. Such as this one.

I continued to pace. And foam at the mouth.

Then guess what. The storm happened. Yep – our power went out an hour before the freaking storm even rolled through.  As it turned out, it ended up being one of the worst thunderstorms in the history of the area, complete with like 90mph winds and of Pepco’s 778,000 customers, 300,00o lost power.

But see, I don’t care so much about the other 299,999 customers without power when I don’t have power.  I care a lot more about those people when I have power and air conditioning and can listen to the news and feel sorry for them, comfortably, in my cool house with lights on. It’s a dog eat dog world and I like electricity. A lot. Maybe more than  my husband. And almost as much as my kids.

So, as the wind was whipping and the rain was coming down in sheets and the lightning and thunder wear roaring, and I was wondering if we were going to land in Oz, I actually asked my husband if he thought Pepco was deploying a crew in this weather – could they be out working on power lines in this storm – I demanded to know? BECAUSE I NEED POWER.  Was it really TOO dangerous to be up on a ladder on a power line?

He ignored me.

Then, as any raving, power loving lunatic would do, I called Pepco again. After the storm. And they said it would be AUGUST SECOND before the power came back on. This was like July 25th.

So what is a gal to do?

But immediately start throwing tank tops, shorts, diapers and baby tylenol into bags and just leave. I left town. Like one friend said, what asshole sits around without AC?

We’ve established that I cannot handle it.

And so four more days passed and our power came back on Wednesday afternoon. This was not how my week was supposed to have played out but I found a silver lining.

As it turns out, friends, when your power goes out for 4 days in oppressive heat – you have to throw out everything in your fridge and freezer. And because I was on the lam with my kids, my husband was the only one left here to not only toss all the contents but clean it out.

AH HA! Maybe losing power isn’t all bad because that, friends, that is a job that I avoid at all costs. I’m pretty sure I had a head start on DD1’s first science fair project in 2018 growing in my fridge. God only knows what was found inside my freezer.

And so, we returned home yesterday. I opened the fridge to see this:

Is that not a beautiful sight? Especially because I didn’t have to do it?

I then headed off to the grocery store, dropped $300, and my fridge and freezer look paltry and like we are all on a serious, calorie conscious diet. It seems to me that when I receive my next Pepco bill, what should I do but enclose my grocery bills until my fridge is stacked, as a form of payment.

Reasonable, right?

Later this week, I’ll post another piece about when our power went out in the winter – something I used to wonder -which is worse – power outages in summer or winter? My conclusion then was this: me and my then 2-year-old had a common enemy, that common enemy was Pepco. For electric fun and frolic, “Like” Wired Momma on Facebook.

Date Night: Summer Style

Unfortunately I haven’t had any more time to write this week, so I am recycling a post from last summer with some of my top favorite date night ideas. Bottom line:  Forget the kids, today’s post is meant to inspire you and your beloved to head out for a sweet date night. So with that, I bring you the WM top three favorite dates for DC lovers:

1. For the food lover, if you haven’t already, head to Founding Farmers, located right next to the World Bank (2012 update: surely by now everyone knows of the second Founding Farmers location in Potomac).  You’ll need to make your reservation well in advance to secure a table but it’s worth it – the food is delicious and I love the restaurant’s premise of bringing food straight from the farms. Most important – the drinks are divine – and the price is right. I’d call the atmosphere eco-chic, so you can really pull off any outfit from casual to diva-glam.

Do you really have better plans on a Sat night than 80s?

2. For the retired rockstars, definitely head for a night of 80s rock and hear the Legwarmers (2012 update: last weekend they celebrated their 10th anniversary, which I am sorry to have missed but I still urge you to hit a Legwarmers show this summer). This band is one of my all time favorites – not only are they brilliant with 80s covers but they are true performers, each band member is a certain persona and really embodies that character the entire time, down to their outfits and dance moves. I mean – not only are we sweaty messes rocking out in front next to stage right but we are usually cracking up. Also – they pick songs that appeal to the female 80s lover and the male 80s lover – think Blondie or Belinda Carlisle to G’n’R or Def Leppard.  Oh – and be sure you dress 80s for the show.

3. For the athletic types, I’d recommend sunset kayaking along the Potomac. I purchased this as part of a LivingSocial deal last summer and then later wondered what in the world I’d gotten us into. Turns out, it became one of our favorite dates of all time. It was lovely evening, though I wasn’t super keen on the dirty waters of the Potomac being flicked into my always sleek and never disheveled  hair in our double kayak. The views of the monuments are fabulous and really, it’s not an angle you see often, unless you usually kayak to Roosevelt Island. We cruised around the Island as the sun was setting, I was happy to be in the two-seater because much as I run and spin, I’m not much for arm strength and lots of paddling. And it was a quiet, peaceful way to spend time together.

What are your favorite DC date nights in the summer? Would love to know.