The Glass Ceiling Keeps Calling: Marissa Mayer & the Fortune Magazine Cover

The cover in question. Photo Credit: Fortune Magazine

This week, the annual Fortune Magazine devoted to the 50 Most Powerful Women in Business arrived on newsstands. In case you haven’t seen or heard yet, featured on the cover is the Yahoo! CEO Marissa Mayer….you know….the one who left Google to head up Yahoo! when she was six months pregnant.

Guess what?

She’s featured looking slim and fit on the front cover of the issue – apparently it’s a picture from last year’s photo shoot for the same issue – and coincidentally, the issue hit the newsstands within 24 hours of Mayer’s delivery of a healthy baby boy.

Bring Bring….Bring Bring…

“Hello? Marissa Mayer? Is that you?”

“This is the Glass Ceiling…..and you don’t seem to be answering…….”

At least that is my reaction to this cover. Now, we can dissect it from every angle, and believe you me, in my head, it’s what I’ve been doing for at least 12 hours.

Whether she wants it or not, Marissa Mayer is THE poster child NOT for the generic “working mom”, like the generic “soccer mom”, but for the Type A, High Achieving, Highly Educated, Extremely Driven professional working mom. You know her? You’re probably looking at her in the mirror.

Well, Marissa Mayer is the leader of this group – she is young, she is the head of a Fortune 500 company, she is a female leader in a male dominated industry, she is breaking barriers in the tech world, oh, and she just had her first baby. She is everything and nothing like us. Almost no one becomes a CEO of a major company. Yet we still project ourselves onto her because she is young(ish), smart, driven, beautiful, fit, now a mom, oh, and highly successful.

And for every one of us who has felt the sting of pregnancy discrimination or work place discrimination as a working mother, and believe you me, many of us have and that sting lasts a long time, Mayer’s appointment as CEO of Yahoo! while she was 6 months pregnant was a victory lap we were waiting to take. We were hoping for this day, hoping the person who didn’t hire us or removed us from a leading project because we also have to leave some days for pediatrician appointments – was paying attention – because Mayer’s appointment showed that parenthood can still equal power in the work place.

So why didn’t Mayer pose in all her third trimester glory for the cover story of Fortune Magazine about the most powerful women in business? Why did she shun her Demi Moore/Vanity Fair moment?

And did she let you down as profoundly as she let me down? Or is it a non-issue for you? Wouldn’t a Fortune cover with a women about to go into labor have been the kind of image redefining power and parenthood in the workplace that we are craving?

I think so. It would have been a striking image of beauty, success, power and juggling. The kind of image that the Type A women who read Fortune Magazine would purchase in droves, and talk about, and cheer on. Third trimester pregnancy stands in stark contrast with Fortune and power in business in America – whether we want to believe it or not.

Ask most type A, highly driven, working moms.

An image of a thin, young, blonde woman on the cover of Fortune is also somewhat surprising but nothing like a very pregnant image would have been.

What do you think? By now, it’s clear I think this was a missed opportunity. I also think it was a deliberate choice on the part of Mayer. The Atlantic Wire reported yesterday that Fortune wanted to do a photo shoot with her and she declined.  Perhaps she is trying to send the message that her maternity leave and her entry into motherhood is for her – not a trail blazing moment for Type A working moms everywhere. But whether she likes it or not, she has shattered parts of the glass ceiling and it’s not going to stop calling her.

The echo chambers of the working parents world are going to keep watching her, talking about her, and evaluating her every move. Like it or not, this is what happens when you are a leader.

To keep up with this discussion of pregnancy, work place issues and working moms, “Like” the Wired Momma Facebook page.

Disney on Ice “Rockin’ Ever After”: 20 Ticket Give-Away!

Yes, you read that right.

I have TWENTY tickets to give-away to Disney on Ice’s Rockin Ever After at the Patriot Center in two weeks!  Here’s a description of the show from the press release: “Get ready to rock out to some of Disney’s most memorable musical moments in a showcase that features the hottest tunes and talent from across the kingdom in Disney On Ice presents Rockin’ Ever After! Be part of the festivities at the Patriot Center in Fairfax, Virginia, from October 17-21! A century of classic and new Disney stars are taking the ice to share memories, laughs and excitement with you and your family.

Jam to a Scottish jig as Merida, the sharp-shooting, headstrong heroine from the latest Disney•Pixar blockbuster film, Brave, makes her ice debut! Experience a show-stopping performance as Sebastian breaks out of his shell for one night only to make waves with The Little Mermaid herself, Ariel.

Spectators will sing along as the chorus of harmless hooligans from Tangled unleashes musical mayhem when they get a visit from the sassy and spirited Rapunzel and her charming ally Flynn. Audiences will surely get their feet moving as the Beast and his castle’s enchanted entourage take center stage in a spectacular show for Belle. It will be a rockin’ remix of royalty when Disney On Ice brings this superstar line-up to Fairfax!”

Look…if any of you remember from last year, I was super busy drooling over the guy who played Flynn from Tangled (#perv) – so they had me at Flynn. They had my kids at Merida (even though we had to leave the movie early. #GoFigure).

SOOOOO….what are the details and HOW do you win some of these 20 tickets??

Patriot Center, Fairfax, VA
Wednesday, October 17 – Sunday, October 21, 2012

Show Times:
Wednesday, October 17th @ 7:00 p.m.
Thursday, October 18th @ 7:00 p.m.
Friday, October 19th @ 10:30 a.m.
and 7:30 p.m.
Saturday, October 20th @ 10:30 a.m. 2:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.
Sunday, October 21st @ 12:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.

Venue/Ticket Information:
Tickets are on-sale now and can be purchased at all Ticketmaster outlets via charge by phone at 1800-745-3000; via <> ; and at the Patriot Center box office.Patriot Center Ticket Prices: $75.00 (FRONT ROW) / $50.00 (VIP) / $30.00 / $20.00 / $15.00

Give-Away Details

I have 10 tickets to give-away for the Friday morning show on October 19 at 10:30am. I have 10 tickets to give-away to the Friday NIGHT show at 7:30pm. Note – Montgomery County schools are CLOSED on Friday October 19 – so this is a great day-time activity.  How do you enter? You head to the Wired Momma Facebook page (and be sure to “Like” the page), and specify whether you are entering for the 10:30am show or 7:30pm show – and the eldest Wired Momma’ette will draw the winner’s names on Monday October 8. I will announce the winners only on the Wired Momma Facebook page. Please also specify if you are hoping for 2 or 4 tickets. I’ve got to draw the line at 4 because I am trying to get these to as many people as possible.

Good luck! May the odds ever be in your favor……

On Biracial Kids & Families

Last week, I hosted the second ever-famous Wired Momma book club meeting. After a great discussion of the book (Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn), we moved onto a wide range of topics, which is part of what makes book club so fun – this reality that thanks to the vast Interweb – we can meet up with a group of relative strangers and end up discussing, oh, eating your placenta, dumb things husbands say and naturally, celebrity gossip and bad reality TV (here’s where I learned the uber-important phrase “Redneckognize” which apparently gets said by Honey Boo Boo’s mom. #Hilarious). While our topics were mostly light (the jury’s still out on placenta eating but one WM book club attendee claimed she’d encapsulate her placenta and eat it as vitamins if she had another baby. Aren’t you pissed you missed book club? Cause you should be) – we did cover some meatier subjects.

Somehow the fact that one of my sisters thinks Mr. Wired Momma is the palest man in American and she joyfully mocks him for being wan throughout the year — came up. C’est vrai.

Kimorra Lee Simmons and her kids. Photo Credit:


As we then noted that I also have very white kids and shamelessly mocked Mr. Wired Momma (Cause I’m so tan), it emerged that I was the only person at the table who wasn’t part of a biracial marriage. There were five of us in total, one woman is white married to a Vietnamese guy, one woman is Laotian married to a white guy, one woman biracial and married to a white guy, and another woman white married to a Cuban. Then moi and pale-face Mr. WM. Clearly it was important to note that while some of us better “Redneckognize,” another phrase I hadn’t yet heard was “BlaAsian” – which is the Black/Asian combo, made famous, in part,  by Kimora Lee Simmons.


But seriously – the conversation then turned to the ridiculously stupid things people inevitably say to moms of biracial kids….like asking them where they adopted their babies from, or if they are the nanny, something my friend  and local DC mom, Kim, documents on her amazing blog I’m Not the Nanny. Considering I basically married a man who looks kinda like my brother


I don’t personally have any experience with this but still am fascinated and irritated by the idiotic things strangers feel compelled to say. Why must anyone make a comment – is really the over arching question.

Then not two days later, a friend of mine emailed me a speech she plans to give soon, asking me to look it over. I couldn’t believe the subject matter. It was almost like she’d been part of book club. She gave such an honest, heart-felt and personal insight into this subject matter as a mixed race kid, who is now an adult  having her own kids,  that I had to share her piece with you – so I bring you Nicolle’s guest piece called “What are you?”:



“What are you?”….It was a new question, but one that became familiar to me in college.  Until that time most people I knew, I had known my whole life and whatever questions they had about me, they had figured out on their own…. rightly or wrongly.

But, when I left for college –  I was my own person…separated from my family for the first time and forced to make my way in the world as a single person removed from the family unit and that is when the questions started:
“What are you?”
“You’re Vietnamese right?”
“I can tell by your eyebrows you are Korean”

When I think about it, the whole thing began long before then but I was too young to know.  My mom told me that when she would take me out  when I was an infant she would hear people say…”Look at that cute chinese baby!”.   She also took great satisfaction in joking with me that I was really adopted from Uzbekistan.

I am pretty different from my family…so it wasn’t a big leap to think that I COULD have been adopted but it is just not the case. My mom is mom, a tall redheaded white girl of Scottish decent…and when I say white I mean see- thru-skin WHITE.  And there is my father, he is of Mexican descent but doesn’t speak a lick of Spanish.  Still I know I have each of them in me.   I inherited her wit and her tendency to gather and discard past-times like purses.  I have my dad’s almond eyes, as well as his tendency to push the envelope in any endeavor. ….Was it really necessary for him  to pretend like he was jumping off of the side of the Grand Canyon during our family visit?…..Regardless, I can’t WAIT to do that to my kids….
Anyway, it took a while, but after I began to get this question almost daily, I started to realize that people’s  assumptions about what I was had a lot to do with who THEY WERE.
When I was younger a Navajo boy drew a wonderful picture of me as a gift… except that in the drawing, it was clear that I was a nice young Navajo girl.
In high school there was a girl who really  didn’t like me. When trying to get people to see things her way she would tell them….”well, I don’t know what she is but she is definitely “NOT white””
I worked in Disneyland in college and this took the question to a whole new level. It was then I began to have the Japanese tourists speak Japanese to me as I stared blankly back at them.  Koreans would swear I was Korean. When I moved to DC the Cab drivers seemed especially fond of the question.   I could tell when people really wanted to ask.  I could see them start to fidget and look for the right time to blurt…WHAT ARE YOU?? I wouldn’t give them the satisfaction of an  immediate answer. I would  make them would guess and guess  just see where the game would take us. My friends delighted in this and began calling me a FASIAN. “Fake Asian”.
Now that I am getting more settled in life, I get the questions less but I see this is a small gift I have now passed on to my two girls.  “She looks Mongolian…and I mean that as a compliment” a friend told me  about my one year old recently.
So what am I?  It changes by the day but right now a I am a Asian looking, envelope pushing, mom, wife and a friend just trying to keep it together …. What ARE YOU??


Thank you Nicolle!!! “Like” Wired Momma on Facebook to keep up with the fun, frolic, next book club meeting and any placenta-eating status updates.


Ladies Dinner: A Discounted Chic Meal in DuPont & Give Away Alert

My lovely dinner companions and the delicious salmon. Photo credit: moi

Last week, a good friend of mine, Debra, from grad school was in town for business. What else can a gal do upon learning such great news but immediately plan for a much-needed ladies dinner out?

At least if you’re me, the obvious reaction is planning a fun dinner out.

Along with our other grad school friend, Vanessa, we quickly set to making plans for the evening. Debra was staying in DuPont Circle and it had been a while since I’d eaten out in DuPont. I don’t know about you but I tend to get in restaurant ruts. I like a few particular restaurants that are convenient to certain parts of town where I might also be heading for another reason – Penn Quarter tends to top the list – and so I head there again. I might try different restaurants but I don’t always go out of my way to explore in various parts of town.


Delicious breads and dips delivered to our table as we waited for our appetizers at Bistro Bistro. All diets kicked to the curb. Photo Credit: Moi

So this was a great excuse to look into what was new in DuPont since I’d last eaten out there….and also….it was the perfect opportunity to use my $25 gift card from  One of the things I’m loving about my work with is it’s giving me an excuse to head out and explore something new and well, it’s established that I love to eat. As for the $25 gift certificate (for which you spend $10 to purchase), I was thinking that $25 into a bill for the three of us wasn’t really going to be that much – but more on that in the end.

I searched through the variety of restaurants in DuPont that work with and we selected Bistro Bistro – you can’t really ever go wrong with French food and none of us had eaten there yet. It was a lovely cool fall evening, the big windows of Bistro Bistro were wide open and we were seated right at the front by the street, soaking in the views of DuPont and the live music from the jazz club next door was drifting in. The atmosphere and company were outstanding.

Mix in the delicious bottle of Sancerre we ordered and the absence of children for our peaceful night out and you’ve really hit the trifecta of perfection, right? Of course, toss in gossiping and catching up and isn’t anyone blissfully happy in this moment?


My lovely dinner companions were very agreeable when I noted we were on important Wired Momma business and it would be our duty to test out a few courses of the meal. They accepted this mission. Oh – and there wasn’t much arm twisting needed in kicking diets to the curb on this particular evening.


We each started with an appetizer and when in a French restaurant, you can be sure I am always going to pick onion soup. You’d have to tempt me with warm chevre cheese on a salad to lure me away from my deep love and commitment to onion soup. For this I blame my parents.

In full disclosure, my soup looked lovely but unfortunately Bistro Bistro, in my opinion, doesn’t make that great of an onion soup. I’m pretty much an onion soup whore around town and could spend all day naming the places circling the beltway I’ve tested it out.  Vanessa and Debra each ordered a salad which looked delicious and they quite enjoyed- so in this instance – I probably should have gone for the greens over the onion soup. The Sancerre, conversation and bread with olive oil and tomatoes the waiter brought to the table were yummy.

For dinner, I was totally tempted by some more fattening options (read: heavy on the cheese) but instead selected the salmon with the lentils and carrots – it felt like a great autumnal choice and it absolutely didn’t disappoint. By the end of our main courses, we couldn’t shove any dessert into our mouths no matter how much we would have liked too. The options sounded delicious.

Now back to the bill. Recall how I was suspicious over how I’d feel about a $25 gift certificate?

Enter the bill:

The total bill...including our reduction

and suddenly seeing $143 reduced to $118 divided by three – I actually was really grateful for the discount. Seeing as how my dinner companions all suffered through the finance class in grad school avec moi – we all learned about the consumer price threshold. For me, somehow seeing a bill below $120 for three of us feels a lot more palatable than seeing a bill for $143, even though much of that was the cost of the wine. And again, this was a gift certificate you spend $10 for the $25 discount. I always like to remind everyone to read the fine print before using a discount deals site, however. When using this particular gift certificate, you cannot apply it towards alcohol and you can only use the gift certificate on certain nights of the week (read: not weekends). Lucky for us – my ladies night out was a mid-week treat.

Overall conclusion: Everyone needs a ladies night out on the town. I was so glad such a great friend came to town, giving us the excuse to go out and explore a part of town I tragically hadn’t visited in a while. Give -away alert: I have a $25 gift certificate from to give away to one of my lovely readers….but my self-imposed Wired Momma rule is you also use it for a much needed ladies night out with some good friends. Just comment on the Facebook posting about today’s post to enter in the give-away.

Disclosure: As a blog ambassador for, the $25 gift certificate was gifted to me. My opinions here are all my own.