Observations in Human Behavior from a #Sandy Survivor

It seems the worst part of that bitch of a storm #Sandy #Frankenstorm is over here in DC. Knock wood, anyway, you know I hate to be jinxy, especially about the most beloved part of my modern life: electricity – but I believe the gods of all things weather, the Capital Weather Gang, as they predict and forecast the improving weather. So with the worst hopefully behind us, let’s talk about some observations in human behavior when the “storm of the century” (thanks for that, Al Roker), strikes:

Survivors of repeat extended power outages are paranoid. We exhibit odd behaviors – like brewing coffee 15 hours in advance and keeping every electronic device plugged in and charging all day long. In anticipation .

1. Anxiety is hard. Turns out sitting around all day, closed up in your house, following federal orders to stay indoors, waiting for 8 excruciating hours for the worst of the storm to hit at dinner, is extremely stressful. Right? Also – it prompted me to make dinner at 4pm, which in itself is just strange, but who wanted to have electricity remorse and eat cold dinner at 6pm when we could eat warm dinner at 4pm?



Sitting around, waiting for the power to go out and watching the endless cycle of local news telling you the worst hasn’t come yet, and the power will eventually go out, is hard on even those of us with the steeliest of nerves.

I kept wondering – is it possible for an entire city to go dark? If it is possible anywhere in this very developed, advanced country – it will happen to all Pepco customers because that’s what they do best – suck – I reasoned (from a decade of experience).

Loved you, horse head guy.

Thanks to horse head guy for a little comedic reprieve. It’s good that someone out there was smart enough to think ahead and know that somewhere, someday, a horse head mask would be necessary to lighten the news.

2. Electricity binge. I don’t know about you but we were total power scofflaws yesterday. Why turn off a light just because you were leaving a room? Oh hell no. It could be DAYS or WEEKS before that room could see the light of electric power – mine as well leave it on. Why turn off the TV? It could be an eternity before the children can watch Jake & The Neverland Pirates again – so just leave it on. Why turn off the coffee pot? My pot for today was already brewed – let it stay on until the inevitable outage arrives – that could leave me closer to something resembling warm coffee.

But then – as I brewed coffee for me and Mr. Wired Momma in advance, I started to go a little Lord of the Flies on him….what if we really did lose power for 10 days, could I hide this coffee, did I have to share it with him? Should I hide the advance cups?


Meanwhile, back in the kitchen, if I noticed a few things in the dishwasher, I reasoned I better run the dishwasher again, it had been a few hours since I last ran it and well, it could be a long time before it can be used again.

In other words – if it could be left on, it was on, in every corner of the house. All. Day. Long.



3. Accepting applications for a new common enemy – only applicants accepted are those in infrastructure or utilities. As someone who spent much of her 2os hating Metro’s red line for its total inability to ever get me to work during rush hour when the rain threatens, or get me home when the rain happens, before we even get to snow, I then moved to Montgomery County in my early 30s. My new common enemy quickly became Pepco. As an extended power outage survivor, multiple times a year, I almost built my entire writing identity around my hatred of this utility. My efforts to dismantle and destroy them through writing for Washingtonian, for my own blog, submitting written testimony to their public hearings and calling my local state legislators –  was true and committed. It has been a part of me. I love having a common enemy almost as much as  I love having electricity.

C’est vrai.

Yet here I am, a survivor of Derecho and a survivor of #Sandy – with electricity. My coffee was brewed for today, around 4pm yesterday, yet I can just brew one this morning. What is happening? I am a lost, wandering soul without a reason to hate Pepco.

I am now accepting applications for the next large public utility or incompetent infrastructure in Washington, DC to be my newest common enemy.


4. There would have been only one advantage to losing power – not having to listen to the stupid campaign ads on TV. Oh, and I love all the segments on TV now about what’s safe and not safe in your fridge if you’ve lost power – I especially love them because those who don’t have power – can’t hear them.


What do you have to add to the Survivor List? Be sure to “Like” the Wired Momma Facebook page to keep up with the list and fun….and also – to apply to be my new common enemy. I need you.

The Bad Attitude Guide to Surviving Epic Power Outages: The Primer Before the Wrath of #Sandy

We are now hours away from when the Capital Weather Gang, the gods of all things weather, predict the worst of the #Frankenstorm hits the DC area. So now seems the right time to brush everyone up on the Bad Attitude Guide to Surviving Epic Power Outages, first brought to you by moi last summer after Derecho. For your convenience, I’ve condensed the guide into the now shorter, more efficient (totally because I respect that you are likely trying to preserve your battery-powered devices now to have them for later) pre-storm survival list. Henceforth, from me, a decade long resident of Montgomery County, with my state legislator’s number on speed dial and a trail of written testimony and articles lambasting Pepco to show for myself, is a gift to you.

Once we’ve moved through the worst of this bitch of a storm, I will bring you phase two of the list, the much-needed (bad attitude) perspective on being a power loss victim, of course, so be sure to save some of your battery power to check back in a few days.

If you’re not first, you’re last, here’s why. And is it me or does this sign scream Communist Russia circa 1982?

1. Power outages are like fight club. If you are unfortunate enough to lose power DO NOT immediately call or text your friends to ask if they, too,  lost power. Do not jinx them. Do not speak of it. Trust me, the power loss victim will use his/her last 1% of battery power to post on Facebook and Twitter that their power is out. The powerless need to broadcast their misery. Mass power outages are to DC’ers and Facebook what negative campaign ads are to politicians, we can’t help ourselves but blast the news in a constant loop. Until our phones die.

2. By now, if you haven’t planned ahead, clearly you are new to the area and think we are dramatic. We are but you will learn to be too. In the wise words of Ricky Bobby, If you’re not first, you’re last. Do not wait for the next threatened storm to stock up on batteries. Do it on a sunny day with no clouds in sight. Everyone else will be as paranoid as you and much like the threat of a snow storm in January, the threat of the next storm in DC will lead only to ransacking of all grocery stores and stockpiling up on bottled water and batteries.

3. On Monday evening, before the wind starts howling too fiercely, brew your coffee for Tuesday. Even consider saving some for the rest of the week if you like to have it as soon as you wake up. Having morning access to coffee immediately upon waking helps tame the savage powerless beast, even if it’s iced coffee, which admittedly is more desirable during summer power outages. This quick access to coffee will only sooth your power-loss anger briefly but it helps. Trust moi.

Clearly we are in the 15 bottle zone

4. Two words: alcohol and crafts.  Stock up on them now before the power goes out. Best to just always have these things in bulk in your home because any true DC’er knows the worst storms are the ones that don’t get forecast and discussed in grave detail for days in advance.

5. Let’s cut to the chase: People who claim power outages are fun and bring the family closer together are assholes. And they also don’t have toddlers. Not one toddler in western civilization understands why the Backyardigans won’t turn on immediately and why they can’t watch streaming Netflix on the iPad. Unfortunately you will not share a common enemy with your children during prolonged power outages because  they will direct their rage at you, not Pepco. See #5 to help cope with this: alcohol and crafts.

6.Reality check: There is no logic to the Pepco power grid. If you look across the street and realize your neighbor has power while you suffer for 5 days, don’t try to understand it. And you won’t be happy for them. You won’t even like them. You will curse them. You will loathe them. You will hate their connection to the modern world. Don’t pretend otherwise.

7. Power Grid 101: If you hear a transformer blow, you’re fucked. In the instance of prolonged power outages, hope for downed wires on your street. Danger moves you up further on the list. A boring old transformer that takes .02 seconds to fix, after you wait for 5 days, is your enemy in this situation.

8. Don’t be naive: Never assume Pepco knows your home lost power, never trust their outage maps and you can never call them enough. No matter what they say.

9. Everyone’s talking about you, except you can’t hear it. When you are in the dark with no connection to the modern world, the local TV and radio stations are covering the power outages and all the things that are happening to you, incessantly. Only you don’t know what is happening to you. The rest of us do. The irony is not lost on those with power. But they only care about you or feel sorry for you, if they actually have power themselves.

10. Neighborhood Listserv Fights are about to happen. Nothing pisses off the powerless more than hearing the loud hum of a neighbor’s generator. Instead of admitting that they are just pissed off they haven’t spent the cash on a generator themselves, they inevitably take to neighborhood listservs to bitch about the noise of others’ generators and remind them of evening quiet hours. Note: those with generators generally don’t care the noise of theirs bothers you.  If you are an anthropologist or sociologist, this is your ideal time to study human behavior. And if you love watching a good passive aggressive fight in public, be sure to save some battery power to log onto your neighborhood listerv. It’s particularly good entertainment considering you no longer have TV and won’t for at least a week.

Like Wired Momma on  Facebook to keep up with the Pepco rants, the bad attitude & general commiserating. Look for part 2 of the Bad Attitude Guide in a few days….if I can log on, that is.

With Fall comes comfort food

Photo Credit: MomsWhoThink.com

There seems to be one time of year when I really branch out and try new recipes and that time of year is now – the fall. Even though the mornings aren’t always crisp and the days aren’t necessarily chilly in October in DC, I still tend to want to nest and make soups, chili and break out the crock pot. Surely others do this?  Mr. Wired Momma has come to think of this time of year as his 4-6 week window where  the standard Taco Tuesday and Pizza Friday are rotated out (sparingly, of course, I wouldn’t want anyone to get too spoiled or their expectations too high) for something new and different. Clearly I am tres exotique in the kitchen, right?

It’s not just making dinner at home that changes for me in the fall, it’s also where we like to eat out and what we tend to order when we eat out. Look, on a hot July day, you will not find me ordering pasta at an Italian restaurant. Frankly, it doesn’t even really occur to me to go to an Italian restaurant when it’s hot (no offense, Italian restaurants). But come October, it’s topping my list. Do you do this? As it’s my season to be on the hunt for new recipes, I’d love to know what your fall favorite meals are and share the recipe! Right now I have a rare beef stew going in the crock pot, so surely chili is coming later this week. Please, share away by emailing them to me at WiredMomma@me.com. I will happily turn them all into a great fall recipes post from the fabulous and amazing WM readers.

And while I’m on the hunt for good Italian food, I’m thinking I’m trying out this local Italian restaurant, Tragara in Bethesda, using Restaurant.com next. Are there any local spots on your must-try list that tend to pique your interest when the weather changes? Do you eat differently when the seasons change?

The Great Jack’o’Lantern Display

I want to try something new here on WM. I don’t know about you but I LOVE Halloween, the decorations, the costumes, the candy (obviously) – all of it. And I also love carving pumpkins but I suck at it. I lose all creativity and can never come up with a new or different pumpkin face. My youngest wants a Superhero carved pumpkin this year – which of course surprises none of my regular readers. So Mr. WM will attempt that this weekend (he doesn’t know that yet but if he’s reading today’s post, you’re welcome Mr. WM for that promise to the youngest WM’ette).

Anyhow – so how about you? I would LOVE for readers to share with me their carved pumpkins…email me a pic and include whatever you’d like as the caption, your name or not, include your kids in the pic, include your kids in their costumes, include your cat, whatever you want but I would LOVE for Wednesday’s post to basically be a gallery of people’s carved pumpkins. Maybe this will inspire me to do better next year. And obviously I will do a dramatic unveiling of Mr. Wired Momma’s super hero pumpkin!

Also – if you have made your child’s costume – not store bought like I tend to do because I am totally intimidated and again lose all creativity – but if you have a home made kids costume that you’ve all worked on together – would love for you to send in pictures of that as well!!!

So please, between now and Tuesday morning, October 30, email me your carved pumpkin – I don’t care if it’s a brilliant masterpiece or a regular pumpkin – and whatever your caption is – and let’s make a whole WM readers gallery of pumpkins. Maybe I’ll even take it to Pinterest. Surely you’ll be famous.

Email the images and caption to: WiredMomma@me.com

I can’t wait to see what you’ve all done! And as always, don’t forget to “Like” the Wired Momma Facebook page to keep up with the fun, frolic, and ridiculing of Pepco in advance of this alleged Hurricane Sandy.