I Am Not the Babysitter

I am thrilled that we are hitting our stride here on WM with the guest posts. So far we’ve had two very different voices come forward with some great topics. Today’s guest post hails from a friend, a local blogger and someone I’m lucky to have met through the internet, through WM book club and I adore keeping up with her blog. Nicole Dash, writer behind Tiny Steps Mommy, mother to four and owner of her own business addresses some very real, very important issues – ones that do not stoke the mommy wars because what she’s writing about is something I believe men and women are guilty of – but it’s one I’ve noticed along the way as well.

a working mother with a baby speaking mobile phoneBefore we get started, let’s play a game. When you see someone walking into preschool – and this someone is a dad or a mom – but they are dressed totally down. Do you:

1. Assume they are a stay-at-home parent

2. Assume they work from home

3. Think about how you’re late for work and it must be nice to be strolling in late, in yoga pants, with an empty house at home

4. None of the above

Be honest. And maybe, your answer depends on the day. For me – it would depend on the day – and how late I am. But I’m not going to pretend like I haven’t sized people up and speculated. And trust me, I know this speculation is about ME and my decisions and honestly – nothing about them.

I’ve worked full-time in a demanding job along K Street, I’ve had a nanny, I’ve stopped working full-time and been “nothing but” a stay-at-home mom, and now I run my own consulting company, sometimes I work full-time, sometimes I work part-time- but I work out of my house – so the majority of people who see me during the day assume I am a “SAHM.” My point – we are a society that needs labels and defaults on assumptions. It’s how we assess situations, evaluate the other person standing next to us and move on. This doesn’t mean it is all laced with judgement or evil. It just means we do this. Do not pretend like you don’t.

Some of us are comfortable in our decisions, proud of the choices we’ve made and just don’t get defensive or reactionary when assumptions are made – flawed or not.

Some of us are riddled with doubt and second guess our decisions every day – whether it be about working or staying home, or summer camp options, or whether we have our kid signed up for not enough or too many activities – it doesn’t have to be a big thing – it’s just something we are evaluating and second guessing and wondering about.

Some of us are confident in our decisions but every once in a while, get sick of the assumptions. Some days   – that is me. Some days, I show up to the bus stop late, I am in shitty yoga pants with unwashed hair and I look a mess but I have clients breathing down my neck and deadlines to meet and more kids to get off to another school and a leaking basement – and then someone in professional clothes makes a passing comment that implies I’m “just a SAHM” (read: therefore I have really nothing to do) and I’ll stew all day. Other days I couldn’t give a rat’s ass. But that’s the point – we are all complicated beings that default on assumptions but often just don’t like it.

And THAT friends – is why I really like the post Nicole is bringing to us today. She’s pretty much had it. And she raises some excellent points on the implied value we place on the importance of tending to children all day long. In part, she’s taking on the patronizing “Oh, I don’t know how you do it” (read: I am pretty much to good for that work). And more importantly, how we value and define work.

See what you think, weigh in on the assumptions we make, tell me if you really don’t make any or maybe sometimes you do. Let’s talk. This isn’t a fight. I think it’s real and Nicole is giving it a voice.  And with that, I hand it over to Nicole, of Tiny Steps Mommy.


How would you feel if you dedicated your heart, soul and energy into a profession that gets little-to-no respect? How would you feel knowing that there are people who look down on you because of a lack of understanding, a lack of caring, or a sense that what you do is beneath them? How would you feel if you spent the bulk of your time thinking about the well-being of others only to be treated poorly?

As a home-based child care provider, I have felt this sting more than once. I speak for myself, but I know many other child care providers, nannies, and even teachers who know exactly what I’m talking about. I care for and teach children for a living. There is nothing more important than our children, yet the people entrusted with this task are often not given their due respect.

When people ask what I do for a living and I say I run a daycare from my home, there are many assumptions made. Here are a few I have had to correct more than once.

  1. I simply added a couple of kids to my brood for extra cash.
  2. I change diapers and deal with crying kids all day long.
  3. I have no other options.
  4. I have the patience of a saint.
  5. I am a babysitter.
  6. I can keep my house sparkling because I’m home all day.
  7. It is brainless work that anyone can do.
  8. It’s easy and good money.
  9. I sit on my butt and watch children play all day long (while keeping up with soap operas).
  10. I have given up on having a “real” career.

I could go on, but I won’t. I know a lot of the assumptions made are probably meant to be harmless and are born out of ignorance, but I find many of them offensive. Interestingly there are stark similarities between some of the things on this list with what some SAHM cite as stereotypes about what it means to stay home with your children.

I have to ask why?

Does it lessen the guilt of depending on someone else to care for your children if you believe the “job” can be done by anyone? Do you believe that staying home or working from home is the “easy” way to do things? Does it make you feel superior? Does the fact that we don’t wear expensive suits or wear designer shoes in make us less important?

For many child care providers, caring for children is more than a job. It is a calling and a career. There are absolutely bad providers who only do it for the money, but you can find bad lawyers and doctors guilty of the same thing.

Yes, I change diapers. Yes, I have patience (at times). Yes, I am used to crying children. Yes, I watch children play, but more importantly I watch children flourish and discover and learn and grow.

I am not the babysitter.

I am a teacher, I am a marketing manager, I am a negotiator,  I am a contract writer, I am an accountant, I am an HR professional, I am a boss, I am a cook, I am a tax professional, I am a chief operating officer, I am a nutritionist, I am a nurse, I am a kisser of boo boos, I am a comforter in chief, I am a librarian, I am a princess on Mondays and a Superhero on Fridays, I am a counselor, I am a music teacher, I am a puppeteer, I am the eyes and ears of parents, I am a student,  I am a referee, I am a child advocate, I am a party planner, I am a professional organizer and I am a witness to all things awesome about the secret society of children.

I am a child care provider and I love what I do because of all the reasons I can’t explain. Oh and I do not have time to catch up on soap operas and my house is far from sparkling because I am too busy working hard at my career, so you can work hard at yours.

Nicole Dash is a writer, blogger and child care business owner who lives in the suburbs outside Washington, DC with her husband and four children. Nicole writes about family, life, parenting and caring for children on her heartfelt blog Tiny Steps Mommy.


Thank you Nicole! I hope others weigh in here or on the WM Facebook page! If you’d like to send me a guest post, email me at wiredmomma@me.com. Be sure to also check out  Nicole’s blog Facebook page.

Tweens, Teens, Parents & Underage Drinking

#DidYouKnow that April is Alcohol Awareness Month?

I did.

But that’s partly because many many moons ago, I worked for The Century Council, which is a national non-profit funded by the distilled spirits industry. The Century Council’s mission is to fight underage drinking and drunk driving so clearly, April was always a busy month for me.

That was then – when I was in my mid-20s and planning a wedding and still faxing press releases to reporters.

So now today, in 2013, the way I approach Alcohol Awareness Month is quite different because we’re almost 11 years into the marriage, no one in their right mind would fax a press release (if you do, you’re doing it wrong) and now I have a 7 and 4-year-old.

One would think it’s too soon for me to be worrying about my kids and alcohol, right? But as I watched my adorable 7-year-old give me a dance performance, with her rake as her prop, to Miley Cyrus’ “Party in the USA” last night – and believe me – I loved every single minute of it – I think we all know the tween years come knocking so much faster than we’d like them too. And short on the heels of the tween years are the dreaded teen years. Not to mention, last year, in the first few months of Kindergarten, my daughter came home with this work sheet which still shocks me:

I’m thinking someone had to help her with some of these?

Really? Needles? Wine? Beer? She was five at the time people, FIVE.

Needless to say, now I walk upstairs and find notes like this taped to her door:


Given the dramatic transformation in her in just a year, you better believe that when I was given the opportunity to join a phone call that The Century Council organized with Dr. Anthony Wolf, a child psychologist and author of I’d Listen to My Parents if They’d Just Shut Up: What to Say and Not Say When Parenting Teens, and the best-selling, Get Out of My Life, but first could you drive me and Cheryl to the Mall? A Parent’s Guide to the New Teenager, I jumped at the opportunity.

Dr. Wolf’s message, along with The Century Council’s theme for their Alcohol Awareness Month efforts, is to start conversations with your  kids and start them early. Clearly one could infer the Montgomery County School system also believes in the importance of starting conversations early – given Exhibit A that I posted above. And I absolutely believe in this too. Right now, my 7-year-old cherishes our “private talks” we have every night. It’s a time when her pesky little sister is already asleep and it’s just me and her, together, in her room, lights out, she’s ready for bed, and we can talk about anything. Sometimes she’s obviously reaching for something – for instance a recent question was “Do you think some day I will change my name?”

BUT – the point is – she knows that’s our time every night to cover anything under the sun and I’m probably over-thinking it but I hope it’s laying a foundation for her for when the time comes when she doesn’t want to share her stream of consciousness with me anymore. Which was one of Dr. Wolf’s points – start conversations with your kids and keep having them. Specifically, he noted with kids, teens in particular, parents need to recognize that we are having a conversation, a dialogue, not a lecture. He went on further to explain “the art of listening as a parent is a big deal because kids feel like their parents always jump in, so don’t criticize what they say or correct them.” This really resonated with me and I believe that for this sort of effective conversation to be remotely possible when they are teens, I need to create this environment now with my little ones.

Here’s a look at the other insights Dr. Wolf shared with us on our call last week. You can take these and apply them to most aspects of parenting, no matter if your kids are not quite at the age where you need to raise the issue of drinking directly with them yet.

  • Parents think they have little influence on their kids because kids, teen in particular, are non-responsive when you try to engage them OR you just get back talk from them. BUT it turns out it’s not nearly as bad as it seems because kids have this little problem:  If you’ve migraine been a nice parent, kids still have the attachment; you are still in their head and your words can exert a steady, constant pressure on them.  To be in their heads: it’s good.
  • How do you talk to teens about underage drinking? First, you have to ask yourself initially where you stand on underage drinking. Many parents have ambivalence – they don’t like drinking and driving but they remember their own experiences as teens drinking.
  • The reality is that drinking puts kids in situations to make dangerous decisions:  taking risks, drugs, abusing prescription drugs. Drinking can exacerbate anger and depression, make kids more vulnerable in sexual experiences, drinking increases chance for pregnancy and STDs.
  • The more parents create a pattern of talking with kids as they are younger, the more chance parents have at conversations as they get older.

So, wondering about where and when to start these types of conversations? Dr. Wolf gave some excellent guidance:

  • In the car. Teens are better when they aren’t facing you. I loved this insight!  Another time is when they are watching tv or playing video games; don’t be put off by their lack of enthusiasm. Talking to teens is a skill because they have an attitude, noted Dr. Wolf. Parents need to be sure they don’t pick up on their attitude.
  • An excellent strategy to deploy is this: “I love you so much, I’m not put off by your rejecting attitude, I still love you anyway.” Dr. Wolf went on to say my favorite quote of the week, or possibly ever, “rise above their grumpiness” and don’t ever expect this reaction: “This is great, why don’t we do this more?” AH ha! I’m sure none of us expected that but the idea of rising above their grumpiness appeals endlessly to me. Can I get my kids to rise above my grumpiness on certain days?
  • Most of us need to start at the very beginning and frankly, this applies to any tough topic – How do you start the conversation? Dr. Wolfe said to just go for it, “I want to talk to you about alcohol” and plow ahead.
  • When you find yourself in a conversation, being genuine is a big deal – do not use the “mommy voice” but talk about an adult subject in an adult manner.  In fact, try not to get into a lecture, don’t try to win the argument, it’s a conversation – opening up an ongoing dialogue back and forth – the art of listening as a parent is a big deal, kids feel like their parents always jump in, don’t criticize what they say or correct them.
  • Be honest; tell them what you worry about, ask them what they think are the risks of drinking, why kids their age drink, are there kids you know who drink – what they know about what their friends doing.
  • How much of your life should you bring in? The answer is: Do what you are comfortable with, they might ask you questions you aren’t comfortable answering….you can tell them there are some things you won’t talk about.
  • A main fear kids have is about saying “no”; they worry they will push their friends away. Dr. Wolf noted that parents have to recognize this with kids. In fact, he explained that kids will rearrange who they hang out with because drinking can be a turning point for who they hang out with in their teenage years. Kids know that excuses to their friends like “I haven’t been feeling well” doesn’t hold up over time as a reason why they aren’t drinking. Kids need to learn to just say “No, i don’t want too” from the beginning.

aly-parents-splash-aIf you’d like more information about how to talk to your kids about alcohol, check out The Century Council’s web site Ask Listen Learn. This site is an excellent resource for middle school aged kids and their parents, encouraging everyone to say “Yes” to a healthy lifestyle.  Interesting to note for parents of girls, there is a section about how alcohol affects girls differently. As a parent of only girls  it’s impossible for me not to point it out. Also, the Alcohol Awareness Month designated web page has tremendous resources and interactive videos for parents and teens alike.

For anyone interested in more information, The Century Council is hosting a twitter party full of tips and information on  how to #TalkEarly with kids about underage drinking tomorrow, April 17, at 1 p.m. ET.  (Make sure to follow #TalkEarly, @AskListenLearn@centurycouncil, and @TheMotherhood for all the twitter party info).

About trying to pee alone: A Wired Momma Original Movie

Today’s post doesn’t need words. I thought it needed documentation. So one day, while thinking about the universal motherhood truth that you never get a freaking moment – I decided to quietly slip away. To the bathroom.

I didn’t have to pee.

I just wanted to run a very scientific experiment.


Like a beast stalking its prey, I was soon discovered: It took 12 seconds.

See for yourselves:

And there you have it. Further evidence of what I’ve long said: STOCKHOLM SYNDROME. We all suffer from it.

A special thanks to my sister and brother-in-law of Born Lucky Studios for their brilliant work editing this Wired Momma original.

Do you ever get a moment?


Join me on Facebook.



Yoga Moms Are Perfect & Other New Mom Myths

Continuing my ongoing call for contributors, today I bring you an excellent post from local blogger and mom Danielle Veith. You can follow Danielle’s blog at Crazy Like A Mom. What I like about her post today is she touches on some issues that will probably hit home with many of us – especially that loneliness and inevitable insecurity that comes with being a new mom. Read on and be sure to keep up with Danielle also on Facebook. With that, I turn it over to Danielle:


A while ago, I met a first-time mom who had a few-week-old infant and really deep postpartum depression. She was really struggling and felt totally alone. Our conversation, one I’ve had with lots of other moms in one form or another, went something like this:


Danielle’s adorable kiddo’s doing their best downward dogs

Me:  “You should try to go to a postnatal yoga class and meet other moms with babies of the same age.”

Other Mom: “But I’m so intimidated by all those perfect yoga moms.”

Me: “But if you go to class, then you’re one of those perfect yoga moms.”

Other Mom: “But I won’t feel perfect.”

Me: “What makes you think they do?”


There is so much insecurity, doubt and just general lack of confidence involved in being a new mom. Other moms always seem to be doing better than we are. More pulled-together, more easy-going, more on top of things with babies who sleep better, nurse better, cry less.


Everyone has their own version of a group of moms who are “perfect.” For that mom, it was Yoga Moms.


Breaking News: I happen to have it on good authority that yoga moms aren’t actually perfect and happy all the time with babies who are perfect and happy all the time.


How do I know? When my daughter was eight-weeks old, I started taking a yoga class for new moms where the babies hung out on the floor while we tried out down dog in our new mom bodies. The instructor encouraged us to have lunch together after class, which we did—nearly every week for months. Almost five years later, nine of us are still friends. We have moms nights out, playdates with the kids, family gatherings, our kids take classes together and we support each other when we need it.


When I met these women, I didn’t even think we had anything in common—we come from different backgrounds, different education levels, different ages, races, incomes. Some of us went back to work quickly, others are still at-home moms. Most of us nursed, some bottle-fed. Some cried-it-out, others co-slept. From what we hear about the Mommy Wars raging everywhere, you’d think we would have been at each other’s throats or at least slinging passive-aggressive arrows at each other’s heartfelt parenting choices.


Maybe we just got really lucky, but we did have two things in common—we all told the truth and we laughed a lot. We talked about all the hard stuff, and (Imagine this!) it turned out that we were all going through the same struggles. It was such a relief to know that we weren’t going crazy, screwing up, failing our kids. We weren’t the only one who didn’t fit back into our pre-pregnancy clothes, whose boobs leaked in public, who hid in the bathroom and cried.


Recently, another mom was talking about a group of moms she met when her first kid was born. She called them “Bethesda moms” and thought they all seemed so perfect—perfect hair and they always looked cute with cute babies in cute outfits. She looked at them and felt alone, not pulled together and happy and perfect, and she never bonded with them. So, I asked her, “Did you ever tell any of them how you were feeling?” Well, no, she hadn’t. She was sure they weren’t feeling how she was feeling and she tried to hide it. “How do you know they weren’t feeling the same way and wishing they had someone to talk to, too?”


Sometimes “fake it til you make it” will help you as a parent. You can’t fall apart all the time and no one wants to be around someone who’s always negative. But I think our generation of moms wants to talk about what being a mom is really like. We owe it to other moms and to ourselves to tell each other the truth.


It’s the only way we’ll find out that we’re not alone.


Thank you Danielle!!! If you’d like to contribute to my blog, feel free to email me at wiredmomma@me.com and of course, keep up with the fun by hitting “Like” on the WM FB page, where the chatter and insights is always interesting and fun!