My Night With Channing Tatum

Ah ha! I totally couldn’t resist that obnoxious title….my night was also with Jamie Foxx and the ever-classy Maggie Gyllenhaal for the DC premiere of their new movie, White House Down.

Oh, and did I mention the movie theater sized crowd also in attendance?

C’est vrai. I wasn’t alone with CT.

Though I am sure most women in the audience were imagining they were alone with him.

Me with Maria Jose from Very Busy Mama and Angelica Talan from Clarendon Moms

Me with Maria Jose from Very Busy Mama and Angelica Talan from Clarendon Moms

The evening started with a fun cocktail party at Mate in Georgetown, hosted by The Moms and the

The fabulous Thien-Kim of I'm Not the Nanny and Anne Parris of Not A Supermom at Mate.

The fabulous Thien-Kim of I’m Not the Nanny and Anne Parris of Not A Supermom at Mate.

ever-fabulous Equinox gym. After an hour of drinks and sushi, we headed to the AMC Lowe’s theater, unfortunately bypassing the red carpet, to head inside and have a chance to hear from the stars of the movie before seeing the movie.

We waited what felt like an eternity, of course, when People’s sexiest man alive is going to enter the room….until suddenly we heard the ever-familiar deep tonal voice of Jamie Foxx, bellowing into a microphone, from outside the theater, “Channing….Channing Tatum”

Everyone went nuts.

Suddenly I realized there was Maggie Gyllenhaal walking in. I had absolutely no idea she was also coming and I was blown away but her super chic pixie cut and her stunning beauty. For a minute, I forgot she was standing right behind Channing…..


Isn't she gorgeous?

Isn’t she gorgeous?

A few observations:

I wanted to hear more from Maggie Gyllenhaal. She plays the head Secret Service agent at the White House. In the role, she’s excellent. In real life, she’s amazing. She spoke very briefly and acknowledged that it was a crowd of “mom bloggers” and revealed she spent her time nursing a newborn in her trailer while filming the movie. We all went wild. Here’s the 15 second clip of her giving us that nugget:

Look at that smile....oh my

Look at that smile….oh my

Channing Tatum is incredibly handsome in real life.

I know.

I know.

I’ve just revealed something incredibly shocking and insightful to you. Let’s see, what else. Oh, his neck size is enormous. He’s definitely tall. He also seemed shy. Not like he didn’t want to be there or had somewhere better to be – not at all – just genuinely shy. It was sweet when he noted that he played the role of a father to a daughter in the movie and has since become the father to a daughter. We were like puddy in his hands. Here’s the clip of that moment:

Jamie Foxx has all the charm, charisma and stage presence that you

The cast of White House Down

The cast of White House Down

imagine he does. He was funny, sang easily, had fun-loving banter with his cast members, and hilariously noted that a year ago he played a slave and now he’s playing the role of President of the United States. Here’s a clip of him making fun of our boyfriend, Channing:

I think it’s safe to say that we were all star struck. There was plenty of security so we couldn’t get too close (those who are on my Facebook page know I was making threats to do inappropriate things….).

How about the actual movie?

It’s the perfect summer action adventure movie. Would it be my first choice? No. Of course not. Would I go see it with Mr. WM if I hadn’t been invited to the premiere and he wanted to go, totally. Would I walk out of there and feel good about spending the money on a sitter and the ticket price – totally. It’s an action packed, shoot ’em up, sometimes quite funny, totally mindless, though there are a few solid plot twists, summer movie.  One word of caution, however, if you are (understandably) sensitive about seeing major national landmarks being blown up and attacked – this might not be the movie for you.

Hit “Like” on the Wired Momma Facebook page for the most fun you ever will have.

Six Universal Truths about Kids: A Humorous Picture Post

It’s time for another picture post…today I offer you my six universal truths about kids. Why stop at just six, you ask?

Because frankly, we don’t have all day.

I’d also like to weigh in on the debate over nature versus nurture:  clearly the below facts about children are about nature because lord knows I don’t nurture these habits.

Universal Kid-ism #1: Much like Taylor Swift is never, ever, ever gonna get back together with you, don’t you dare think I will ever close the screen door. Ever. Yet when I do come inside to eat or go to bed, there better NOT be a fly in the house. Ever. Also, I don’t care about air conditioning the patio. It probably needed it. #You’reWelcome

Exhibit A. How many times will I close the door all summer long?

Exhibit A. How many times will I close the door all summer long?


Universal Kid-ism #2: Left foot and Right Foot are only a state of mind. That adults suffer from. #Obviously. If you are 4-years-old, you walk around like this all day long and not one thing feels weird:


Universal Kid-ism #3: If you buy a box of Band-Aids, I need that box. The entire thing. Immediately.


Universal Kid-ism #4: Your iPad is actually my iPad. Your iPhone is my iPhone. And if you leave them laying around, I will take no less than 500 pictures of my feet, pages of my books, the picture I colored, my favorite characters on TV or my sister playing on the iPad. Exhibit A:


Universal Kid-ism #5: I never have to pee. Ever. Especially when I wake up in the morning. #TrueStory #EveryDay

why do they do this? Photo Credit:

why do they do this? Photo Credit:

And last but not least

Universal Kid-ism #6: I better not ever find my precious artwork in here or there WILL be hell to pay #IAmAnArtist:


Right? Right.

Like Wired Momma on Facebook. It will be the most fun you ever did have.

Summer Fun 2013: The WM Bucket List

I measure my phase in parenthood by the ages of my kids in the summer. I learned this the hard way that first summer I was home full-time with two kids. Does the phrase “rude awakening” come to mind? They were 7 months and 3.5 years old.

It was hard. It was really hard. I later likened my children to a lion tamer and Godzilla. Since that post, I quite enjoy seeing how many people search the term “Lion Tamer” and land on my blog, only to be disappointed that I have no experience in actually taming lions.

Unless you would consider a three-year old a lion.

In which case, get my whip and top hat out – I am a verified expert.

Now that mine are 4.5 and 7.5, I am approaching this summer with a new lease on life. I no longer feel like I am trapped behind the looking-glass, gazing at the parents who can actually sit by the pool and relax a bit; staring longingly at the parents who have the nerve to bring a book or magazine to the beach. We have arrived. I am not naive enough to think we fully over the liberation threshold. No No.  We are knocking gently at the door, arriving ever so timidly, eagerly awaiting to see that summer can be relaxing, lazy and slow….sometimes…briefly…on some days. All the while, worried that some set back will put us back to the days of the lion tamer and godzilla.

The thing is, I really do expect that this summer, I can actually catch  a minute by the pool and enjoy the wide open freedom that comes with no nap schedules. Therefore, I am actually building a summer bucket list.  I will continue to maintain the work that actually pays me but that said, topping off my bucket list is to spend less time worrying about my blog, writing on the blog and generally keeping it up.

I am on summer break from Wired Momma.

I trust it means you won’t leave me. I trust it means you will come back in the fall and of course, I”ll still post over the summer, but sporadically. I can’t fully let go, naturally, so keep up with the fun on the Wired Momma Facebook page.

With that, here’s a peek at what I plan to do this summer – in no particular order – and the beauty of my bucket list is I don’t have these things carefully planned out and written on the calendar, the calendar is being kept open, so we can decide somewhat whimsically when we’ll head out on an adventure:

Wolf Trap – both regular Wolf Trap for the evening shows under the stars – and the Children’s Theatre-in-the-Woods. We lived in this area briefly when I was a kid and I have really fond memories of the Children’s Theatre. I want to be sure my kids do too. I also love sitting out on the lawn on a hot summer night, enjoying a picnic and the sounds of live music.

Speaking of live music, during the month of June, Brookside Gardens has free outdoor concerts on Tuesday nights. It can be tricky to get there after work but it’s always fun and relaxing and the kids love searching for turtles and fish in the pond.

But wait, there’s more on the outdoor entertainment front. Strathmore Backyard Theater has an ongoing outdoor entertainment series for kids that I haven’t yet been too – look for me there this summer.

old iphone pics 2012-2013 183On rainy days, maybe some bowling or roller skating? We’re also really looking forward to “Monsters University” opening later this month and the Despicable Me Sequel! Spoiler Alert – my dad took advantage of the chance to get a sneak preview of “Monster’s University” while we were in Disney for the Disney Social Media Moms conference and all he can say is he loved it.

My husband wants to hit every water park he can find. He also wants to hit Cunningham State Falls park. It’s absurd that we’ve never been.

I want to go on more dates this summer. One of my fav summer dates was the year we did the sunset kayaking and then ended up at Founding Farmers for dinner. Time to repeat that one or find another one that’s equally as fun and unique to summer time.

You better believe I will be hitting the “Bathtub Pirates” puppet show at The Puppet Co., “Cat in the Hat” which opens in two weeks at Adventure Theatre and the upcoming “Peter Pan and Wendy” at Imagination Stage. These could be rainy or sunny day activities, especially with the carousel and park at Glen Echo and all the fun lunch spots in downtown Bethesda.

Beyond taking the girls to see a Nationals game, I think it’s time we hit a game at the Bowie Baysox, every year I regret not getting there because I hear the whole experience is really kid friendly and cheap.

The National Zoo is always on our bucket list – year round – but we especially love the new America Trail and all the seals swimming around. Frankly between the

Loving the carousel at the National Zoo this past spring

Loving the carousel at the National Zoo this past spring

indoor and outdoor exhibits and the super fun new carousel, the zoo is a great hit rain or shine – so long as you go early in the summer time.

Given our proximity to the water and the youngest WM’ette’s love for all things pirates, hopefully we’ll hit up the Pirate cruise in Annapolis, Baltimore or the new one that just launched in Georgetown.  Here’s my review of the Annapolis experience if you haven’t yet been.

For a weekend day trip idea, I recently learned of the boat cruises from Annapolis to St. Michaels. We once had a weekend get-away without children to St. Michaels and it was lovely but that was almost seven years ago and we haven’t been since. Based on the reviews, it sounds like the kids would love the cruise from Annapolis to St. Michaels. Or better yet, maybe I need to ditch the kids and husband and instead hit the yoga cruise out of Annapolis with the ladies. Thoughts??

Finally, in the summer time, I always resolve to read more – it’s more of a resolution than I make in January. Right now, based on some great recommendations, I’ve got “Room”    downloaded as well as “The Interestings” — which my friend is predicting will be the breakout summer hit of 2013 much like “Gone Girl” was last summer.  I just finished reading “The Kingmaker’s Daughter” and basically couldn’t put it down.

Doesn’t this seem like a robust summer bucket list?  What did I forget? Add it here or on the WM Facebook page.

Happy summer everyone….I hope you find yours relaxing, lazy and spontaneous.





Summer Fun 2013: Day Trip it to Dutch Wonderland

I am going to do a few things this summer. First, I’m going to blog less, unwind more and enjoy outings with the kids. I am vowing to this one. I trust that if you only hear from me once a week, it doesn’t mean everyone will go away, it just means you, too, are enjoying your summer. Yes?

Second, I am going to sporadically bring your summer outings ideas. In fact, I had intended to write about my summer bucket list by now after a friend texted me hers but I’m still finalizing that list. It’s been really fun to think about.

With that, I bring you one day trip idea: a day trip to Dutch Wonderland, nestled in the heart of Lancaster, PA. If you haven’t been yet, and you have young kids, then I suggest you add it to the top of your list….and for those of you who are wondering if you can make it a day trip my answer is…absolutely…positively..without a doubt..YES.

Last summer, right around this exact same weekend, on a Sunday morning, we loaded up the kids into the car, I shoved a big breakfast down their throats and made innumerable threats that I was not providing them with snacks for the entire duration of our drive to DW…so don’t ask…..and we pulled out of our driveway around 8:20AM. DW opens at 10AM and it was promising to be sunny and scorching hot all day, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. Also, as a general rule of thumb, as much as I love my own sweet oppressors children, I pretty much loathe other people’s complaining children and annoying adults in large public spaces…so normally I would attempt a DW trip in the middle of the week – assuming I would be facing less crowds than on a lovely weekend when school is out for summer. Obviously I packed my own patience along with snacks for the kiddos.

Happy park-goers at Dutch Wonderland. Photo Credit: WM

Just under two hours later (and plenty of complains for snacks and “are we there yet?” pleas), we rounded the corner and saw the shining gates of the castle and Duke the smiling purple dragon…and cries of jubilee erupted from the back seat of the vehicle. All prior trauma from .02 seconds ago was forgotten. Suddenly no one was hungry. Suddenly no one’s tummy’s hurt…and miraculously…..suddenly no one was crying. Thank you, Duke the Dragon, where have you been all my life?

Check one for Dutch Wonderland, Mr. WM elatedly noted as we pulled into the parking lot because…parking is FREE unless you want priority parking right next to the gates and that will run you $10. As any avid fans of Mr. WM know, and there are millions of you, he’s not paying for priority parking when free is a few feet further from the gate (note: if I were alone without him, you better believe I would have paid the extra $10 for priority parking. #princess).

We mapped out our strategy in advance – we being moi and Mr. WM. We knew that we were not letting the tykes know of the water park option until we exhausted the rides, our logic being we didn’t want to deal with them complaining about being wet, plus by later in the day, it was likely to be too hot to be standing in line for rides. Mr. WM actually wore his swim trunks all day, I packed mine in the backpack with the girls’ – as much as I considered parading around in my string bikini all day long. Also important to note – on this sort of outing – I forgo fashion for practicality. I am not likely to be seen sporting a backpack much any other time of the year, typically preferring a more stylish messenger bag to tote all the crap for the kids – but for an outing like this one – a backpack stuffed to the brim  -with towels, extra plastic bags for wet clothes, extra underpants, sunscreen and water bottles – is the only option. Just as Mr WM carrying said backpack was really the only option for moi. #princess

DW’s brilliance in making you enter and exit the park through the gift shop overflowing with happy, smiling, soft cute stuffed animals is genius on their part but another hassle for the parents. We handled it by continuing my series of morning threats….this time reminding them multiple times as we approached the gates “Coming here is your present today. You are not BUYING ANYTHING. DO NOT ASK.”

No one has ever accused me of being sweet. #BitchyPrincess

Their eyes filled with longing and tear water tears as we paraded them through the gift shop with tunnel vision for the main entrance. There were no lines to speak of to enter the park and we immediately veered left to ride the Sky Ride to the back of the park, soaking in the aerial view of the other rides.  We started off with the kids enjoying the Bear Ride – my then 6-year-old claiming she’s too old and sophisticated for such a ride and then barely able to contain her smiles during the ride. Then off to the bike maze and the bumper cars, which all four of us rode, with the singular goal of ramming into the other two as much as humanly possible for the duration of the ride.

Check two for DW – so far – the lines were nothing to speak of – as in – we would walk up to a ride and get on it right away. I kept waiting for the shoe to drop. Also, we’d made a pit stop to the restroom and they are in impeccable shape, very clean with the added perk of a step stool under the sinks for the little ones to stand on to wash their hands. I also noted an ongoing stream of stroller traffic and parents parking the strollers with ease around rides, along with many many very pregnant women, who easily found shaded seating on benches throughout the park. Again, this place is really geared for families with young kids and even the smallest detail wasn’t overlooked, in my opinion.

Power hungry older sister proudly noting her higher status at the ride height chart. Note – she did this each time we passed one.

After some negotiation, my older one agreed to ride Huck Finn’s Leapin’ Frogs with her younger sister (I think she became power-hungry from the color coded chart dictating the height requirements for the rides…being that she was in the second to tallest category, this filled her with pride and a false sense of worldly sophistication. Truth is, she enjoyed the toddler geared rides just as much, if not more, than her then 3-year-old sister).

Next we hit the Double splash flume in logs ride…which quickly became the WM top favorite ride of the day. Mr. WM and the eldest WM sat in the front of the log, me and WM’ette rode in the back…and my youngest in particular has a need for speed – so they laughed and squealed as we rushed down the slope with water rushing into the log. On that ride, we actually waited the longest amount of all the rides that day – which was a grand total of about 5 minutes. I think our youngest would have ridden that ride until darkness fell and they kicked us out, if we’d let her.  We rode a few more rides, played a few games, admired the cute little chicks in the cages and then hit the Frog Prince water show. We were conned into spending $8 on lemonade and popcorn but both were delicious and the water show was excellent entertainment and a nice break from the increasingly hot sun.

Before we knew it, it was 1pm and the kids were hungry for lunch and it was time for the big reveal – water park time. If your kids are like mine, then you are familiar with having a sand kid and a water kid. My oldest has always been the water kid – doesn’t matter if the ocean is 40 degrees, she’s in it until she turns blue and has no interest in the sand. My youngest has always been extremely sensitive to temperature and would much rather build a sand castle. As such, the water park was a thrill for our oldest. There are three sections of the water park and even the section for the youngest, smallest kids, with some water gently spraying around little mini-slides, held little appeal for her. Meanwhile, the oldest was tearing through all the options and rode each of the three water slides multiple times over. This is the part of the day that presents a challenge if you are planning a day trip to DW without your partner or spouse….I’d recommend you go with another set of friends then because it is extremely difficult to keep an eye on more than one child -unless they both want to do the exact same thing at the exact same time – and when does that ever happen except in the movies?

One side of the DW water park

Divide and conquer was the approach that worked best for us, along with scoring a seat in the shade, which still was quite easy despite how crowded the water park side of the park was by early afternoon. I noticed they have cabana rentals and we totally enjoyed the Beach Boys blaring through the speakers – it just added to the fun, summer atmosphere of the entire afternoon.

We probably lasted about 45 minutes in the water park because of our younger one…and lunch time hunger. DW has many options for lunch but because of the convenience, we opted for lunch by the water park, and dropped $23 on two orders of chicken strips, a hot dog and a bottle of water. One order of chicken strips would have been sufficient because the portion size was so large.

After lunch and slurpees, the girls were starting to drag, so we soaked in another one of the multiple shows DW offers throughout the day (options include Curious George, story time with a Princess and a Knight, and a Dragon water show, among others), the Badland Bears music show. Again, these animated moving bears sing country songs, the Beaver was mine and Mr. WM’s favorite, while our oldest liked Foxy on the keyboards, and more than anything, it was a 20 minute rest under a shady tree.

We wrapped up the day with a few more rides and headed home around 4pm. The park remains open until 8:30pm but the heat was zapping everyone’s energy and we figured, we should just leave while we’re ahead, no sense in waiting for an epic breakdown to taint our otherwise happy, relaxing and fun day trip. We barely left the gates of DW and my youngest was fast asleep and remained that way for the entire 2 hour ride home.

Overall, we give DW a huge thumbs up. There are outlets across the street and plenty of hotel/motel options if you’re looking to explore Lancaster, PA  but I think it’s an easy day trip for anyone from the DC or Baltimore area. Admission is $35.99 per person ages 3 on up. The park is beautifully maintained and landscaped. The bathrooms are clean and the staff are eager and ready to help. The youngest I would take a kid- to actually ride rides and participate in the fun – is about 2.5 years old and I saw kids as old as 9-12 there having fun. To me, it’s a great way to introduce younger kids to the idea of an amusement park without all the noise and chaos and lines that come with the bigger parks. The variety and frequency of shows throughout the day also offer a great reprieve for tired little feet or short-on-patience parents, so definitely grab a show schedule on your way into the park.

For more on my Summer Fun 2013 series, be sure to “Like” the Wired Momma community page on FB, it will be the most fun you ever did have.

Disclosure: DW granted me free admission to the park last year but my opinions here are all my own.