WM Favorite Things: Summer Edition

First, I would like to acknowledge this is the longest break I have ever taken from writing on my blog, since the launch of this world-famous blog.

WM Summer Glow

WM Summer Glow

It was a shock to even moi that a month has passed without a blog post.


Speaking of world-famous, we all know about my WM Favorite Things list that comes out around the holidays, rivaled only by Oprah and Ellen’s antics, obviously. I’ve come across some things this summer that I’ve grown to love and decided to write up a summer favorite things list.

Deep inaugural post, I know.

What sorts of favorite things, you ask? Read on, friend, hopefully there’s something for everyone on here.

In May, I had the opportunity to attend the Mom 2.0 conference in California and then traveled to the Disney Social Media Moms conference in Orlando. Both conferences were flush with beauty products, it made my heart sing.

My heart singing with all the beauty swag

My heart singing with all the beauty swag

I participated in the 5K “Fun” Run (Felt more like 8k and really was a torturous trek along the steep cliffs of the Pacific) at the Mom 2.0 conference sponsored by the CVS Minute Clinic. A short time after arriving back home, the CVS Minute Clinic sent all the runners a box of swag. It was like a huge bag pulled from the CVS aisles arrived and I was thrilled. What luck! What good fortune!!! From those products, the leader of the pack for me became the Roc products. Typically I am a Cetaphil face wash and then Origins Night-A-Mins moisturizer before bed type of gal. Not anymore. The Roc face wash has exfoliating beads and then the 2-step moisturizers have my skin glowing. I am hooked. Sidebar – I had the distinct misfortune of falling ill on the final days of our summer vacation and found myself in the CVS Minute Clinic in Charleston, SC. Within 10 minutes and a mere $25 later, I was diagnosed with a sinus infection and had the prescription for my antibiotic filled. I left wondering why I would bother with a primary care physician again when it’s a simple sickness.

Then, during the Disney Social Media Moms conference, a product line I wasn’t previously familiar with, H2O, had this great habit of leaving products in our room in the evening when we were out – so we’d come back to surprises. It really was fun. They were incredibly generous in the amount of products they gifted to us but a few emerged as my favorites. First, in the summer, I am hot. ALL. THE. TIME.

In that red faced and sweaty kind of unattractive way, not in this kind of way:

Not quite the summer look I pull off

Not quite the summer look I pull off

I typically have really dry skin but am so hot that I rarely want to put on lotion after I’ve showered. Sometimes my face hurts but then I’m even more grumpy when I put on moisturizer and then am sweating it off. Until I tried the H20 moisturizer that feels like aloe. Note in the picture on the left, it’s stacked on top of the body scrub and well, the jar is almost completely empty. You see a hint of the blue. Not much left, friends.

WMFavSUmmerTruth be told, it’s been a delight to apply on my face all summer long. Add to it, their body scrub not only exfoliates dead skin in the shower but it is moisturizing, you don’t even need lotion after using it.


I will purchase these with my own hard-earned cash as soon as I am completely out of them. Really great summer products.

Next, this summer, in addition to trying out tons of great new beauty products, I had my very own SWF moment. Single White FemaleI’d been on the hunt for a new pair of running shoes for quite a while. Suddenly, Wendy Davis was standing in the Texas house for 11-hours wearing a pair of Mizuno’s, in a great rose color, and I knew it was time to buy my own pair of Mizuno’s.

Honestly, I can’t recall if I’ve ever been motivated to purchase something that quickly because of a celebrity but call it the perfect storm, I was in need of new shoes, I was feeling really inspired by Wendy Davis, I liked the color of her shoes and quite frankly had been mulling trying out the Mizuno’s for quite some time. We all need our own SWF moments. My feet over-pronate when I run, however, so I went with these and have loved them since. They are light weight, offer great support and I love how bright and cheerful they are.


Speaking of bright and cheerful. Hanes was a sponsor of the Disney Social Media Moms conference and one morning at breakfast, they handed out a bag of these super bright, neon cotton ankle socks. I have to tell you, they have since become my favorite workout socks. Now, don’t get me wrong, I have more comfortable, more padded running socks but somehow, they still don’t hold up against these sorbet colored, neon socks of Hanes. When I put a pair of them on with my bright blue Mizunos


And it makes me happy.

It's like a rainbow sorbet is bursting out of my shoes. #LOVE

It’s like a rainbow sorbet is bursting out of my shoes. #LOVE

It could be odd that a pair of bright neon cotton socks motivates me to workout, but whatever works, right? I’d suggest adding these socks to your routine, especially for dark winter mornings. Not to mention, they are now on sale for $6.99. #NoBrainer

Recently, we were on vacation on Hilton Head Island in South Carolina. Before crossing the bridge, what caught my eye but the twinkling shimmer of outlet stores. Immediately I calculated when I could hit those, ALONE, sans enfants, in my own summer-y blissful moment. That moment came a week ago Tuesday. I found myself with about 4 hours to spare and though it was the hottest day on the face of the planet earth, seriously, not exaggerating, for some reason, I decided to do what I hate most, rivaled only by swimsuit shopping, which is trying on jeans. I rarely find a pair of jeans that fit me well, that don’t have my butt crack hanging out, beautiful as it is, and that are a price I can stomach. Until I tried on the Joe’s Jeans Honey Curvy Fit. Not only were they incredibly flattering and comfortable, at the Off 5th Outlet, they were $60. The only reason I can think of that I didn’t purchase 2 or 3 pair was that it was just so damn hot, I couldn’t think clearly.  My little sister is mocking me for being a few years late in discovering these jeans but honestly, I can’t stomach designer jeans prices and rarely feel like trying on jeans. These fit so well that I might even pay full price for them if necessary.

A sample of the Nouri Bars available

A sample of the Nouri Bars available

Last but not least, what would a favorite things post be without a mention of FOOD. In particular, food created locally here in DC. This summer, I learned about Nouri bars, which are healthy, affordable energy bars made by a company based here in DC. The energy bars are 100% natural and made of unprocessed ingredients. Even better, when you buy one of these bars, Nouri feeds one hungry schoolchild in Botswana. The company also works to help sustain local communities by buying directly from farmers and selling in local stores and markets. The recipes were invented by co founder Veneka Chagwedera when she was experimenting making her own energy bars for a quick on the go snack. With three flavors to choose from: Apple Cinnamon, Chocolate Cashew, and Peanut Butter and Wild Cherry. You can also order them online!

Nouri sent us a sample of their bars and we all really liked them. I think energy bars are really about what type of consistency you like, do you like more nougaty or do you like crunchy? Myself, my first choice is more crunchy but I also believe in supporting locally-owned businesses and especially ones with such a socially driven cause. I’d encourage you to check them out!

Be sure to hit “Like” on the old WM Facebook page to keep up with the fun and frolic….and I’ll be posting more regularly now…..thanks for not ditching me while I went on summer break.




The United Nations of Carlos Danger: Or When Sisters Text….

On Thursday afternoon, I texted my sister to find out if she’d heard any news on the offer she and her husband had put on a house. As with really

Photo Credit: Twitter MikeElmendorf

Photo Credit: Twitter MikeElmendorf

any conversation I have with any one of my sisters, it quickly devolved into random and absurd-land. It’s fun to be a Gallagher-sister, I think we documented quite well during our raunchy ABC Series for preschool.

I spent a good part of the day obsessing over why Huma would bother to stay with her husband and so the fun speculation behind her motivations began in our texts as you can see here:


And then, suddenly, all bets were off:


And suddenly, just like that, a new game was born. What other international pseudonyms could or SHOULD we be using now that #CarlosDanger is taken?

Fret not kittens, for we took the liberty of brainstorming a few:


And in case you were wondering, yes, she is giving me a lesson in how to get a screengrab of our texts for this very blog post because #IAmDumb.

Back to the game, in addition to the nod to Germany, France and Mexico, we then came up with the following:

Declan O’Danger, shout out to Ireland

Tony Weineroni, shout out to Italy

Miles O’Peter, another shout out to Ireland

Richard Richards, Earl of Porkingham, for our British mates

Long Dong Dangerous – an Asian inspiration and OBVIOUSLY inspired by great 80s hero Long Duk Dong (and possible inspiration for Carlos Danger, right? What’s happenin’ hot stuff…..:


Sum Dim Dangerous?

Maybe Spicy Noodle?

Another friend chimed in with: #WhereInTheWorldIsCarlosSanDanger or #DongedCrusader

What’d we miss?

Isn’t texting fun?

Be sure to hit “Like” on the Wired Momma Facebook page – it’ll be the most fun you ever did have.


Summer Bucket List 2013: A Mid-Summer’s Update

Anyone else cringing at the sight of  “Back to School” commercials on TV? One wonders, is it necessary? Couldn’t they at least wait until August 1? Or do they start in July because we’ll start seeing Halloween decor coming out on August 1?


I refuse to acknowledge any of it because we are still in the throes of summer in Wired Momma-Land and I thought it time to update you all on the status of my summer bucket list, to give you a bit of a distraction from the Great #RoyalBaby watch of 2013. I’ll address what I’ve knocked off my bucket list and the unexpected things I’ve added, taking the lead is dinner without pants. And with that:

The fearsome Captain Hook (James Konicek) in PETER PAN AND WENDY at Imagination Stage. Photo Credit:  Margot Schulman

The fearsome Captain Hook (James Konicek) in PETER PAN AND WENDY at Imagination Stage. Photo Credit: Margot Schulman

 Children’s Theater

Earlier this summer, recall I vowed to head to Wolf Trap – both regular Wolf Trap for the evening shows under the stars – and the Children’s Theatre-in-the-Woods  . That’s what I said. Here’s what I’ve done – I purchased three tickets to see a show at the Children’s Theatre-in-the-Woods and guess what? It poured rain all morning. Therefore, this item remains on my bucket list.

As for puppet shows, unfortunately we missed  “Bathtub Pirates” at The Puppet Co., but my plan is to see the “Dinosaur Babies” puppet show, maybe even this week. (For anyone keeping score, I’m currently 0 for 2).

Ready to hit the carousel at Glen Echo Park after the "Cat in the Hat"

Ready to hit the carousel at Glen Echo Park after the “Cat in the Hat”

But wait….we did see “Cat in the Hat” at Adventure Theatre and LOVED IT. Here’s a link to my review and it’s still not too late for you to head there for some indoor summer fun!

We also saw  “Peter Pan and Wendy” at Imagination Stage and loved that one too – here’s a link to my review! You still have a few more weeks to check that out as well.

But wait, there’s more on the outdoor entertainment front. Strathmore Backyard Theater has an ongoing outdoor entertainment series for kids that I haven’t yet been too – look for me there this summer…that’s what I said at the onset of summer. We haven’t yet been there either BUT my plan is to go on Thursday- fingers crossed for good weather.

Outdoor Fun

Earlier this summer, I said that Mr. WM wants to hit every water park he can find. So far, we’ve hit our fav water park on Fenwick Island in Delaware twice and I have a strong feeling we’ll be there again this coming weekend. So – check.

Paddle-boating ready at Cunningham Falls State Park

Paddle-boating ready at Cunningham Falls State Park

I noted that Mr. WM also wanted to hit Cunningham State Falls park. It’s absurd that we’ve never been and NOW I can say that we have been and enjoyed a lovely day of a short (again, emphasize short) hike and then frolicking in the lake, a picnic on the beach and then we took a paddleboat out for about an hour. I’d highly recommend this as a fun outing, however, I’d urge you to arrive early. When we left around 3pm, there was a long lineup of cars waiting to enter the state park.

Earlier this summer, I vowed to hit outdoor music. Thus far, I missed all the outdoor

Loving the butterflies at Brookside Gardens

Loving the butterflies at Brookside Gardens

concerts at  Brookside Gardens  in June BUT we did hit Brookside Gardens for a day-time outing and loved strolling around the grounds and visiting the butterfly exhibit. So much so that we are probably going back, possibly tomorrow.

The National Zoo is always on our bucket list – year round – and I loved the great red panda escape pulled off by Rusty earlier this summer. We haven’t yet hit the Zoo but we’ll get there, we always do, before school starts.

Earlier this summer, here was my vow: Given our proximity to the water and the youngest WM’ette’s love for all things pirates, hopefully we’ll hit up the Pirate cruise in Annapolis, Baltimore or the new one that just launched in Georgetown.  Here’s my review of the Annapolis experience if you haven’t yet been. Update: haven’t done any pirate cruises yet BUT have done pirate mini-golf in downtown Bethany Beach a few times, does this count?

Requisite summer activites: fireworks, sparklers, corn on the cob and mini golf

Requisite summer activities: fireworks, sparklers, corn on the cob and mini golf

Outdoor Bucket List Promise from Early in the Summer: For a weekend day trip idea, I recently learned of the boat cruises from Annapolis to St. Michaels. We once had a weekend get-away without children to St. Michaels and it was lovely but that was almost seven years ago and we haven’t been since. Based on the reviews, it sounds like the kids would love the cruise from Annapolis to St. Michaels. Or better yet, maybe I need to ditch the kids and husband and instead hit the yoga cruise out of Annapolis with the ladies. Thoughts??

Update: Haven’t done any of the above yet but there is still time. I hereby declare summer extends through September. Seriously.

Outdoor Bucket List Promise: Beyond taking the girls to see a Nationals game, I think it’s time we hit a game at the Bowie Baysox, every year I regret not getting there because I hear the whole experience is really kid friendly and cheap. Update: We have tickets to go at the end of August to see the Bowie Baysox with friends!

Look at that smile....oh my

Look at that smile….oh my


Earlier in the summer promise: We’re also really looking forward to “Monsters University” opening later this month and the Despicable Me Sequel!  Update: My girls went to see Monsters U with their summer camp and loved it. They also went to see “Turbo” and loved it. I need to get them to Despicable Me 2 bc I also can’t wait to see it. But how could I possibly mention summer movies without a shout-out to my evening with Channing Tatum?? Who would have expected that to emerge from this summer, eh?


Earlier this summer, I noted how much I love to read, especially through the summer. I did download “Room”    and devoured it. It is a disturbing book but what kept me going was not just the perspective of a very innocent 5-year-old but the fact that it really is as much a book about motherhood and resolve as it is about kidnapping and abuse. I have  “The Interestings” downloaded but am currently reading the hilarious “Where’d You Go Bernadette?” which is a great change of pace after Room. Next up I’m going to read “The Tragedy Paper” which was recommended by the same friend who recommends most book titles to me and my sister is also reading it and is totally absorbed in it. Earlier in the summer I finished “The Kingmaker’s Daughter” and basically couldn’t put it down.

Date Night

Here was my pre-summer vow: I want to go on more dates this summer. One of my fav summer dates was the year we did the sunset kayaking and then ended up at Founding Farmers for dinner. Time to repeat that one or find another one that’s equally as fun and unique to summer time.

Update: We suck in this category. And frankly, I didn’t even realize it until just now. I’ve had a fabulous evening out to Le Diplomate with my BFFs. I had a great dinner out with Mr. WM and my sister and brother-in-law to celebrate a birthday but we haven’t had just a date night for us. Time to get that one sorted out, I’d say.




Summer 2013 Bucket List Additions

Dirty Girl Mud Run

Unfortunately, prior plans are going to prevent me from participating in this one but I hope others will participate in the Dirty Girl Mud Run on Saturday August 10. It’s right up my alley and I hate that I am missing it – a mud-filled obstacle course – for women only – seriously – doesn’t that sound super fun??? It’s for women ages 14 and up and proceeds are donated to breast cancer charities. This one is a no brainer people. I hope you’ll sign up!

Dinner without Pants

And last but not least, Dinner Without Pants. I’d highly recommend this one. Otherwise known as spontaneous dinner out with friends and kids straight from the pool so you go in your swimsuit cover-up and it’s okay because it’s summer. There is nothing more fun, more summer-y and more relaxing than this, seriously. Do it.

Happy Summer Everyone. Feel free to add your summer favs in the comments, or on the WM Facebook page because that’s where all the fun happens, and join moi in WM-Land & keep ignoring those invasive “Back to School” commercials.



The Family Car: Two Rows or Three Rows?

I don’t know about your house but in my house, there are some firm and divided feelings on the right family car. Mr. WM, he loves the ease and comfort of a minivan.


Not so much. I almost cringe at the practicality of it all.

Now, before I offend all my minivan driving readers know that I fully appreciate how ridiculous I sound. Is my anti-minivan state a pathetic attempt to cling onto the last youthful seeming identity I can muster up? I already moved to the burbs, I had the kids, I tool around town getting them to and from their activities – a minivan makes total sense.

Yet I resist.

C’est vrai.

C’est VAIN.

Which then begs the question of two rows or three rows and what is the right vehicle choice due to my self-imposed minivan ban?

We only have two kids, I reason, therefore we don’t need a minivan yet….yet….I am the FIRST to declare lately that I need three rows.

I said it.

Also, I don’t like driving big cars. Why?

Well, let’s just say I don’t have a lot of confidence with my ability to pull into small parking spots or reverse out of a crowded Whole Foods parking lot.

I am a walking cliché, people. I know this.  Go ahead, mock me. I deserve it. Mr. WM does.

A few weeks ago, leading up to a fabulous design forum weekend in Charlottesville hosted by Mazda, they delivered a Mazda5 to my house for us to drive for two weeks. I wasn’t sure what to think. Now, in the interest of full disclosure, I own a Mazda3.

See how I am consistent with my personal brand? The Mazda3 is sporty, youthful, it’s small and easy to drive and park. I’ve had my Mazda3 for 8 years and I love her. She’s done right by me. Some of you might recall I was involved in a horrible accident on the beltway a year ago – the kind that shuts down all lanes of the beltway and leaves you pretty much permanently emotionally scarred. It is nothing short of a miracle that I walked out of that accident without so much as a scratch.

I am loyal to my Mazda.

But the Mazda5. Now that’s a different story because though it doesn’t LOOK like a minivan….if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck..well….

Meanwhile over in Mr. WM-land, he was super psyched about the chance to drive the Mazda5 because it is now well-documented that he is a man of practical nature; the yang to my yin.

I reluctantly loaded the girls into the car and as what is normally a time-consuming and somewhat frustrating process (you know, getting them actually INTO a car and into their car seats) was happening, I realized it was actually, well, easy. In a practical way.

First off, the sliding doors are really so nice. You read that right, two sliding doors, not just one. Then there was the issue of the three rows. Because three rows are a novelty to my kids, naturally they both wanted to sit back there and they found it to be super comfortable. Loading their gear, of which there seems to be endless amounts of it, was also really easy because everything just slid straight in. When I’m driving my Mazda3, I have to basically climb down and do strange bendy twists to load the pool bags and other “necessary” kid items across the driver’s seat onto the passenger seat. In the instance of the Mazda5, it was a direct, straight across, no bending or squatting or maneuvering required movement – it was just easy.


Now let’s not get ahead of ourselves, I wasn’t yet ready to relinquish my stupid anti minivan philosophy though in my head, I was reasoning that actually, is the car technically a minivan, because well, it’s smaller and feels like a car.

Then came time to drive it. What Mazda does especially well is build sporty, fun to drive cars, and equip them with luxury-like accessories and interior, so you feel like you’re not in economy class but you are getting the better price than a luxury price tag. This certainly holds true for my 8-year-old Mazda3 and it absolutely is true for the Mazda5.

We had a lovely leather interior, perfect for the inevitable kid spills, satellite radio, bluetooth, GPS, and one of my husband’s favorite features, the windshield wiper sensor that activated and then paced the wipers when it was raining.

In terms of fuel economy, this car performed very well for being a three-row vehicle in city stop-and-go traffic. We actually ended up taking it on three road trips – one to Cunningham State Falls for a day trip of lake lounging and a short (I emphasize the word short) hike, the following weekend we headed to Charlottesville for the Mazda Design Forum Weekend to learn more about the roll-out of the super stylish and fabulous Mazda3 and then over July 4 weekend we hit the beach with the old Mazda5. To say that we tested her out under a range of conditions, frankly, would be an understatement.

Fuel efficiency wise, she ranged between about 21.4 and 24.4 miles per gallon and filling her up ran me less than $50. I was pleased,  honestly. I could track my miles-per-gallon right there on the dashboard during every trip, which might appeal to the consumer who really gets into that, I have a few friends with husbands who are like that.

How about the all-practical question for every family of packing space? If you are using all three rows, there isn’t much in the way of trunk space. There was enough room for a big grocery store run. Again, we only have two kids, so I could pile gear up onto empty seats. Over the 4th, we drove to Bethany Beach and had to bring the girls’ expertly decorated and extremely patriotic bikes so they could ride in the parade, of course. We easily folded down the third row, loaded up the bikes, our weekend bags and had room to spare. At the beach, it was nice to be able to pile everyone in to head to the fireworks in one car instead of two cars, or fold back down the third row to load up all the necessary beach gear, of which, we never pack lightly.


As for those patriotic July 4 bikes? Actually not a Pinterest Fail on my part, as so much often is:


After two weeks of driving the Mazda5, I confess, I didn’t want to return it. The girls continued to delight over the chance to pick which row they wanted to sit in and the car drove like a car, parked so easily, was smooth and had luxurious features. I grew to like it quite  a lot. As for what we’ll do when it’s time to trade in my now 8-year-old Mazda3, it remains to be seen. Honestly, I have my eye on the Mazda CX9 because it also drives like a car even though it’s an SUV and has the three-rows but Mr. WM is pushing for the Mazda5. I think the price of the Mazda5 also appeals to him (again, that practical side) because they range from about $19,000 – $24,000.

Are we the only ones with the ongoing debate of two rows or three rows? To minivan or not to minivan?

Our final conclusion – what Mazda has done with the Mazda5 is build the perfect urban minivan for anyone who likes a sporty feel, a smaller car but needs the extra cargo room or passenger room. We were lucky to have the time to test her out.  Time will tell what we decide…in the meantime, back to my Mazda3.

Disclosure: Me and my family were invited to attend a Design Forum Weekend as guests of Mazda in Charlottesville. They provided the vehicle for us to drive. My opinions here are all my own.