Happy New Year dear readers! Those of you who have been loyal readers for a few years know that each year, I dedicate a central theme for the WM blog for that year. It’s the annual WM resolution. The first year’s theme was Moi Loves Moi. Taking a page out of moi’s hero’s playbook, Miss Piggy, we all spent less time disparaging and criticizing ourselves in our heads that year and instead focused on what was fabulous about ourselves.
Hopefully moi still loves moi, yes?

No one does Moi loves Moi better than Piggy
2013 brought a theme of moi-time. The hope or aspiration was to recognize that we each need moi time in order to remain sane and nice – not to mention we deserve moi-time – and hopefully we set out carving out some much-needed time for ourselves. Sometimes moi-time for moi came in the form of running an errand solo. It wasn’t all about bubble baths, spa time and vacation without children (dream the impossible dream!!).
With that, I bring you the new theme for 2014. Pray tell, how can we possibly improve ourselves any more, you are surely asking, after all, moi loves moi and moi spent a year giving herself moi-time…. Or rather, if you’re anything like me, you’re barely picking yourself up off the ground in a frazzled state of exhaustion, thanking the heavens that we don’t have another holiday season to contend with for another 12 months. Now that is a gift, isn’t it?
Seriously – what could be next in WM-land.
First hint, it’s always about ourselves – not the children.
Second hint, it’s always about confidence.
Final hint, it’s about owning things. In the abstract….meta…..not literally owning crap.
okay, okay, let’s give you one more hint…..does any of the below sound familiar:
“I’m so sorry it took me so long to email you back….but…..”
“I’m so sorry, I just don’t think we can make it to Junior’s party because we have 4,323 other activities booked at the exact same time.”
“Thanks for coming over for dinner, I’m so sorry I didn’t have time to make the pasta myself, I just had to stop at Trader Joe’s and get this”
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t have time to…”
“I’m so sorry I didn’t call you back yet…”

See her. She’s why we all need Moi-Time
Do you know her? Does she sound familiar to you?
That right there is the 2014 WM Theme. STOP with the “I’m sorry.”
Enough already.
Did your best friend walk in and find you in bed with her husband?
Okay, maybe you should apologize, though that won’t help.
Did you run over your neighbor’s cat?
You should apologize.
Did it take you 2 weeks to respond to your friend’s email?
Did you buy pre-made food at the grocery store instead of making it from scratch?
Did you cancel plans at the last-minute because your kid got horribly sick and kept you up the last 3 nights?
Quit with the apologies. No one thinks we’re all lounging around on beach chairs sipping Mai Tai’s in Miami.

Our girl Meryl in A Devil Wears Prada is the #SorryNotSorry inspiration. That’s a woman who doesn’t apologize for nonsense. Photo Credit: http://silverfoxes.provocateuse.com/show/meryl_streep
Though if you are, good for you, no need to apologize for that either.
Just stop saying it. I dare you to just email someone back without apologizing for it. I dare you to just buy the food you need for dinner or just turn down the 10,000th bday party invitation for next Saturday because instead you need a day in your PJs with your family. Because chronic apology lady is chronic stressed out about her life lady. And that’s not awesome. Honestly, it’s somewhat pathetic. We are better than that.
I then walked for another hour or two Buy Zolpidem about the apartment and did not feel like sleeping at all.
Take it from the Ice Queen, our beloved Meryl, in A Devil Wears Prada. She wasn’t walking around pathetically apologizing to anyone. Just own it, sister.
Note: I officially started deploying this resolution by not doing what my good friend Vanessa noted I always do when it’s been a while since I last blogged. She said I start off with an apology for my absence. She noted it’s jarring because it’s not necessary. I never knew this. She is totally right. You guys were busy. I was busy. Why am I apologizing? So I won’t. Neither should you.
Can you take on this resolution with moi? I’d especially love to know when you actually go out of your way to NOT apologize because we all know when we do it. We know when we’re about to let those dumb words come out of our mouth. Save it for when you need to actually say it.
With that, Happy New Year! Oh, and be sure to hit “Like” on the WM Facebook page or find me on Twitter @wired_momma or Instagram @wiredmomma – otherwise you probably will be sorry.