Category Archives: Pregnancy

Dadchelor Parties?

Ok…every once in a while…when I am pressed for time…I will just bring to you some insane link and urge you to comment. Today is that day. WTF is this? DADCHELOR PARTIES?


Cause the men suffer so much during a pregnancy, they need some time away with buddies to decompress and prep for baby’s arrival?

And who are the wives that go along with this insanity?

Celebrity Mom Rant

My kids keep sabotaging my efforts to blog… bear with me friends. Seeing as how every celebrity under the sun seems to be pregnant or delivering a baby, it’s time for a little rant.  My friend started it today when she emailed this in:

Did Miranda kerr and Orlando have to release a first photo of their newborn as he is nursing?  I’m so over people making statements like that. And I’m oddly annoyed that nicolle kidman used a surrogate. She carried a child to term 2 years ago. Or did she really?  She trying to save her rail thin figure?  Or did she really have trouble and therefor absolutely had to use a surrogate?  And kelly preston used her own eggs at 48?  Hmmm mmm. That’s my rant for the day

So – friends – what’s your reaction to my BFF’s rant? I, for one, pretty much am in full-agreement with her. Come the f on Miranda Kerr…..that picture was about you and how beautiful you are and your lovely postpartum breast. It really wasn’t about the baby, who we’d all like to actually see. And if you want to make a statement about the beauty and importance of breastfeeding, then do something productive, like use your celebrity platform to discuss the importance of women having private spaces to nurse in the workplace so they can keep nursing after maternity leave (if they get maternity leave).

And Nicole, sure, is it really our business to know whether or not you could get pregnant or whether or not you just didn’t want to ruin your body? Probably not. But well, you want us to watch your movies and buy your husband’s albums (if you do that, probably stop reading my blog), so we’re going to judge you.

And Kelly Preston. I heard her very briefly on the Today Show today discussing how she wasn’t at all nervous about having a healthy baby given her “advanced maternal age.” Umm…really? REALLY  KELLY?? How in the hell could that be true? And I kept wondering – is it a really great thing that she was pregnant at 47-48 and delivered a very healthy baby into this world and wasn’t worried at all about it. Or is that bullshit and she was scared out of her mind the entire time but didn’t want to share it? I’m a realist. How could you NOT be worried the entire time? Then again, what does that prove? It doesn’t change the outcome.

So then she leaves us with a very productive conversation about advanced maternal age. Do older celebrities birthing healthy babies skew our perspective on this possibility? Do they feed this idea out there that having a baby beyond 40 is simple and beautiful? It might be but it might be a really difficult road (Read the side paragraph in that link about pregnancy in late 40s).  Is it the job of older mom celebs to talk about it? Probably  not but might it help shed some light onto that road, specifically the expense of IVF, freezing eggs, or finding a surrogate?

Nursing Moms & The President

Due to the apt description my friend used, the “holidaze”, I don’t have much time to blog lately but I would be remiss to not applaud the President’s directive to federal workers – to draft “appropriate workplace accommodations for nursing mothers.”

I’ll spare you all my comments on how it’s almost 2011 and yet we have to uproariously cheer for such a measure, but well, we already asthma know this country is slow and antiquated with policies geared towards helping working mothers from pregnancy and beyond. So please, go forth and read how yet another example of his health care bill is set to help women.

With that, happy holidays.  I hope the kiddos are healthy and your celebrations are drama free……

Addicted to Dr. Google

I have noticed something alarming happening all around me. It is the latest and most prominent addiction crisis impacting the nation, particularly parents.  Another group afflicted with this addiction is pregnant women. I think you all know what I’m talking about.

How many times have you found yourself, with perspiration gathering on your upper lip, your heart rate accelerated, your shifty eyes darting around the room, as you slowly type in the words on your computer.

You wonder what the first links will be, you wonder how many search results will turn up, how many pages deep you will go into the search before you are fully diagnosed.

You are staring down a Google search. You know you shouldn’t. You know you should close out, retreat and just go get some coffee. Or call the doctor. Or pediatrician. Or better yet, even call and equally as clueless friend (I like to fancy myself a pseudo doctor, I know as much as McSteamy – call me).

But you can’t help yourself.  You can’t move away from the Google search. Another common scenario is that first time you are in the doctor’s office, doctor is mumbling words, you don’t know what it means, you really aren’t listening, you are wondering how quickly you will get back to your office and can settle into your chair. You worry your internet service will slow down, some jerk might be streaming video and slowing down the service. How quickly can you punch out the words and pull up the search? You hold your breath. What will you learn from the results?

Sudden death is surely imminent, of this you are certain.

The other common scenario is the foggy thinking of a sleep deprived new parent. It’s 3am. Outside the walls of the home, the world is quiet and peaceful. Inside the home, a small infant no bigger than your neighbor’s stupid looking small dog, is wreaking havoc on their world. They just need to sleep. They just need quiet.

And the baby has…..gasp……HICCUPS.

The mom is crying, the new dad is just dazed and confused, so what is the solution? Pull up Google. Google it.

“Should I type in ‘baby hiccups’ or more specifically “newborn with hiccups?” asks the dad.

Mom glares at him, eyes shooting lasers through his brain for such a  numb-skulled question when time is of the essence.

He types in the phrase and 449,000 results come up. This man doesn’t have all night. What is a desperate parent to do?

An intervention is in order. We all are addicted to curing ourselves and solving our medical problems via Google search. It’s quick, it’s cheap and it doesn’t require loitering in a doctor’s office for hours on end.

The trouble is, relying upon Dr. Google only enables our imaginations to run wild. And if you have a flair for dramatics, as I do, then the most life-threatening possibility of all the Google searched possibilities, is the only outcome to your health crisis. This crisis is rampant and one that we must stop.

Google medical searches only keep your blood pressure up, your heart racing and give life to our worst case scenarios. I vote that as much as we can possibly do it, we refrain from relying upon Dr. Google to diagnose our ailments. It’s a slippery slope out there.