Greetings kittens –
I know I ended my last post expressing my boredom and ennui with the announcement surrounding McCains’ VP pick. I have to hand it to the old geezer, he sure did take us all by surprise. Though I’m not convinced it’s the kind of surprise that’s going to do him any good in the end.
My brain has been reeling since Friday over this selection and I have so much to say, I can barely even figure out where to begin.
So let’s break it down, kittens, shall we? Oh, and trust me, the kitty’s claws are out over this one.
The biggest comment I need to make and shout from the rooftops and hopefully not have to repeat over and over and over again between now and November (because if I do, this phrase might be my unborn child’s first words), a vote for Palin is NOT a vote for Hillary. A vote for Palin is NOT a vote for change. A vote for Palin is like a vote for Pat Buchanan or Ralph Reed or Rush Limbaugh or any other scary, evangelical extreme conservative old man that has been running his mouth off all these years.
Palin does NOT represent change just because she has a vagina. And it is so incredibly patronizing that anyone might actually believe that this selection will motivate the female voters that were previously on the Hillary bandwagon – and that these women, like lemmings, with their bras burning, will just switch teams to the McCain camp because all they care about is having a vagina in the Oval Office.
Give me a break, obnoxious McCain camp. I’m wiping the throw-up from my mouth and say this to you – the mere fact that you even think that does NOTHING but demonstrate that your mind-set is just as patronizing, closed and obnoxious as that of the Bush administration – it presumes we are stupid and will abandon our ideals and values because we’ve been FOOLED.
Guess what. We’re not.
No Hillary supporter in her right freaking mind can possibly vote for an NRA-card carrying, hunting, pro-lifer who believes creationism should be taught along side evolution in public schools and who is AGAINST birth control (oh trust me, we’re going to go there in a minute, the irony!) and who voted for Pat Buchanan in 1996.
Remind me again, how is Palin representative of CHANGE? Cause frankly, I’m just disgusted. She’s just the same – but this time with a really annoying school marmish bun. And seriously – why the bun, Sarah? Why the bun? It’s just so wrong. You’re on the national platform now.
And with McCain seemingly ready to croak at any minute, this is the person he wants to leave in charge of our country? This person who just 18 months ago was a freaking mayor of a small town of 9,000 people in a back woods state that most people forget about (sorry dear KT BFFs from Alaska). For real?
THIS is the first major decision he’s made demonstrating his leadership as President? This? Is he on crack?
I haven’t even touched upon the huge ethics scandal facing her.
So again, before I get too side-tracked on the obvious other issues – I must repeat again, a vote for Palin is NOT a vote for Hillary and it is totally patronizing and hideous for anyone to think that it is.
I’m thinking I might need to spend the entire week discussing the complexity of her having a 5 month old with downs, along with a 17 year old who is 5 months pregnant and getting married (should we have her meet Lynn Spears, they can trade notes?), not to mention her three other children. I mean, I could even take a week discussing the irony that this woman spouts off her mouth AGAINST birth control and is branding herself as a good Christian, meanwhile her 17 year old is knocked up. Can we make this stuff up?
Need I mention how the republicans would have VILIFIED Hillary and Bill had Chelsea gotten pregnant while Bill was in office and she was a teen? Does anyone need to spend more than half-second focusing on how this would have branded the already evil, working mom, aggressive, opinionated Hillary as proof of the downfall of all that is liberal if Chelsea were knocked up? I mean, for real. And now they are trying to spin it that this is just another example of her good Christian beliefs, that her child is raising a baby.
Oh good. A baby raising a baby in Washington on the national platform. That sounds really productive for the 17 year old.
I think I have to just stop now and revisit all of this again and again and again for the remainder of the week.
So in summary: A vote for Palin is NOT a vote for change. It is a vote for the same. I’m just reeling that the McCain camp would think we’d be foolish enough to think otherwise.
Obama-Biden ’08