Category Archives: Husbands

I’m great in 2008……

Happy New Year Kittens!

First, let me apologize for my long silence. You know that you are always on my mind but sometimes there are a few hurdles in my way. It seems that with parenthood, I am still learning and re-learning the lesson that the best laid plans are, well, just that. In fact, rarely does something actually play out how you imagine it would.

Example? Well, my darling daughter, husband, parents, nanny and myself were all struck with the horrible Norovirus the week before Christmas (I swear that trip to that hideous Elmo Show with the terrible fight with my husband is the culprit. I swear we picked it up there). If you’ve experienced this drama, well then, you know what kind of hell we endured. I had the best intentions, that week before Christmas. I had so much work to do, I had errands to run during my lunch hour, I had presents to wrap, cookies to make, cards to send, manicure, pedicure and haircut appointments to enjoy, I was a gal with things to do. None of those things included laying on the floor next to the toilet, wishing for death, and thanking God for Elmo who kept my daughter quite distracted while I puked my guts up, hoping someone would come home soon.

So that’s why you didn’t hear from me before Christmas. And I’ve yet to get that manicure, pedicure or haircut.

Then we went to my parent’s house for Christmas and it was fun. Until the night of Christmas Eve. When the Norovirus struck my parent’s house. And tore through me, all three of my sisters and my mom again. You got it. Twice in the span of one week. Fortunately it spared my darling daughter and husband the second time. So, again, that same dreaded lesson reared its ugly head again. I imagined a really fun Christmas day, watching my daughter REALLY enjoy Christmas for the first time, sipping coffee, laughing and joking with my family. I didn’t quite imagine all three bathrooms in the house being occupied with an adult female body laying next to the toilet, wishing for death.

But really, who does imagine that when they think of Christmas?

Probably me next year. I’ll imagine it.

So what’s my point? pharmacy Well, my first point is that this is largely why you heard nothing from me for so long. My other point is, maybe it’s best not to really internalize the reality that the best laid plans are well, just that, because then you’d walk around being all negative and Debbie Downer for the rest of your life. This is parenthood and life, right? It just sort of happens, whether you like it or not.

Many really sweet things still happened over Christmas. My two-year old was pretty oblivious to the misery and sickness that was happening around her and she still loved Christmas. She graduated from a sweet, innocent request by calling Santa before Christmas and asking him for a “gingerbread house” to calling Santa after Christmas and just saying “Bring presents.”

Now that’s what I’m talking about, a gal who appreciates gifts and knows how to state what she wants.

The other fun thing to discuss is the fact that it’s, well, a new year. I, for one, am opposed to New Years Resolutions. It’s like giving up something for Lent. Haven’t I given up enough already? I mean, what do they say, in the first year of a baby’s life, you lose like a year’s worth of sleep. Need I get into what happens to our bodies from pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding. Isn’t that enough?

So instead, I will resolve the following:

1. I resolve to make sure my husband completes all of his assignments on his “to do” list every weekend.

2. I resolve to make sure I am equally, if not, more, pretty and funny by the end of 2008 as I was at the end of 2007.

3. I resolve to still drive like a maniac at the end of each work day and honk and swear and wave my fist at any annoying slow driver who’s delaying my efforts to get home quickly to play with my darling daughter.

4. I resolve to continue to be as dedicated to fashion and shoes and accessories in 2008 as I was in 2007.

5. I resolve to remain steadfast in my commitment to celebrity gossip and spreading it around as fast as I can.

See, kittens, it’s 2008, we’re great…….what else is there to say?

Over the river, through the woods… Elmo we go….

Ahh..the holidays! That glorious time when all the streets are a-glow, children are all behaving as good as they can in the hopes that Santa will bring them lots of treats, and our kitchens smell like cookies and egg nog.


Indeed….maybe on TV…or maybe in your house….but mine…..only sometimes. It is with good intent that we all make holiday plans but sometimes, sometimes, the best laid plans….right?

Case in point. On Saturday we had tickets to take darling daughter to see Elmo – Sesame Street Live. We took her last year and she loved every minute of it, so we decided to take her again this year because we knew she would just love it.

I forgot to print directions out to get to the show before I left work on Friday so I emailed my darling husband and requested he print them out before leaving the office.

Friday evening I asked him if he printed the directions (and called to order the ham for his family Christmas dinner we were having Saturday night…he offered to order the ham…and I reminded him several times throughout the week to place the call). He didn’t print the directions or order the ham. I was incredibly annoyed.

Saturday morning, I noticed darling husband on the computer, quickly accessing directions to the Elmo Show and jotting them down. I had this gnawing feeling that I should go check the directions myself and also write them down but that seemed so annoying and micro-managing that I refrained.

I also refrained from commenting further on the Christmas dinner ham. I figured, if we don’t have a ham for his family’s Christmas dinner, well then, we don’t have a ham. There’s only so much a gal can do in a week.

So, things seem to be moving along. We are all packed into the car, ready for the drive to the exciting Elmo show. Darling daughter is decked out in a pink and red Elmo track suit, my mother is bundled up in the back seat, darling husband and I are buckled up in the front. We are leaving in enough time to anticipate holiday traffic clogging the roads but still not miss any of the show. Life is good. We are excited!

Then I take the time to read the directions and though it’s been one full year since we were last at this location, something just seems totally wrong about the directions. I start to question them, husband starts to get annoyed. Toddler starts to fuss. My mother starts to pick at me and tell me it’s fine.

Then suddenly we are exiting off the Beltway and onto the Dulles Toll Road..and for those of you that live in Washington, we were headed to the Patriot Center at George Mason University. I was 100% sure we needed to instead be exiting the beltway onto 66 West.

At this point, I am LIVID. Husband had two things to do in the course of one week. TWO things….and were either of them done? No. And when one of them was done, it was done incorrectly and at the last minute. And it was such a simple request.

I mean, I was beyond the point of breathing out the anger, I had steam coming out my ears, my head was spinning in full circles and I was breathing fire.

My sister was able to reroute us after a quick phone call and I tried to keep my mouth shut as I seethed in anger in the front seat….until my mother continued to pick at the directions and then my husband chimed in to question the new directions and then I was pissed off at both of them and suddenly I was shouting “Screw you!” to darling husband…with my mother and child in the back seat…..and I’m pretty sure I attempted to kick him out of the car…that he was driving… we sat at a traffic light next to Tysons Corner Mall…..and I yelled at him for never doing anything and I do everything…..and as this screaming match was happening…..with my mother in the back seat….I found myself wondering……

Is this what the holidays is really about?

I mean……here we are….on the way to Elmo Live……and we cannot stand each other and are screaming…and my mother is, instead of just keeping her mouth shut, chiming in and making comments…and worse – siding with my husband! A woman who has been barking at her husband for 40 years……she’s not in it for sisterhood…she’s making it worse!

Is this my life?

Is this all really happening?

Is this what Big Bird and Elmo would want of us, en route to see them perform? Is this the Sesame Street Way? What would Santa say?

Because I don’t know about you but I was pretty sure I was leaving only coal in my husband’s stocking and returning all his gifts as soon as the Elmo Show was over with.

I should also note, that while all of this was occurring, I could completely see the humor in it. The endless humor in the image of a screaming family despising each other one week before Christmas en route to see some dumb Sesame Show about being good and all that crap.

I mean, it’s funny, really.

And isn’t this what inevitably happens to all of us at this time of year? Does anyone come away unscathed? Does anyone survive a full holiday season with way too many family members around and too many kids hopped up on sugar and napless, without at least one screaming fit? Isn’t this the reason for the season?

Whatever the case, we still have two weeks to go. If nothing else, it’s hilarious blogging material after the fact.

The Email Fight

Gather round kittens……today it is time for us to roll up our sleeves and discuss the merits…or flawed reasoning…behind engaging the husband in an email fight.

I think you know what I’m talking about because within the past week, I lost count of the number of emails flying across my desk, with a dear friend rightfully super ticked off at her husband’s latest fool-hardy statement or decision…..and in haste…..she has fired off a nasty email reply…thus opening the door to the email fight.

First, the perks.

When initiating an email fight, you get instant gratification. You can respond in the moment, exactly how you feel, with no regard for how they will react because you don’t have to see them…..some of my favorite email fight lines come from a true KT BFF who has been known to tell her husband to “Pack up your shit and get out” on quite a few email fights.

Ahh…the drama…the threats…i LOVE IT. That line will never cease to amuse me.

Works like a charm and is totally amusing when being relayed to moi.

My email fight threats are never quite as hilarious, I generally fall back on the old “If you don’t do X (insert anything you can think of here) by the time you get home tonight, I am not letting you in the house.”

Apparently there is something so satisfying about threatening to never let the husband back in the house…via email fight…isn’t there?

The danger with the instant gratification of firing off an email fight to the husband is this….the lack of response. I don’t know about you but when I deliberately attempt to engage my husband in an email fight, he has a long track record of just ignoring me.

Now, this might seem to be the more mature approach to some…but don’t forget…he screwed something up..thus the reason for the email fight, right?


By ignoring me, he is not allowing said email fight to escalate to another level but honestly, usually it just fires me up even more because my claws are out and I’m all primed and ready to respond with another zinger and minutes…then hours go by…and nothing.

I suppose any marital counselors out there would advise against the email fight because it isn’t that productive or mature…but whatever…we are busy…we have a lot on our minds…and the email fight does provide a cathartic release that we might just need to make it through the rest of the day.

So what say you, as you head into this first of many busy holiday weekends…to email fight or not?

Be Nice

A strange thing happened this morning. It was so strange and so bizarre that I didn’t know what to do with myself. I even found myself asking my husband “Are we sure daughter is still here?”

You got it. This morning started off as usual. I got up very early, snuck quietly down the hallway, holding by breath as I tip-toed past darling daughter’s door, crept down the stairs and out the door, all the while praying I didn’t wake her. I went off to the gym, got my workout done, came home and alas…the house was still quiet and dark.

Strange, I thought. But somehow, so nice.

Not really entirely sure what to do with myself, I made some coffee and puttered around the kitchen. By the time the coffee was brewed and my milk warm, I realized that the house was STILL quiet, so I decided to sit down in front of the TV, open the paper and well…be civilized. I drank some coffee, relaxing, while reading the paper and listening to the news. Was it really 2007, I wondered?

Am I actually married and a mother of a 2 year old?

Is there a sleeping child upstairs?

Or is it November 2004? Is it all a dream?  Did the ghost of Christmas future come visit me and freak me out a bit and now he’s left? Or could my week be starting off this perfectly, this relaxing? This NORMAL?

Around that time was when I asked my husband if there was really a child in the house or what?

In the middle of wondering these things while relaxing as the Today Show came on, I stumbled upon an article on the front page of today’s Washington Post that is  MUST read for all KT readers because, well, it’s freaking hilarious.

Apparently a new law came into effect in Japan this past spring that entitles women who divorce their husbands to get half their husband’s pension when they retire…and get this….the divorce rate among newly retired men has shot up 6% since April. Now, this isn’t funny, of course. But the cultural attitude among these men towards their wives and their role as husbands, along with the quotes in the piece, make this a MUST READ.


“To be divorced is the equivalent of being declared dead — because we can’t take care of ourselves,” Amano said.

When his wife told him eight years ago that she was “99 percent” certain she was going to dump him, Amano said, the only things he then knew how to do in the kitchen were to fry eggs and pour boiled water over noodles.


I’m not sure which part I like the best, the quote from our Japanese friend Amano, or the fact that his wife declared she was 99% certain she was going to divorce him.

Upon reading deeper into the piece, I learned that Japanese men view their job as husband and father to just provide for their families and have no responsibility towards emotional involvement in their families. Apparently they never tell their wives they love them, work is always a priority, they can get away with barking orders when they get home, and one woman is quoted saying she received her first birthday gift from her husband on her 60th birthday, he sent her flowers. At that time they had been married for over 30 years and had three children.

Shocking, I know.

What really seals the deal on this article, in my mind, is the fact that there is a National Chauvinistic Husbands Society in Japan, created to get men together to learn how to be nice to their wives. For real. The best part is that the association is made up entirely of men who have been nothing but chauvinistic pigs to their wives, teaching other men, how not to be chauvinistic, and learn how to be nice.


Wouldn’t they learn more by having a few women in there to teach the course?

In case you think I’m making all this up, here’s the link, and remember….I got about 3/4 of the way through this article AND my cup of coffee this morning before my darling daughter arose. It’s gonna be a great day: