Category Archives: Husbands

Au Revoir, Kittens

First, let me apologize for being MIA the past week or so. Work has been insanely busy and alas, you all got cast-off. And now, you will have to miss moi some more because I am off to Europe tomorrow for vacation.

C’est vrai, kittens.

Tomorrow evening, darling husband, darling daughter and myself board a flight bound for Amsterdam for about 8 days of tromping through Holland, Brussels and maybe even a day in Germany.  Perhaps we will tip-toe through some tulips in our wooden shoes.

But don’t abandon me now, dear friends, because I will come back with tales of European fashion, motherhood and other important trends. My husband keeps referring to some “party boats” on the canals in Amsterdam…what do you think the odds are that I’ll agree to that?

Check back with me on May 29th or 30th, and surely I’ll have something to dish on, if not the true story behind international flights with a 2.5 year old.

Until then, in case you missed it last year, here were my observations from 10 days in France last June (sans enfant):

Adieu, kittens. A bientot.


Loving Daddy

Until recently, my daughter has only wanted me for everything around our house. I would say we didn’t really deal with “separation anxiety” until earlier this Winter, around the time she turned two. It was exacerbated when I was home with her full-time for almost two full weeks.

It’s a story most of us know well and many will soon enough know well – I couldn’t so much as leave the room to pee or blow dry my hair without it being a huge drama, with the little one holding onto my legs, crying her eyes out. Fortunately that didn’t last long though it was taxing while it was happening.

What’s really been the case for so long – I honestly can’t remember when it started only when it’s eased up – is it’s just been about me – even without the tears and the drama. Only mommy can read the stories, only mommy can take her up to bed, only mommy, only mommy.

Now trust me, I’m not complaining. It’s been really sweet and who doesn’t love being the apple of her daughter’s eyes? But there’s more to it. If I didn’t make it home from work in time to see her at night, “Where’s mommy? Want to see mommy!”

Talk about a knife in the chest.

Not to mention, sometimes it’s nice for your spouse to take the kid upstairs and read them bedtime stories, while you take a break.

Then there’s how all of this made my darling husband feel. Truth be told, he’s felt like second string for quite some time. And who can blame him?

But suddenly, suddenly, things have changed. A dear friend warned me that this would happen and it was just impossible for me and my husband to believe because it’s been only me, all the time, for what feels like an eternity. I always knew to cherish this time because well, she’s bound to hate me as a teen. What self-respecting teenage girl doesn’t despise her mother, for at least a short time?

But things have changed and there is a new sheriff in town. About two or three weeks ago, Daddy suddenly became the apple of our daughter’s eye -really without warning and without explanation. Now we hear a lot of this: “Daddy do it, Daddy read it, Daddy take you upstairs, Daddy coming home in few minutes…Daddy…go play?”

Hell, some mornings I’m told by my cherub that I’m not allowed in the playroom to play..just her and daddy.

Because it’s mean, I cannot acquiesce to such demands  – but my – how far we have come! How much has changed!

And frankly, it feels a bit like a weight is off my shoulders. Sure, there are some days where I don’t love being second string but the truth is – now we can truly share in so many tasks when spending time with our daughter, it’s just refreshing. It’s also nice to see how much my husband loves being #1.

Realizing that life with a toddler is a bit like “Survivor” – the stakes are high, allegiances can change faster than you can blink an eye, and drama is just waiting for you at every turn – I know better than to think any of this will last very long.

In the meantime, I’ll enjoy catching a few minutes of “Access Hollywood” on some evenings, while Daddy is reading bedtime stories.

Speaking of Dads, a KT BFF is a recent SAHD and just launched his new blog:

Check it out.

Toddler Tantrums, part 2,431.431

Ahh kittens…..

How many times have we discussed the wily and inappropriate behavior of the toddler set already here on KT? Probably not enough. Or maybe I just haven’t gotten enough words of wisdom from those of you who have been there, done that, but in the daily struggle to show who’s the boss chez moi, the only thing I know for certain on any given day is that, well, it’s not my darling husband.  Whether it’s me or DD, just depends on the day.

I always wondered when I would know my child was ready for time-outs. How would I know she’s old enough to understand? How would I know when the behavior was egregious enough to warrant a time out, I worried?

Fret not, is the answer, when the time comes, it is abundantly clear. A few weeks ago, my DD spontaneously landed in time-out. I certainly didn’t wake up that day knowing that it was the day, and I certainly didn’t come home from work, anticipating this would be the outcome, but well, it was. A word of caution – if you haven’t yet instituted a time-out in your house – you might plan ahead and know WHERE the time-out chair is before you cast your child off to a time-out.

Otherwise you’ll be like me – all brooding and serious and Ms. Disciplinarian, secretly thinking “Shit, where the hell am I going to put her?”

Though a split second decision, the bottom stair in our hallway seemed just as good a place as any to me. I’ve seen enough Super Nanny episodes to know the time-outs can’t take place in an interesting spot. So really, what’s interesting about a boring empty hallway?

A few weeks have passed and DD has only landed in time-out a handful of times. I don’t believe in abusing this disciplinarian tactic. I figured, less is more and she’ll come to realize that when she’s there, it’s for a very real and serious reason.

Frankly, what she quickly surmised is that to cry and say in her sweetest voice “I’m sorry mommy” as she hugs me, is one way to get off the bottom stair pretty quickly.

All is not lost, though, because until Saturday night, the time-outs were abruptly stopping the offensive behavior. After one time in time-out, that particular behavior –  hasn’t resurfaced since. Of course, variations of it have taken shape and well, for the enterprising young toddler, there’s always some other trouble rounding the corner, so it’s not like my work here is any where near done.  A toddler is to trouble what Angie Jolie is to babies….apparently there is never enough…..

What I didn’t expect was how quickly, after just a few times using this technique, my daughter would mock it. Recall – she’s just 2.5 years old in a month.

Saturday night she found herself in time-out before her bath. I’d been going back and forth in my mind over handling the bad behavior right around bath time. I know she’s acting out because she’s tired and just wants to go to bed, so I’d been trying to manage it as best I could without letting the situation escalate to a time-out. By Saturday night, I concluded that swift action, no matter how tired said child might be, was the only way to nip the pre-bath tantrums.

So off to our time-out spot on the bottom stair we went.

And you know what happened?
She gave me a long, cold, hard stare, walked up two more stairs, and put her back to me, then turned around and smirked at me – like “You put me in time-out? Is that really the best you can do? Because I raise you one time-out with two stairs and mocking you!”

Again. She’s barely 2.5 years old.

What in the world is coming my way in the future?

So kind of like that spontaneous moment a few weeks ago when I declared time-out for the first time and then wondered where in the hell I was going to put her, this time I found myself wondering – well what the hell am I going to do now that she’s mocking her punishment? Clearly this one isn’t working.

The outcome was this – no stories and music before bed time – just bed time. It felt awful to end the day with her like that, crying her eyes out in her crib, apologizing, but what is a gal to do? It seems that we’ve reached the point where taking away something that she enjoys is the real way to punish her. Though now I have a greater appreciation that our parents might actually have meant it when they used to tell us that the punishment hurt them more than us.

I did assure her that I love her and if she’s good the next night during bath time, then we will read stories together again.

For those of you at the edge of your seat, she was good last night and we revitalized story time.

The question is – what’s next? Is it too early in parenthood for me to be running out of tricks and being outwitted by my child? I think so….

Happy Birthday To Me

Hello Kittens –

I’m so sorry that I’ve been MIA the past week or so. Work has been eating up all my time, sadly. But today is my birthday…and though I don’t look a day over 23, I’m 33 today. I like this number, I feel good about this number. It has a good ring to it. Good things will happen in this 33rd year. But, really, the best way for me to start off a new year is to have a few rants. I mean – what gal doesn’t feel better when she gets a few things off her chest?

With that, I would first like to complain about the DVR. I believe the DVR is ruining my life.

Why? You ask.

Well, let me tell you.

As you know if you are blessed (and cursed) with this technology in your home, if you just tuned out, you can rewind.

Get caught up in your thoughts, debating the pros and cons of a skinny cow vs. quart of ben and jerry’s for dessert? Then realize you missed a few crucial minutes of “Lost” – ok, then, rewind.

Get caught up reading “Star” or “In Touch” – rewind, fast forward, whatever you want, you can control what you know when your mind wanders into the deep territories of food, celeb gossip and spring fashion, as mine does.

Always a deep thought going on here in KT.

But see, the trouble is, you can’t rewind or pause anything else in your life, as I’ve learned.

So suddenly you realize your husband is 15 minutes into telling you something really important about his day and while your important thoughts on “did i really put enough cheese on top of that burrito? and do we have enough in case i want more?” – are also valid – well – you can’t pause or rewind your husband.

Or better yet, fast forward to the end bit about work and get back to important matters.


So this plays out in my life frequently, it seems. I can’t rewind a work convo, I can’t rewind the radio, I can’t pause, I am just, well, screwed.

And I blame the DVR. The DVR is enhancing my adult ADD. What is a gal to do?

Fortunately, nodding reassuringly along with a few “Oh, definitely” and “absolutely you should be fired up about that” have helped me skate through thus far. But things aren’t looking good…we all know I’m not getting any younger…and my DVR isn’t going anywhere….so this predicament is bound to just get worse. I really can’t be held responsible for it. I blame the DVR.

My second rant is against sidewalks in Washington, DC. Perhaps all over this country. I am most familiar with sidewalks in Washington DC.

I think it’s time for some women to get involved in the planning and execution of the cracks between sidewalks because no one who has ever worn a kitten heel has ever built a DC sidewalk. If they had, they would know that the cracks are just wide enough for your beautiful kitten heel to get caught and torn up. Not to mention the embarrassment of getting caught and trying to walk forward and not going anywhere.

Do I smell a conspiracy?

Are the urban planners in bed with the shoe repairmen in this town?

Is it another example of the Bush administration trying to keep women down and certainly dowdy in practical pumps?

Can I get more of a tax rebate to cover the expense of getting my shoes fixed..or better yet..having to replace them because I look like a poor kid who just graduated from college walking into the office with ripped up heels? What gives, sidewalk maker? Cut a gal a break.

And finally, I am not really ranting against my DD, I am almost proud, though tired. My DD is almost 2.5 years old and her communication skills continue to expand and improve daily. We all know this is a double edged sword. Take, for instance, our doctor’s visit on Friday.

Doctor enters the room, DD immediately tells him she has an owee. He asks her where and she says “Ears.”

I was quite pleased. It was the first time she had communicated so clearly to a doctor what was wrong with her. And it turns out, it was her first ear infection. Fast forward 20 minutes later to the enormous tantrum in the foyer of the doctor’s office and the nurse who ends up helping me because my child refuses to leave or put her coat on. At this moment, why can’t I use the DVR to fast forward my life?

Then progress to the 20 minutes in the parking lot of her telling me she is “not” getting to the “Carseat” because she “wants to sit only on mommy’s lap.”

I mean, I get it. Everyone wants to be close to me but I’m a law abiding citizen, not Britney, so into the car seat she eventually went. Meanwhile I aged 10 years and the parking lot attendant didn’t charge me for parking out of pity, trust me, I could see it in his eyes.

Then came our entrance to the CVS parking lot 15 minutes later. My dread of having to get her out of the carseat to get the prescription to only have to load her back in after the ordeal we just went through only escalated when I opened her car door and she looked at me and said very steadily “I’m not going anywhere.”

Secretly, I loved it. I mean – who does this kid think she is and god love her sass. At least I don’t have some lame door mat of a kid.

But she sure as hell isn’t making anything easy along the way.

With that kittens, I won’t make you wait so long to hear from me again, and please, send all the rest of my gifts to my home, it’s so much trouble having to make so many trips to my car today.