Category Archives: Husbands

OK…totally judging

So, you’ve heard me say this before and I’m sure I’ll say it again. I judge others less now. Parenthood is humbling. After having DD1, I found myself much less judgmental of other parents, in particular. Then we had DD2 and I found myself judging even less. I was suddenly that person using TV and bribery to survive a day.  I’m the gal who leaves TicTacs on top of the toilet – at the ready to bribe DD1 after she uses the facilities. Look, we all just need to get through the day. My strong opinions and convictions have really watered down.

But fear not kittens – not in all areas. It seems that in some departments, I am way more judgemental because I have much less tolerance for freaking idiots. And in this case, I am talking about idiotic women. Moms in particular.

There is a lot of talk out there about how a moms’ relationship with food  and her body plays a serious role in how her daughter views food and her body. But let’s talk instead about the relationship between mom and dad – and how that might impact the daughter and son. What brings this topic on, kitty? You ask.

Let me tell you. Because I’ve been irritated for two days now.

On Saturday, DD1 and I participated in a fund raising walk for a good cause. I wasted my breath telling DD1 how we were raising money for people with owees to help them get better. What she really cared about was wearing that super cool number across her chest. Ahh…the little things in life.

So fast forward to the walk. I was talking with one mom who I know and another I didn’t know.  We were discussing, pretty generically, the difficulties in finding time to workout. The friend and I were both saying that the only time we can get to the gym is super early in the morning. The stranger-to-me- mom started rapid firing questions to my friend:

“who watches the boys when you are at the gym”

“umm…my husband, but usually at least the older one is still asleep”

“well what happens when one wakes up – do you have your nanny come early for gym days?”

Camera pans to KT….at this point, my eyes are getting all squinty and I am shaking my head slowly in horror at this woman, wondering if it’s possible for this conversation to derail even further.

But oh yes kittens…it only gets worse.

So friend responds that usually just the baby will get up and well…her husband just gives him a bottle.

She is being remarkably non-judgmental and easy going in her responses, I am thinking in disgust. I am ready to spit venom at this disgrace of a woman.

And this other woman keeps pushing it – “Your husband can just stay home with the two kids and watch them by himself? No nanny?”

Ok – at this point, this pathetic woman is incredulous at this I wait for her to say something like “my hideous slob of a husband is totally incompetent and it’s unacceptable”

Or something to demonstrate that she realizes just how disgusting it is that she buys into this crap that she can’t leave her husband alone with two children, one of whom is probably sleeping, for ONE HOUR.

But no kittens – she seemed to find it more bizarre that me and my friend leave the children alone with the husbands.

What is happening in this world that this conversation even happened? Among seemingly normal and educated and smart women. WTF is what I kept thinking.

It was at that point that we bailed out on the walk and headed over to another festival. I couldn’t tolerate one more conversation along these lines and it was hot as hell.

Naturally I went home in a rant and dove into it with DH. His response “Man, what the hell have I done wrong?”

Ha ha. But seriously – why are there women out there who somehow tolerate and accept this notion that their husbands cannot and should not be left alone with their children? What kind of message does this send to our kids? And what kind of pathetically low levels of self-respect do these women have? And then there’s this – what do they think is going to happen if, god forbid, something happened to them. If they can’t leave their kids alone with their father for one hour at 6 in the morning, what’s going to happen if the worst happens? Have they considered how they are only hurting their kids more by perpetuating this bullshit?

I don’t really blame this ineptitude on the dads. Clearly these men are lazy as hell and totally full of themselves and the importance of their time if they believe they can’t be left alone with their children. But I blame the women for perpetuating it. For believing that only they know how to take care of their children, their husbands are incapable or can’t be trusted.

What I wonder is this – why did they have children with these men? And not just one – why have more than one?

Why, in this day and age, are women still perpetuating this absurd idea that only the mother can tend to the children. I am outraged, annoyed and judge the hell out of these women.

Adventures in Babysitting

When we started DD1 in preschool, she was still a baby – just 2. At the first town hall meeting we went too, the head of the school asked the parents to only believe half of what the kids tell us about them and they will only believe half of what the kids tell them about us. The notion of this amused me but well…..I had only a 2 year old – so it didn’t really apply to me.

Fast forward to living with a critter who is a few months into the 3s, and guess what…oh, it applies now.

Case in point.

The other day, our nanny came over to take DD1 out for a bit to give moi a much needed break and let her burn off steam. I swear, why didn’t anyone warn us that with 3 year olds, you need to run them like German Shepard puppies, which can be very challenging in the dead of winter?

That night, after putting DD1 to bed, DH came downstairs deeply concerned. When asked about her outing, DD1 informed DH that she played in the park with Jose while our nanny sat in the car.


This story didn’t really add up in my mind. We discussed it briefly and then frankly, I forgot about it.

The next night at dinner, the subject  came up and again, DD1 innocently tells us about how she played at the park with Jose while the nanny sat in the car.

This time I focused and started to worry. The story remained the same a full day later. Might there be truth to it? Was nanny getting lazy? Jose is her daughter’s BF and while he is perfectly nice, he is a kid and well, I’m not paying him to watch my kid. And why was nanny in the car? It wasn’t that cold out. WTF.

DH tells me that this bothers him deeply. I begin to fret over how to raise it with nanny without accusing her based on the words of a 3-year-old.  But naturally I began to wonder how often this happens? What else are we going to learn as she tells us more? My mind started going to places where no parent’s mind should go…..

Oh lord – how can I go back to work when our child is being tossed to teens in parks?

Fortunately with a baby in the house, no worries keep me up at night, a world war couldn’t keep me from sleeping, so I was as rested as possible the next morning while I casually raised it with nanny.

Time to harken back to only believing 50% of what they tell you……

Turns out they randomly ran into Jose at the mall (he was applying for a job)…and he walked with them to the play area in the mall…where nanny stood next to the little cars that the toddlers ride around in for amusement while mommy shops…..


Crisis averted.

And well….she did play with Jose at the “park” while nanny was next to the car (not in but is there a difference when 3?)……so she got it all right in her mind, that’s how it played out.

It was a great lesson for us in taking everything with a grain of salt.

And for your amusement, it seems that if I want to have an affair, I better do it while DD1 is at school…because the other day a guy was here fixing a window. Shortly after, DH came home from work and went upstairs to see DD1 as she was playing. Apparently the first thing she told him was “Daddy, there was a man here.”


I guess I better stop bad mouthing people in front of her too….

Crime Scene….Toddler Style

It was the perfect crime scene. An eerie silence descended upon the house…..we knew something was amiss.

My husband was the first to witness it and the image is burned into his memory for all of time.

The first clue was the random piece of clothing on the floor in the hallway…..then our eyes moved up to see the bedroom door was shut. What could possibly be waiting for us behind the the quiet bedroom?

Were we brave enough to open the door and see what awaited us? When toddlers are quiet and awake….it can’t ever be good….

In went DH. He immediately noticed a pair of under ware strewn on the ground.

In another spot, the diaper.

In yet another, lots of poop……with a trail leading to the big girl bed. On the bed was the perp. Her legs covered in poop…her bedding and all 5,000 stuffed animals she insists upon keeping at the foot of her bed….her innocent victims…if only they knew what was caked all over their soft fur, they would wipe those goofy grins off their faces as fast as I can shout “Are you f’ing serious??”

You got it…..the toddler poop scene. Not a sight for the faint of heart and certainly a shitload of work (like that pun?), which anyone  who has endured potty training is likely familiar with.

DD was potty trained around the time she turned 2 except with pooping. She has always been private about it and would basically poop at the end of her nap. But things began to escalate after she turned 3. She just didn’t like the feeling of it in her nap time diaper but still didn’t want to do it in front of us…so what would she do? She would create a bona fide poop crime scene for us all over her room…she would immediately remove the soiled diaper and think she was helping us by dumping its contents all over the floor….not realizing that she was transferring all the crap all over her legs and anything she came in contact with along the way. Don’t think this didn’t also include getting all over her hands….and her wall….not just her bedding and her stuffed animals…..

Oh yes… was NASTY.

And so you’ve asked about the workload with two and I just keep thinking to myself, babies are nothing on toddlers…the baby isn’t the work…it’s the 3 year old. Sure, I don’t sleep a lot but hell, my 3 year old has trouble sleeping until 6am, so sleep hasn’t been a big thing in our house for a long time. But cleaning up the toddler shit crime scene, for example, is way more work and tedious than dealing with a newborn. So some have pleaded with me not to frighten them too much with tales of handling two…but guess what kittens, it’s too late, because if you don’t have a 3 year old right will soon enough….and then you’ll realize that newborns are freaking easy!

Some good news for you….our toddler crime scenes are fortunately now a thing from the past, and while she does still have the occasional pooping accident at school (what is it about pooping yourself in front of your peers that is so appealing to three-year-olds?), she does poop on the potty now. It seems she had to do it in her own time, in her own way, even if that included tossing her pants in the hallway and shutting her door, as the signal for us that we were about to enter a room filled with shit. Literally.

And a note to you ladies out there….being 38 weeks pregnant or home recovering from childbirth is a great reason to avoid having to clean up the crime scene mess and leave it for your husband to do…I highly recommend that.

Pimp my house, yo

Like all customers, it started innocently enough….I just got my feet wet….but before I knew it, I’d become the Elliot Spitzer of the home project world with my nanny as my pimp.

Sure, I’m not crossing state lines with prostitutes and I’m pretty sure the FBI isn’t surveilling me but seriously, I am ADDICTED.

See, I used to think I needed a wife. Now I’ve realized I have something better – a nanny. I tell her what I want done, she finds me the right people for the right price and before I know it – they are at my house, wrapping up various odds and ends. I come home from work and it’s all done. Finished. Complete. With no real effort on my part.

It’s like being a man and just showing up one day and getting a baby!

What prompted all of this?

The same thing that leads blossoming politicians and presidents astray, I’m sure, I just got tired of waiting for my DH to get it done.

It began with just some leaves being cleaned up and bagged and taken away. They’d been in that corner of our yard for THREE YEARS. With that first time, I was nervous and I didn’t tell my spouse, I just arranged for the job to get done. What I forgot was he would be home that day to take DD to school and he called saying “Who is Jose and why is he in our yard?”

HA – busted.

But see, Jose came and he took it all away and that corner of my back yard never looked better.

So I was hooked. What else was bothering me? What else needed done and the response from DH was always this: “I’ll get to it.”

Uh huh…sure you will.

As it turns out, there is SO MUCH to be done around the house…and the nanny has someone for everything.

Now DH is fully on board with this..he doesn’t even ask…he just acknowledges when something is fixed and nods his head. He sees the beauty in the nanny as our pimp. I am in hog heaven. Things have never been so clean, so organized and so expeditiously done chez moi.

So for all of you who also joined me in believing you need a wife – it turns out it’s not true! You just need a nanny as your pimp – and I’d recommend you cut your husband out of the process – just tell her what you need, settle on a price – and get it done. It’s magical.