Lions, tigers and bears might have cut it when you were a tyke…but let’s forget them….today let’s gab about TV, Movies and Clothes, if for no other reason than I’m tired and well, don’t have the energy to bang out something thoughtful. You know, cause blogging about Brit-Bot is so deep.
So first, a new movie is opening in mid-October complete with an all-star cast: Mark Ruffalo (LOVED him as Jenny Garner’s love interest in “13 Going on 30”), Joaquin Phoenix (hot), Mira Sorvino (cool) and Jennifer Connolly (totally my body double). It’s called “Reservation Road” and it just premiered at the Toronto Film Festival:
The movie has the right ingredients to motivate me to schedule a date night out with beloved husband: hot cast, tragedy, parenthood, drama. I’m totally there.
Also, for you TV junkies out there, the fall season debuts in less than two weeks and more specifically, Grey’s Anatomy premieres two weeks from tonight. If you want to catch a sneak preview, check it out kittens:
I’m sure I’ll tune into the new Grey’s spin-off, I think it’s called “Private Practice” but I’m not real thrilled about it going into it. I watched the sneak peak episode last season and it really annoyed me how they’ve morphed Dr. Montgomery Shepard’s character. She started off on Grey’s as this very strong-willed, intelligent, successful doctor who happened to cheat on her husband with McSteamy. I think all of us could kind of see how that could happen. I think those were all the reasons we loved her. She’s brilliant, successful, independent but still totally flawed and knows it. We could relate.
But by the time we saw her in the “Private Practice” teaser, they had her tripping over a man, acting like an idiot in an elevator and basically, a desperate, mess of a woman who needs a man. How, pray tell, did that happen? In case you’re not up-to-speed, here’s a link about the new show:
Moving on, Tim Gunn’s Guide to Style is on tonight on Bravo at 10pm:
Don’t forget to tune in so we can all be fashion forward this fall.
And finally, how could I possibly end an empty-souless substance-free entry without revisiting Brit-Bot. Oh Brit-bot. How much you’ve changed, how far you’ve gone backwards, how sad your situation is…….our fascination with how she blew it at the VMAs persists, four days later. Frankly, I’m a little perplexed by how into this story I am. Why in the world do I care? But I do. It seems that not only is everyone still wondering why she blew it and what went wrong but people are now fighting about whether she’s fat or not.
Look, I go back to my original thinking – NO! Of course she’s no where near fat and most of us would kill for that body, especially after having two kids. BUT when you build your empire partly around your body and being sexy, when your body doesn’t look like it used too but you wear LESS on stage than you used to, you’re going to get criticized and you deserve it. Look – Brit makes $700,000 A MONTH (I heard that on Access Hollywood) and what, exactly, does she do?
Still feel sorry for her?
I didn’t think so.
I think the two pieces of her disastrous performance on Sunday night that continue to fascinate me are these: First, that she had the gaul to fire Ken Paves before going on stage. Who does she think she is? The woman who shaved her head, fired her hairdresser? Come on now. No wonder she was moving her hair out of her eyes the whole performance:,,20056088,00.html
And finally, again on Access Hollywood last night, I learned that KFed hosted a joint first bday party for Jayden James and 2nd bday party for Sean P. at his home that Brit-bot’s MOM attended…but no Brit-bot. Wow. That’s bad. That’s about as bad as it gets. Wild horses couldn’t keep me from my kid’s bday party.
With that kittens, I’ll work on something more thought-provoking next time.