Category Archives: Celebrities

No celeb is safe on Kitty Time

The Fallen Fairy Tale: Scorned Political Wives

Soliciting men in bathroom stalls , moving hookers over state lines (seriously, why aren’t ours here in DC good enough for Spitzer?), trysts in a TGI Fridays (really, McGreevey, really?), hiking the Appalachian trail – or was it lounging seaside in Argentina ( )- these are tales for an epic Hollywood blockbuster. The serious political leader caught with his pants down in outrageous scenarios is a constant thread in our media commentary. Arnold, we knew you had it in you, we just thought your story would be more exotic than a housekeeper. So let’s be honest with ourselves. We don’t devour every salacious detail of these affairs because of what the husband did, though, do we? We devour them because we are watching the scorned political wife.

And among those political wives, Ms. Edwards was the first to not stand by her man’s side in the mea culpa media interview . We applauded her for it. Then Ms. Sanford set the bar a little higher by dropping off the scene, leaking that she hadn’t spoken to her husband for weeks and demanded his repentance . Was the tide turning? Were we seeing a movement away from steadfast support of the husband because of his career? And why did these earlier political wives stand next to their husbands in those moments of humiliation and disgrace? Were they just in shock and willing to believe what they wanted to believe, or did they also believe in their husband-as-candidate so profoundly that they were willing to forgo their own humiliation?  

Julianna Margulies’ ill-titled show The Good Wife handled the perspective of the shamed wife with delicacy and respect through its first season. We watched as she rediscovered her independence, cultivated her career and built a life that wasn’t centered around her husband. But we watched her keep her husband at arm’s length, for the sake of her kids and presumably because you can’t stop loving the father of your children overnight.

So now we have Maria Shriver to watch. Possibly due to her own blue-blooded political savvy, in combination with her experience working for the media, she managed the message from the time it leaked out. It certainly can’t be a mistake that this news leaked months after the Governator left office. His political career was able to reach the apex he desired without his own indiscretions toppling it, like all these other idiots, but Maria managed to avoid the requisite press conference and already announced that she is separated from the dirty rotten scoundrel. She doesn’t look like a victim, she looks like she’s in charge.

So what does it leave us to think? What do we relay to our kids who are old enough to hear the incessant media chatter and ask us questions about it? How do we not shine the spotlight on our husbands and issue a few threats addressing precisely what we’ll do to them if they take up with the housekeeper or nanny or kindergarten teacher or school psychologist? Why do marriages fall apart after 25 years and four children? What does it say to the cheaters (and our kids) if we stick with them and what does it say to our kids if we ditch them?

Any one of these questions is enough to whip up a tornado of doubt and introspection to the point of neurotic.  So I choose to focus on the positive. My instinct is that we tell our kids the truth: many adult decisions are leaps of faith but we leap because we genuinely love someone; the inertia of the fear of what ifs is more paralyzing than the leap could be damaging. We stand by a spouse or we walk away based on what is right for us and what is right for our kids. We can’t ever really know what compels some political wives to stick around and others to walk away. But we have to believe that it takes two people to make a marriage work and two people to allow it to break.

And about that fairy tale, as a women’s studies minor and feminist protestor outside strip clubs in college (seriously), I enjoy watching my girls get lost into the world of a Disney fairy tale. Why can’t I let them believe there is a Prince for them? Why shouldn’t they think their daddy is my modern-day Prince? Weren’t 3 billion people worldwide glued to the marriage of Kate to William because we love fairy tales?  Maybe Maria tolerated Arnold’s behavior for as long as she felt her children needed her to and then she broke. Maybe the Terminator was Maria’s Prince for as long as she wanted one.

Maybe the real fairy tale is that the story isn’t linear and the Princess gets a few bruises along the way. But she brushes herself off and gets back up. Maybe that’s the real lesson for the kids.

Celebrity Mom Rant

My kids keep sabotaging my efforts to blog… bear with me friends. Seeing as how every celebrity under the sun seems to be pregnant or delivering a baby, it’s time for a little rant.  My friend started it today when she emailed this in:

Did Miranda kerr and Orlando have to release a first photo of their newborn as he is nursing?  I’m so over people making statements like that. And I’m oddly annoyed that nicolle kidman used a surrogate. She carried a child to term 2 years ago. Or did she really?  She trying to save her rail thin figure?  Or did she really have trouble and therefor absolutely had to use a surrogate?  And kelly preston used her own eggs at 48?  Hmmm mmm. That’s my rant for the day

So – friends – what’s your reaction to my BFF’s rant? I, for one, pretty much am in full-agreement with her. Come the f on Miranda Kerr…..that picture was about you and how beautiful you are and your lovely postpartum breast. It really wasn’t about the baby, who we’d all like to actually see. And if you want to make a statement about the beauty and importance of breastfeeding, then do something productive, like use your celebrity platform to discuss the importance of women having private spaces to nurse in the workplace so they can keep nursing after maternity leave (if they get maternity leave).

And Nicole, sure, is it really our business to know whether or not you could get pregnant or whether or not you just didn’t want to ruin your body? Probably not. But well, you want us to watch your movies and buy your husband’s albums (if you do that, probably stop reading my blog), so we’re going to judge you.

And Kelly Preston. I heard her very briefly on the Today Show today discussing how she wasn’t at all nervous about having a healthy baby given her “advanced maternal age.” Umm…really? REALLY  KELLY?? How in the hell could that be true? And I kept wondering – is it a really great thing that she was pregnant at 47-48 and delivered a very healthy baby into this world and wasn’t worried at all about it. Or is that bullshit and she was scared out of her mind the entire time but didn’t want to share it? I’m a realist. How could you NOT be worried the entire time? Then again, what does that prove? It doesn’t change the outcome.

So then she leaves us with a very productive conversation about advanced maternal age. Do older celebrities birthing healthy babies skew our perspective on this possibility? Do they feed this idea out there that having a baby beyond 40 is simple and beautiful? It might be but it might be a really difficult road (Read the side paragraph in that link about pregnancy in late 40s).  Is it the job of older mom celebs to talk about it? Probably  not but might it help shed some light onto that road, specifically the expense of IVF, freezing eggs, or finding a surrogate?

Celebrity Mom BFF

An email from a friend made me realize I am not alone here. Maybe I need therapy but then again, I think it’s more like group counseling because I know I am not alone here people.

So admit it, who is your celebrity mom BFF?

You know you have one.

She’s either someone who you enjoy seeing photographed with her kiddo because of her style, because of how she dresses herself and her kid, because of the activities you see her doing – or in my case, all of the above and the fact that she had her babies around the same time as you.

I know. I know. It is SO PATHETIC. But ‘fess up here, you do it too.

Mine is totally Jenny Garner. One friend even pointed out that I’m totally ahead of myself because I’m calling her Jenny….haaaaa. The one thing that would be really awkward in our friendship is the fact that I met her husband last year and he is beyond hot. Ridiculously hot in person.  Me, of non-stop talking ability and opinions, was dumbstruck and incapable of playing it cool around him. In case you don’t believe me, I’m inserting the picture from the Google inaugural party. And the other gal in this shot is either a total stalker. Or a BFF of mine. You decide. But she’s the one looking overly excited. I’m the one with the extra baby weight having recently delivered my second child.

So me and Jenny Garner are totally BFFs. We both had girls and in both cases, born within weeks of each other. I love seeing pics of her out with her kids because she always looks so normal. She’s always in jeans and tenny’s, grocery shopping or at the park. I know this because we are friends. And in terms of her style, I get it.  Despite all my best efforts, it doesn’t make sense to me to get all dolled up when I spend my days getting glitter glue painted on me and baby food tossed all over my sweater. Me and JG, we are sympatico. I totally know it.

So whose yours? There are so many. And if you tell me it’s Heidi Klum because you were strutting the catwalk 6 weeks later, I’ll believe you. I promise.

Duggar Insanity

I don’t know about you, but I have a powerful visceral reaction to people who are full of shit. Typically people who act like everything is sunshine and roses all the time – cause we know it’s not. Life is messy, parenthood has ups and downs, marriages can be rocky, working full time or staying home full time – these things can wreak havoc on your mind. Nothing is easy. Certainly everything isn’t rosy every single day. I like it when people are real. If we are friends – tell me about something totally hilarious and awesome that happened today. But when something crappy happens, don’t pretend like your life is a sunday walk in the park filled with sunshine and roses. Cause guess what – it’s pretty transparent that you are faking it.

So, I immediately puke in my mouth when I see the Duggars on the TV. Specifically last week, I caught a bit of them on the Today Show. Unfortunately real life – 2 sick kids and a nasty cold myself – prevented me from blasting them immediately when I saw them on TV. First of all, I think they are psycho. You cannot tell me that you have that many children and it’s wonderful and there is no impact on the children. Give me a freaking break. I can barely find enough time in the day to feel like my TWO kids are getting sufficient attention from me. Add in 17 more and forget about it.

So first, in case you feel differently, then you can tell me how the Duggars were awarded 2009 Parents of the Year. And I still puked a little in my mouth. Someone get me a towel to wipe it up. Wait – maybe if I had a dozen more kids, one of them could run and get me a towel?

Or you can tell me all about how they make their money themselves and never lived off public assistance.

I’m sorry, we should even mention that?

But here’s the added twist – their 19th child – keep in mind  Michelle is in her early 40s and has been pregnant roughly every 9 months for about 20 years. So tell me what that does to her body? How is that good and healthy for her to constantly be pregnant or nursing?

So the 19th child was born at 24 weeks and has been in the intensive care unit of a hospital in Arkansas since early December. She’s almost 2 months now and weighs 2lbs. Yet the Duggars sat on the Today Show, beaming smiles, and waxed on about how their life is a blessing and everything is wonderful and their daughter is so beautiful.


Give me an f’ing break. Having an infant in the intensive care unit for easily three months with innumerable possible developmental problems due to her early emergency delivery must rate up there among the highest stressors parents can face. Then you add in 18 more children, many of whom are very young and still need constant care and attention from parents – and who is paying attention to them? Surely at least Michelle is pretty much always in the hospital with baby Josie. So you’re telling me that one parent is sufficient in taking care of all the needs of 18 other kids? But wait – so then who is working to make money to support this family? Oh right – I guess that’s where pimping your kids out to TV networks to make money off them comes in handy? I’m sure God would definitely approve of that strategy. And you’re telling me that the absence of one parent and the logistical inability of the other parent to pay sufficient attention to all these other kids doesn’t impact them? Before you consider bringing home a baby a potential host of special needs? Or maybe instead of hiring nannies to help them tend to all these children and all the needs they have (school drop offs and pickups, sporting events, ballet, music lessons, art class, birthday parties), maybe the Duggars farm out the parenting responsibilities to the eldest children. Ah yes, I can see how that would earn them parents of the year award. Let’s keep having children so our older children can raise them!!! God said it was ok.

And then they casually toss in that they moved their entire family to Little Rock to be closer to the hospital – and we’re still meant to believe life is grand?

Having moved every three years of my life until I went to college, I know all about being uprooted and how stressful it can be on a kid. So they uproot 18 children and you’re telling me there isn’t resentment and anger among some of the kids that they had to leave their school, their friends, their life because their parents can’t stop having children? By my last count, at least 5 of the kids are of high school age. My sister still talks about having to move before going into her senior year of high school…and well…..she’s many years past high school.

I think it’s irresponsible on their part. I think it’s irresponsible and disgusting to constantly put themselves out there, to welcome and encourage media attention (hello- camera crews in the ICU? Remind anyone else of the Octomom, profiting off the circus show of having so many children? Yet they hide behind God’s blessings instead of a creepy Angelina Jolie plastic surgery make-over and it makes it OK for the Duggars to do?), and I think it’s dishonest to smile and talk about life’s blessings.

I think the media play a role in perpetuating this insanity by paying families like the Duggars to profile their lives on TV. And it’s time to stop.

Bottom line – the only thing I am left wondering is – given the fact that Michelle always has the same plastered, spacey, taped on smile on her face, I am left wondering -what is she on? And can I get any of it?