Category Archives: Celebrities

No celeb is safe on Kitty Time

Ripped from the Headlines

Pop quiz today, dear readers. So get out your pens and don’t cheat.  But if you do, be sure to snitch on someone else. I like whistle-blowers, it keeps things interesting.

Today’s pop quiz is dedicated to those who aren’t yet changing poopy diapers and trolling their hallways every 2 hours all night long, rocking a baby in their arms, whispering “shh” “shh” in miserable attempts to calm the little fussy sweet babe.

Yours truly is ripping from the headlines some things to NOT do as a new parent. Let’s test your celeb knowledge and see how many answers you can get right. There is no answer key, of course, your own knowledge and google are always your best friends.

1. When driving somewhere with your baby, do you keep the baby on your lap, behind the steering wheel? That seems particularly safe for the baby, doesn’t it?  

2. When feeling particularly enraged and bitter, do you leave your tween a nasty message calling them a fat pig and threatening to whip them into shape the next time you see them? Experts would surely consider this positive reinforcement and self-esteem building behavior.

3. After birthing a baby, do you begin to drink and party heavily for the first year of its life? Perhaps this is the new mechanism for surviving those sleepless nights and colicky cries? Ending in rehab is always good for the mommy-baby bonding experience.  

4. After having your own child, do you declare that infants are really just blobs and jet off to another under developed country, leaving your own flesh and blood behind, to instead adopt another more interesting and worldly toddler?

5. After parading your wife’s pregnancy around like a bizarre trophy winner proving that you are not, in fact, gay, do you then hide your newborn for months, generating rumors and conspiracy theories that the pregnancy never really happened to begin with, to then dramatically rollout the first photos of the Asian looking baby for all the world to see? Along the way don’t forget to insult new mommies and make a mockery of post-partum depression. That is sure to win you some friends that you’ll need once that fake baby is birthed.

In conclusion, what we’ve learned from some of our highest paid “role models” is this: car seats are for wussies and you don’t want no wussy baby, drinking heavily helps build relationships, insults build self-esteem, babies are boring blobs and men should definitely be mocking the existence of post-partum depression, after all the time they are spending on the delivery table pushing that baby out, they are definitely experts.

Queen of the Land

Dear Prince William…or shall I call you future King:

It has come to my attention that there is a position open in your kingdom. While I was saddened to see the press coverage over the weekend that you dumped your pretty girlfriend, I must admit, I know someone else who would make a fabulous queen.


That is right. I got to thinking that I should apply to be your future queen. I am quite sure I meet all the right criterion. Allow me to begin.

1. I am very pretty and would make for a luminous princess and elegant queen.

2. I have a proven track record of fertility and could provide future princesses and princes to the kingdom.

3. I am very well spoken, media trained, and can certainly handle the media deluge on a daily basis with dignity and composure. Moi? I never lose my cool. C’est vrai.

4. I have a great sense of style and with the correct budget (read: limitless), I could certainly wear a fabulous outfit for every occasion and I love accessories, so I have no trouble wearing hats, even if it’s kind of 1850ish.

5. I have a great fake posh British accent and am willing to be addressed “M’Lady.”

6. I will never write a tell-all book when you divorce me, nor will I spread lies and rumors about the Queen amongst the hungry British press. I also will never speak of Prince Harry’s bad habits and obvious drinking problem.

7. I like tea and I love clotted cream on my crumpets, so I could really get used to that tradition as part of each afternoon.

8. I have an Irish Passport, so I could help mend fences from the age old struggle between England and Ireland. Perhaps my daughter could be princess of Ireland? She has red hair. Surely that’s enough.  

9. I like attention and love to ski and vacation, so I promise to smile and show my pearly whites for every vacation photo-op, even if drab Prince Charles is there.

10. I can be very bossy and will happily let the people know that I am their queen, and have no problems with threatening to off heads or let them eat cake.

Have your people call my people if you’d like to discuss further. I am most definitely the most qualified candidate.

Reel Talk

Before we get into our discussion for today, I first must address the latest breaking celeb news from yesterday…..”Who’s your daddy?”

That’s right, after months of torture and dragging it out, we now all know that Larry Birkhead is, in fact, Anna Nicole’s baby’s daddy. Does anyone else find themself wondering how that surfer dude is going to handle being a single father? Does he know what he’s getting himself into? Who else is going to be there to assist? I feel slightly alarmed for this child when I think about it, but we can all rest better knowing who her baby’s daddy is.

Moving on, today’s topic is movies. One of KT’s BFF’s inspired today’s posting from an email exchange we had earlier this week. I’ve glossed over the dearth of movies in my life since having had a baby but I think it’s time to address it head on.

I’ve realized the root of the problem is not, in fact, that I have a baby -and that is why I never get to the movies. The problem is with the movie TIMES.

First, let me set the stage. Darling daughter was born in the fall of 2005. During my pregnancy, the last movie I saw in the theaters was “Wedding Crashers” in about August 2005. The AC was broken in the theater, I was in the early stages of my third trimester and hotter than hell, the seats were old and really screwing up my already present lower back pain, and I thought the movie was TERRIBLE and about an hour too long. Perhaps my husband was hoping to actually hear most of the jokes during the movie, or maybe get a little heavy petting action in a dark theater – who knows. Instead, he got me griping in his ear and fidgeting the entire time. Good times.

Needless to say, we never went to a movie again for the duration of my pregnancy. And it took a few preggo massages for me to recover from the trauma of that hideous movie.

Darling daughter arrived and 2006 flew by in some kind of blur. I have seen one movie in the theaters since her birth and that was “Devil Wears Prada” last summer.

My husband, perhaps still scarred from the summer of 2005, has not seen a movie in the theaters since the fateful night we saw “Wedding Crashers.”

But upon further exploration of this topic, I’ve concluded that it’s movie theaters who are sabotaging parents with young children. Who, in their right mind, can get out the door and get to a 7pm movie when they have little ones at home? Not me, that’s for sure.

But then, who, in their right mind, can stay awake through a 9:30pm movie? I had a hard enough time with that before I had a baby, but now, there’s no way I can stay awake. Hell, I’m nestling into my bed by 9:30pm each night, I might turn into a pumpkin if I have to go sit in a dark theater at that hour.

So my question is this – what happened to the 8pm showings? Maybe they exist where you live but where I live, there is never an 8pm showing to be found. It’s like sabotage against parents. We could actually get out the door, enjoy a meal and get to an 8pm movie AND stay awake during the entire thing – if one such existed.

And then the issues becomes remembering what movies I wanted to see. So, I’ve resigned myself to the fact that getting to the theaters probably isn’t going to happen, so instead, I will rent the movie that piques my interest when it’s in theaters.

Enter mommy brain.

Three months pass, movie makes it to DVD, and by then, I’ve totally forgotten the movie, the cast, the plot, or any reason I might have wanted to see it, unless someone really hot is in it, like say, Taye Diggs. Then I can remember. But beyond that, I really can’t remember.

Even perusing the options on Netflix doesn’t really jog my memory. It’s almost like I need a notebook to jot down notes to myself about movies because otherwise, I’m like some kind of senile 90 year old that’s just arrived the country. “What’s that you say, dear? The movie with Will Smith? Ahh yes, he was very funny when he fought aliens with Tommy Lee Jones.”


Ode to Tina Fey

Good morning spring kittens –

I hope you all have wonderful weekend plans. Tomorrow is the great day of my birth. I will be turning 25. It’s true. And I’m also quite sure that my husband will rejoice in celebrating the day of my birth from sun-up to sun-down. I’m certain that he’ll awaken me with a delicious breakfast in bed and the spoiling and treats will continue from there, throughout the day. I’m certain that everything I’m saying today is truth.

But really, I’m not going to make today’s entry about moi. I think we’ve had enough of that for one week. Instead, I’d like to make today’s entry a celebration of one of the coolest working mom’s out there today, Tina Fey.

Indeed, she is definitely someone I’d love to have drinks with. As I’m sure you all know, she writes and stars in NBC’s successful “30 Rock” – which is a hilarious show. Surely you kittens tune in, if not, you really should:

Prior to that, she was the first female head writer on SNL. Of course there’s her hilarious movie hit “Mean Girls” that I’m really sure you’ve all seen. Should I keep going? And on top of it all, she is a mom. Anyone else catch her during the NBC Christmas Tree lighting show back in December, standing up there next to Al Roker, holding her sweet baby girl? Love her. She is hilarious, smart, famous, and a working mom.

I trolled the web for some interesting interviews with Fey and was a little disappointed that there isn’t more out there. Tina, if you’re reading, which I’m sure you are, we’d love to interview you here at KT. Anyhoo, I did find one interesting article, including excerpts of her acceptance speech in 2005 of the NY Women in Film and Television awards:


Fey and her husband, “SNL” musician Jeff Richmond, recently had a baby daughter, Alice Zenobia, and Fey began her acceptance speech by telling the audience that, as the mother of a three-month-old, “it’s an honor to be anywhere, actually, and a deep, deep privilege to be wearing a bra and shoes.”


For anyone who’s been on maternity leave, I think we can all see just how funny that comment is. I was lucky to get out the door in something that remotely matched when my daughter was 3 months old, I can’t imagine having to accept an award in front of other celebs. Would have been my personal nightmare.

Anyway, here’s a link to the full piece, if you’d care to read more about super cool Tina Fey:

Bon Weekend kittens! And Happy Birthday to me!