Category Archives: Celebrities

No celeb is safe on Kitty Time

It’s getting hot in here……

Ahh….summer in Washington. What comes to mind?

For those of you who don’t live here, you are probably thinking steamy hot humid days, air thick with mosquitos. And while you are certainly right about that, don’t forget about the other fabulous thing that inevitably happens in Washington every summer.  You got it, right around the time when a steak knife couldn’t cut through the humidity and the heat has wired your hair for sound. You’ve officially given up on  your hair.

But chin up buttercup.

The annual Washington sex scandal has arrived.

Sometimes it involves murder and a young professional girl, like Chandra Levy.

But ALWAYS ALWAYS it involves Members of Congress.

And that, dear kittens, is part of what makes the summer in Washington just that. Summer in DC.

And so, today we all awaken to the hilarious and torrid news of the DC Madam. We all heard about her a few months ago and we waited to hear the details on which Washington players were utilizing her, ahem, services.

But too much time passed and if you’re anything like me, you completely forgot about it.

And then today. When the air temperature is reaching 100 degrees, it’s waiting on the blogs for your pure joy.

My fav is the headline in Wonkette, “Louisiana Senator admits to screwing Hooker”

Isn’t life on the blog world grand? You can say whatever the hell you want.

But be sure to read the comments in reply to the Wonkette’s posting because they are equally as fascinating. If you are anything like me, you will find yourself wondering what the hell the Senator’s wife is thinking in all of this. And you will pray that she will NOT take a page out of gay former Governer McGreevey’s wife’s book and stand up next to him while he confesses his sins and begs for forgivness in front of all the network camera crews. In fact, you think she’s as patethic as him for doing that.

And so, fret not kittens, for the answer lies in a former interview Vitter’s wife gave, also available in Wonkette’s comment section and frankly, Vitter’s wife is my kind of gal, for publicly giving Lorena Bobbit a shout-out:

His wife, Wendy, was asked by the Newhouse reporter: If her husband were as unfaithful as Livingston or former President Bill Clinton, would she be as forgiving as Hillary Rodham Clinton?

“I’m a lot more like Lorena Bobbitt than Hillary,” Wendy Vitter told Newhouse News. “If he does something like that, I’m “If he does something like that, I’m walking away with one thing, and it’s not alimony, trust me.”

EXCELLENT! The trashy gossip rag lover in me hopes that this marital discord plays out for all of us to see. I hope she still has some of the Lorena pumping through her veins.  

So read on kittens and find yourself amused. I, myself, started the day with my co-workers using phrases like “golden shower” and hearing “I’m always into stories about lots of hookers.”

Somehow I think it’s going to be my kind of day if it’s starting off like this.

And what is it about the steamy hot Washington summers that make it ripe every year for a sex scandal with Members of Congress? I mean, can anyone forget the Washingtonienne?

I never could spell that word, btw.

And what is it about Senators and other Members? Will they EVER be able to keep it in their pants? And learn that it’s all going to come out? We’re all going to air their dirty laundry on some impossibly hot July day?

I was going to blog on Michelle Obama again today and her announcing that as first lady, she’ll be investing in the plight of working moms.

But really?

Senators screwing hookers. Come on. Way more fun.

Setting a good example

Happy Tuesday kittens. I hope you all enjoyed a long weekend with your young ones. Mine tromped around the beach in her adorable new swimsuit and sun hat. To my surprise, she actually only ate sand when it was coated in watermelon – by her own doing.

Almost like a coconut glaze over a shrimp. She carefully would coat each side of the watermelon piece and then happily eat it. I was OK with that seeing as how I was actually envisioning fist-fulls of sand going into her little mouth. I’ve seen the mud beard from the spring. I know what she is capable of.

But she is older and wiser now. She’s much more worldly now than she was in say March – or maybe she’s finally past the oral phase?

Speaking of oral – somehow that word conjures up images of Hohan or Paris in my mind. And you?

Anyhoo….speaking of my daughter and celebrities, I was a little alarmed when I read the piece on tweens and celeb gossip in Sunday’s NYT Style section. Did you read it?

It made me realize there is a whole additional realm of example setting behavior that I am responsible for, that I never thought of until Sunday.

Curbing my appetite for celeb gossip?


C’est vrai?

As parents, we all have standards we need to uphold in front of our children. There are the obvious: watching your words carefully (anyone picturing Vince Vaughn in “Old School” right now – “Earmuffs!”), treating others with respect, saying “please” and “thank you,” the list goes on and on.

I was prepared for all of this.

I’ve been working on cleaning up my mouth for months now, sort of, in preparation for speaking like a Catholic nun in front of darling daughter. And the time has come. The other morning my husband said “Oh no!” and two seconds later, out of the mouth of our young babe came “Oh no!”

Except it sounded way cuter when she said it.

But back to the point – celeb gossip. Do I need to curtail my voracious appetite for celeb gossip as my daughter gets older?

The Sunday Styles section discusses how today’s tweens, as early as second grade, are well aware of what the celebrit’ho’s are up too in Hollywood. And they are even passing judgment on them.

Fortunately for parents everywhere, at least the tweens interviewed in the piece, were busily judging the celeb’s for the right reasons. Even more sophisticated reasons than moi.

I don’t know about you, but when Brit shaved her head, I wasn’t wondering why she didn’t give her hair for cancer patients, like the sweet girl interviewed in the piece wondered.

Hell, I was too busy laughing at what a freaking idiot she is and thinking about how much fun this was for the rest of us.

Whoops…my bad.

OK – so my morals and judgment need a little cleaning up along with my mouth. But seriously – this had never occurred to me.

I will need to curb my gossip rag purchasing and discussions while at home. Sure, my darling daughter will hear it other places and will learn all about it at school. But at home, does she really need to know that mommy will drop everything to get onto and learn what the latest celeb gaffe is?

And then obsessively email her friends about it?

Is this something she really needs to know about moi?

I’m thinking  – not so much.

Nothing like the NYT Style section giving me an invaluable tip on parenting, right?

Friday Round-up

Gather round summer kittens, what better way to kick-off the Memorial Day weekend than with some empty, bottom feeding, celeb gossip?

Hopefully you are headed to the beach, but in case you have a tyke in tow and won’t really have time for lounging and reading gossip rags, I’m here to get your weekend started and make sure you are up-to-date in the goings on of the Celeb World.

First – Britney and Angie Jolie have one thing in common. They seem to never be photographed with their youngest child, their own flesh and blood. I recently saw a grainy pick of Jayden James, so it would seem that he does exist and appears to have only one head and only four appendages.

Certainly I prefer the rumors of some kind of Satan’s child or something, but still, he appeared to be a mini-Sean P. But why is Sean P the fav?

Just like why do we never see Angie lovingly cuddling Shiloh like she does Z or Madd?

Here’s my example:

Ahoy matey JJ – where art thou?

And while we’re on the subject of Angie and Brad. I missed her interview with Ann Curry the other day but honestly – did anyone really think she’d say anything worthwhile? She is busily taking Cannes by storm with her beloved Brad and I have to say, I was a little surprised to see her wearing a bright color – check her out in this pretty YELLOW dress:,0,4

Surely you will notice there is a gallery of photos and those of you who know and love moi must know that I had to pick that particular pic to link too. My ass is better than Angie’s, so imagine what Brad would be doing if I were standing there next to him?

Moving on, how about Matt Damon. Some of you might have been on the fence about him before. Is he really THAT hot? Is he very tall? Is he maybe just like a nice guy and not as sexy as some of his co-stars?

Well, in case you needed some persuading, what tugs at a woman’s heart strings more than an incredibly wealthy movie star who also happens to be a devoted and doting Dad?

Link it up, sisters:,0,4

Now, moving on to preggo stars. Does anyone else watch  “Access Hollywood?” Because I do when I can and honestly, it annoys the hell out of me that they seem to hide Nancy O’Dell’s pregnancy. When she’s on, they very rarely show anything below her neck. God it pisses me off.

But how about this – Naomi Watts. Adorable – but not loving this dress:

By now, we’re all well aware that Sheryl Crowe adopted a little white baby boy and named him Wyatt. For some reason, reading her interviews about being a new mom really annoy me. I think it’s because she seems to always mention the baby nurse.

Why is that necessary?

Why do you even need to mention it?

And frankly, it fires me up. She wasn’t preggo. She didn’t endure 10 exhausting months. She sure as hell didn’t go through hours of labor and pushing that kid out of her. SO why the f can’t she wake the hell up and tend to her newly adopted kid? Or at least shut up about the damn baby nurse!

And finally, moving away from motherhood to just plain cool (who also happens to be a mom) – SJP’s new clothing line launched last night – it’s called Bitten and apparently is inexpensive. Think SJP is trying to go head-to-head with Madonna’s line at H&M?

With that, I leave you summer cats, to prowl the beaches looking fine, remember your sunblock, and you’ll hear more from me next Tuesday.

And if at least one of KT’s pregnant BFF’s don’t have at least ONE of their kids by next Tuesday, I’ll be all sorts of fired up!!!!

Another Job Application

Dear fans of KT know that I recently applied for a job to be the next Queen of England. Shockingly, my beloved Prince William has yet to respond to my somewhat forward and presumptuous application.

I know. I know. You are all devastated. I would make such a great Queen.

But see, KT doesn’t dwell on things. She moves on. And so today, I am applying for another job. This one isn’t quite as high profile as being Queen, but it will suffice.

It sill would include a makeup and hair stylist. Surely a publicist. And most definitely gobs of loyal fans. Something I could get used too. And fast.

So – you are wondering – KT – what is it?

It is this: Jenny Garner is shopping around a new show, kind of like “The View” but for mom’s.

According to People, Jenny Garner would be the Barbara Walters of the show:,,20038918,00.html

So today, I am writing to you, dear friend Jenny Garner. This is my application to be on your show.

First of all, I’ve considered you my celeb mom kindred spirit. We had our daughters around the same time. And frankly, you seem normal and nice. I like that you are photographed having fun at the park with your daughter.

I go to the park with my daughter too. And I smile and look pretty too. Except there are no paparazzi there trailing me around. But I’d look cute like you too. And my sweet daughter, well, she’s pretty good looking, so she’d look great in the pics too.

But see – you don’t need a twinkie on the show. You need someone different from you. And while some say my body is like yours, we are still different.

See, I am Rosie to your Barbara Walters.

But I’m good looking Rosie.

I can easily offend Republicans.

I thrive off stirring the pot.

I have lots of opinions that I LOVE to share and would love even more to be PAID to share them.

And I’m funny. And if you pick some mousy demure Republican mom to be on the show, I’ll pick on her. Mercilessly. The fans will love it.

Oh, and did I mention I’m also a mom. I’m a real mom. Not that you’re not. But see, we’re different kinds of mom’s because well, we have different kinds of money and accessibility to things.

So while you are off putting together your show, know that you’ve got a perfect co-hostess right here in DC, waiting for your call, to help spruce up your ratings. I can hurl insults at Trump, I can  mock his hair. I will even find a new shtick. Hell, with the Presidential election season quickly coming upon us, there are endless opportunities to insult old white men.

Jenny G – I’m your gal.

I’ll have my people contact your people.