Is busting out your iPhone in the middle of Target to record yourself for your blog, strange?
Cause that’s how I chose to get my feet wet in the world of vlogging. Which in retrospect, just might be totally strange and a little effed up. In the moment it seemed really right, however, I’ll be honest.
Though as I crouched onto the ground and whispered into the phone, admittedly I was hoping no one would walk into the particular aisle space I was hogging and wonder who the freak was crouched over her phone whispering. I really was kinda whispering. And worried about getting busted for being a Dateline’s Hidden Camera wanna-be.
So, in case you hadn’t figured it out, today I bring you my first attempt at a vlog from moi…… and much like my hero Miss Piggy….I’m thinking I need my name flashing in lights and a stylist to move forward now that I’ve gotten a taste of the bright lights.
Truthfully I wanted to experiment with this blogging technique for a while. I’d love to test it out and see if you actually like getting the occasional video blurb from me to add a little new content into the blog. After a few weeks of mulling, I finally decided that rather than continue to over think it, I needed to just record something when the moment was right. So there I was in Target this morning and it hit me like a ton of bricks as I perused the Halloween t-shirt options for toddler girls.
The Halloween shirts for toddler girls, specifically the “Too Cute To Spook” shirt is what fired me up and inspired this ground breaking work into video technology. Why wouldn’t I grab my phone and whisper-rant into it like a lunatic? How could my immediate impulse not to be – bringing my thoughts live to you?
As my regular blog readers know, clothing options for little girls is a consistent point of contention for me. I’ve written about it a few times, in part, because I have a little girl who loves pirates, Batman, Spiderman and Sonic the Hedgehog. As I innocently turned the corner this morning in Target, on the hunt for some fun Halloween gear, the old familiar rage pulsated through my veins as my eyes fell on a ridiculous “Too Cute To Spook” shirt (though, it actually is cute and if I had an 18 month old, I’d probably be tempted to grab it for her. #FullDisclosure)
Here’s what gets me about these cutesy slogan shirts for girls – What about the girl who wants skulls and crossbones but not necessarily with a tutu on a hot pink tshirt? Why must our little girls be sporting something that says she’s too cute to spook? There was nothing even remotely similar for toddler boys, as this video presentation is about to show you. This summer, you might recall I was highly annoyed the Gap was selling a zebra print bikini for girls and super hero swimsuits for boys.
Who decided the little girls don’t want super hero swimsuits? By the volume of traffic I get to my site from people searching for super hero swimsuits for girls, I am all but certain our clothing manufacturers are missing a money-making opportunity by being sexist assholes.
I could go on and on.
I’m guessing a rant from me on the sexism that permeates Halloween clothes and costumes for kids will happen again a few more this Halloween season but my shopping experience (which clearly was blissfully child-free today at Target) inspired my first vlog.
Would love for you to watch. Tell me what you think. It’s only 90 seconds. Do similar things frustrate you when shopping for your kids? How about the vlog concept? Do we like it? Want to hear more random video commentary from moi or no? Only if I’m cowered down in supermarket aisles, whispering, perhaps?
And side note – today I just so happened to be showered and dressed somewhat properly…..I can’t make that promise all the time. Until I make my debut live on the red carpet, or until NBC calls to hire me for the next Dateline Expose – don’t forget to “Like” moi on Facebook to keep up with the fun and a special thanks to my supremely talented sister Emily, co-owner of Born Lucky Studios (also of Gallagher Sisters ABCs Uncensored fame) and her editing skills for improving my video and helping me add the text (and some more humor):
The video isn’t working.
Says there’s a problem loading it. I was looking forward to seeing it. 
why can’t the girls wear the boys stuff if they like it better? i buy RR boys clothes sometimes…if it’s cute, it’s cute, right?
Maybe we should start a company. It would be called SuperHeroines and it would be all of the NON-GIRLY stuff that our little girls crave, featuring kick ass superheroes at cat-woman and wonderwoman in the black/blue/primary colors. Conversely, we would also have boxer shorts for little girls. Because I have a certain Opressor who wants nothing to do with panties.
Why can’t boys be too cute to spook? I am consistently irritated by the run of the mill clothing options for boys – skulls and crossbones (my kid is poison?), phrases like “tough like dad” – ahem – dad didn’t push out a baby sans drugs AND breastfeed, and the multitude of other sexist crap telling me my infant is not a baby but a “man”. It’s so annoying.
Ladies –
Loving these comments. In order:
Nas – I mainly only shop in boy sections for my youngest Wired Momma’ette because it’s all she wants. She comes alive there. This includes underware and PJs. Can’t find superhero girls underwear. Annoying.
Jocelyn – EXCELLENT IDEA. Honestly – by all the traffic I get to my site looking for super hero stuff for girls (they find me because I bitch about it all the time and they must be so disappointed when they arrive here) – I think we’d be millionaires quickly. We could make it all organic and made in the USA to make it uber trendy.
Julie – your points are so good that I’m thinking they warrant a follow up blog post. I hadn’t considered this from that perspective bc I’m only shopping for my girls – but you are right on. Thank you for inspiring a second post!!
Carla – for some reason I am just now seeing your comment. I am so sorry the video didn’t work for you. I wonder if others had that problem? Hmm.. I will post it in YouTube tonight and put a link up later with it that way. I think maybe YouTube is a better route next time. So sorry!!!