Little gets me in the holiday spirit more than pictures of kids crying on Santa’s lap. Maybe it’s a sickness but I think they are HILARIOUS! So when I put out the request that my readers email me pictures of their kids crying on Santa’s lap, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. My own children have disappointment me gravely on this front- neither of them have ever given me a crying on Santa’s lap picture – so I have to live vicariously through others. I am thrilled with the response my silly request has gotten and bring you the first ever Wired Momma readers kids gallery below – peruse it when you are feeling grumpy, tired of the holidays or just need a good laugh. We’ll for sure be doing this again next year. And I have a sweet — literally — present to give to one of my readers, picked at random, for taking the time to send me the pictures. So read on:

I wanted to start the gallery with the very image that started my love for these pictures…this is my old co-worker and friend’s daughter…he had this posted on his office door for a long time and it never failed to make me laugh
Here we have little Charlie, age 1:
Next up is little Molly…..she’s in the next two pictures and she HATES Santa….and i LOVE it:
Here’s another really hilarious little guy:
Okay – what I love about this next one is not just the crying little girl but her mom’s expression and Santa’s expression:
One of my friends and favorite local parenting bloggers, Nicole Dash who writes Tiny Steps Mommy, sent me in this hilarious image of little Moyra…who clearly does NOT want to be near that old beareded guy:
And here’s another great one, the contrast of the happy sibling and the freaking out sibling kills me…..
And finally – this little girl is so precious in her holiday outfit and her body language is my favorite – it’s like she’s telling the other outraged children: At Noon, We RIDE!

How delicious do these ice cream cakes look from Baskin-Robbis? Photo Credit: Michael Indresano Photography Inc.
Seriously – thank you to everyone for sharing these! And you have to love these kids for being so expressive. So, about that sweet give-away. Baskin-Robbins just contacted me earlier this week to offer me a holiday ice cream cake. Trust me, I wanted this ice cream cake. I love ice cream cake. And these holiday themed cakes look so unbelieveably good. Usually I don’t take these sorts of give aways but it seemed like the perfect way to thank you all for taking the time to send me these pictures in. So I randomly drew one name of all the people who submitted pictures and Alana Moran is the winner. So Alana – I hope you aren’t lactose intolerant! Or on a vegan diet. Because I have a $31 gift card from Baskin-Robbins to mail you for one of these festive ice cream cakes. You can customize the cakes by choosing your favorite flavor and pick from the Snowman, the Santa or the Elf cake.
Alana – If you don’t want it or won’t use it – do let me know – and I’ll pull another name. And of course, if you do want it, send me your address! Either way, email me at
Happy Holidays everyone! I’ll post a bit more next week and then will take off some time until early January. As always, keep up with the fun on the Wired Momma Facebook page because even when I am not posting, I never really fully unplug and there’s always something to share.
Okay, so when my #2 was 3 years old, we waited in line at the mall for a half hour for Santa to arrive at his throne. We were 3rd in line with a long line behind us when he appeared 3 stories above us. She started going into convulsions immediately and we had to leave. The next year, when she was 4, we went to Breakfast with Santa. We had a good heart-to-heart ahead of time and she promised she wouldn’t cry. We watched kid after kid sit on his lap as we ate our pancakes. We finally got in line and snaked around behind curtains, etc. I got no sense of anxiety at all. Of course when it was our turn, she freaked out again. On the way home, I asked her why. She said, “I didn’t realize he was gonna be so…human”.
LOVE these pictures!! So funny and a great idea!!
I miss christmas time… but I cant wait for summer!