Sorry fans, we’ve received all your fan mail, we blush at how much you love the Gallagher sisters’ Uncensored Guide to the ABCs…and we hope our brief two-week absence from this award-winning series didn’t leave you feeling a little empty inside. Blame moi and not the other three Gallagher sisters – they were diligently working on the Letter D week way back in September.
And as you know from previous weeks…..this is no Disney themed D List. Dads need not apply. Below we have some epic suggestions for what your tyke could bring in this week for the letter D….and special bonus – to compensate for the pain and agony you suffered awaiting the next in this series – we will even offer you a pretty amazing glimpse at well….us….in the past.
Drumroll……this week how about you consider:
Duran Duran
Designer Denim
Dungeons & Dragons
Diana, the People’s Princess

Note: Me and Mr Wired Momma do this at home a lot. Photo of: Jennifer Grey & Patrick Swayze in Dirty Dancing. Unless you thought it was me and Mr WM. In which case, it is.
Dirty Dancing….because no one puts Baby in the corner
Dallas…we are onto some possible Halloween costumes…you know you want to rock some killer Alexis hair
Dynasty (umm…can we make a note to not forget FALCON CREST when it’s the letter F week?)
Def Leppard
So where else can we go from here? Can the D list get any better? Do you need anything else for your child’s preschool back pack than say, a copy of Dirty Dancing or this amazing picture of David Hasselhoff?
You’re welcome.
But wait…there’s more…. let’s not forget the other cultural phenomenon associated with the letter D…..
DINGO….cause as it turns out, we all learned back in July that the dingo did eat the baby

Right? Who remembered that our beloved Meryl Streep starred in this classic...about the mother who claimed the dingo ate her baby
But we can’t end on such a sad note….poor dingo eaten baby….no no……the letter D brings us none other than DORKS..that’s right…the Gallagher sisters also completely UNCENSORED….circa Easter 1985…..the two youngest have the unfair advantage of clear angelic youth on their side while the eldest two are victims of Dorothy Hammel haircuts and questionable fashion choices. I will let you decide which one is moi:
Before we end for the day, however, I feel it my civic duty to share with you my two fav someecards posted on the ever-famous Wired Momma Facebook page this week. If you haven’t liked this page, mon Dieu, I urge you to do so pronto.
Catching up on your posts, I am blinded by your wit and humor and ’80s preppy beauty. Hilarious I could not love you more. Although I hate you just a teensy bit for making me pee a little with laughter and now I need to freshen up….